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(25-05-2022, 01:49 AM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  Hi, Lara.  Congratulation on the official name change.  That is big, IMHO.  You have gorgeous breasts.  You are making the rest of us jealous.  Good luck on you continuing journey. Love BJ!

Thanks. <3 ^_^ I'm waiting to hit one year mark and make a big detailed anniversary post here... I'll try to summarize my experience and findings on HRT and NBE in one go, it might take a while to write it all down.

Day 338

Random soreness and sensitivity keeps on showing up. Coming and going but persisting, some days its deep itch, often in mornings my boobs are sore to touch. 90 F bra keeps on fitting better each day so boobies are definitely growing. I haven't pumped for few days as I've been busy and or tired. 

Then the most awesome news since my name change, I now have professional help. I made friends with someone who's got her HRT from a private doctor who's kinda going rogue and against the system... This doctor happens to be a trans woman herself and well in the know about how bad the system here is. She called me this morning and interviewed me about my HRT, dates, doses, lab results and so on. She booked me a lab referral and prescribed me progesterone. She also said she can prescribe my estrogen if I need it at some point, patches, gel and even injection EV is possible, but I would need to find a way to get it shipped from Turkey. She asked me to get labs done next month and she'll help me interpret the numbers.

And guess what, she did this all for free. Because she wants to help, she asked me to donate to doctors without borders if I can because they need more money than she does. For once a doctor with a heart, a doctor who's not robbing her patients knowing full well that there's many like me who are poor on Finnish standards. She said she has bunch of trans patients and apparently she's looking to have some more even... I could have never thought I would get this lucky. I had heard rumors of some rogue doctor who's doing this privately, but never thought I would find one.

So I'll be upping my progesterone dose to 200mg/day starting now, and next month I'm gonna go get some from the pharmacy, or perhaps just order them online. Oh yea, PG prescribed for two years so I'm not going to run out any time soon.

(21-05-2022, 12:45 AM)Mel87 Wrote:  

(20-05-2022, 01:18 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Hi Mel87. <3

You could add calcium on the side of MSM and D3. This reminds me, I need to get vitamin C supplement going, I likely have a deficit on that. Also you could start the ginseng + caynne + lemon extract on the side, the one that Lotus has written about in her thread. I was on it for about two months and it seemed to be very helpful, I just recently started it again. I was on a forced break as the ingredients are somewhat expensive and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with HRT etc. already.

You've been cycling progesterone? Have you thought about trying a stable dose? I've done 100mg boofed daily for over three months and its been working awesomely. I've been planning on going up to 200mg daily, I tested it a while back and it seemed to work just fine.

Also you should look into massage and pumping on the side, latter has helped me a lot with shape in particular and it also slowly gives permanent growth.

I'm just a little unsure of the dosage of calcium, Lotus's thread is well over 400 pages I don't suppose you know what dosage she is taking as when I use the search my net cuts out at times ^^;.

The reason I cycle progesterone is that it made me quite unwell, I get period like symptoms and I was perpetually in them. Also the appetite it gives me makes me feel very unsettled and dysphoric. Well my clinic knows I'm cycling and it mimics a cis girls amount quite accurately. I once had the #7 post all time on /r/transbreasttimelines (deleted chasers) but at the time I was still tanner stage 3 now I'm a solid 4 on both. Also the spike from progesterone coincides with some wind down I think I get especially at a 200mg dosage allows the receptors to come back down. I also have the opportunity to explore 400mg Cyclogest if I desire and have been thinking about that too.

So for 16 days I have that Progesterone and 14 days I take an extra pill so far my bloods have shown I mimic very well.

I do massages twice a day morning and night and I must say I've never tried pumping before but when I moved from pills to patches I did suffer from let down responses for awhile though it was little it was quite crazy.

Oh and congrats on the name change!

If I've done this correctly there should be an image of me at T3 36DD. I won't do a more up-to-date image just in case there are peeps stalking ^^; but there are both identical nowadays and have filled up more towards to the top but the general idea on my size and shape is there.

My BMI is about the same as yours and I'm almost flat after 4 years of trying every method.


I think my care has been quite good and consistent by my clinic, they have watched my bloods carefully and made adjustments here and there. I would say ensure your bloods reflect a cis girl somewhat but I do know age can be a contributing factor. As can diet if there's not enough food then there's not enough fuel to grow, let alone genetics. But I'm no endocrinologist and can only give little information, I hope you find what works for you Smile


(26-05-2022, 01:50 PM)Mel87 Wrote:  

I think my care has been quite good and consistent by my clinic, they have watched my bloods carefully and made adjustments here and there. I would say ensure your bloods reflect a cis girl somewhat but I do know age can be a contributing factor. As can diet if there's not enough food then there's not enough fuel to grow, let alone genetics. But I'm no endocrinologist and can only give little information, I hope you find what works for you Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

I bet I watch my blood more than you do. I would pay for my tests out of pocket before I was seeing a doctor. I also ordered tests my doctor would not.


Speaking of bloods, I booked labs on June 22nd, that's my year and a day on HRT. Big Grin My doctor asked if I could book labs in a month or so, she said she wrote me a referral for it but I can't find the darn thing, no idea if its automated like they some times are, but unlikely as I'm ordering bloods from a private company. Need to find out where that referral is, I'll get a discount and my doctor gets my results directly.

Testing estradiol and testosterone only this time. Mainly to save money, I could have picked the whole list of things which I would love to do but I can't pay arm and leg for bloods all the time. Kinda wish I could do it more often. This will be seven months from previous check.

About problems growing breasts, I think the "this and this many years and I'm flat" situation is very rare and most likely the cause is underweight, super fast hormone metabolism, natural insensitivity to said hormones, bad HRT treatment or just genetics not being favorable. I can't find any other reasons what could be wrong and I don't know a magic bullet to make it work other than implants or fat graft. Latter seems to give often really amazing results too which are totally natural looking, implants too depending on the profile and size... If nothing else works, I would look into surgical methods to make it happen. I think its better to use what ever methods necessary than be forever unhappy as there are ways to fixing our bodies...

...Methods to which I wish I had access to. But I don't. I'm solely betting on genetic luck, HRT and other body changing alchemy. I wish I could pay for body contouring one day, I would love it. thankfully my face isn't that bad, I don't need that to be fixed as I like it enough. And I would really want to get world class kitty down there. What I will get is not bad either, but not state of the art either. It pisses me off I have to be somehow content with it.

I went to see my cousins band last sunday, it was a fantastic opportunity to get a bit dolled up which I rarely do. I was scared as heck about how will it work out. There were +100 people, of which I knew less than ten, those were my relatives. And guess what, it was 100% stealth pass. The event lasted for few hours, I passed all the way walking, talking, smiling, trying to not be too anxious and it all worked. Nobody clocked me. Even though I'm chubby, tall and big... Even with my mildly masculine features, with my huge shoulders and imperfect voice... I stealth passed. I've never had it work out this well before. Some old guy came to sweet talk me which was kinda cute, he wasn't creepy, but just a gentleman who knows his way with words. He said he has to admire me as its so rare to see such pretty tall lady. Omg I probably blushed like crazy. When old men come sweet talk me, that's a stealth pass because old folks aren't very accepting about anything that looks too queer to them. This experience made me think, do I really need to be cut in pieces and put back together to pass and be accepted? I don't think so... I've had big doubts if I could ever live stealth in public, but it seems I can already. Not even one year on HRT and hundred strangers can't clock me in several hours. That's something.  
Big Grin

Hehe's few pics from the day... I love this dress, its kinda flattering. Also to tummy curves. xD

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(27-05-2022, 10:07 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Speaking of bloods, I booked labs on June 22nd, that's my year and a day on HRT. Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin"> My doctor asked if I could book labs in a month or so, she said she wrote me a referral for it but I can't find the darn thing, no idea if its automated like they some times are, but unlikely as I'm ordering bloods from a private company. Need to find out where that referral is, I'll get a discount and my doctor gets my results directly.

Testing estradiol and testosterone only this time. Mainly to save money, I could have picked the whole list of things which I would love to do but I can't pay arm and leg for bloods all the time. Kinda wish I could do it more often. This will be seven months from previous check.

About problems growing breasts, I think the "this and this many years and I'm flat" situation is very rare and most likely the cause is underweight, super fast hormone metabolism, natural insensitivity to said hormones, bad HRT treatment or just genetics not being favorable. I can't find any other reasons what could be wrong and I don't know a magic bullet to make it work other than implants or fat graft. Latter seems to give often really amazing results too which are totally natural looking, implants too depending on the profile and size... If nothing else works, I would look into surgical methods to make it happen. I think its better to use what ever methods necessary than be forever unhappy as there are ways to fixing our bodies...

...Methods to which I wish I had access to. But I don't. I'm solely betting on genetic luck, HRT and other body changing alchemy. I wish I could pay for body contouring one day, I would love it. thankfully my face isn't that bad, I don't need that to be fixed as I like it enough. And I would really want to get world class kitty down there. What I will get is not bad either, but not state of the art either. It pisses me off I have to be somehow content with it.

I went to see my cousins band last sunday, it was a fantastic opportunity to get a bit dolled up which I rarely do. I was scared as heck about how will it work out. There were +100 people, of which I knew less than ten, those were my relatives. And guess what, it was 100% stealth pass. The event lasted for few hours, I passed all the way walking, talking, smiling, trying to not be too anxious and it all worked. Nobody clocked me. Even though I'm chubby, tall and big... Even with my mildly masculine features, with my huge shoulders and imperfect voice... I stealth passed. I've never had it work out this well before. Some old guy came to sweet talk me which was kinda cute, he wasn't creepy, but just a gentleman who knows his way with words. He said he has to admire me as its so rare to see such pretty tall lady. Omg I probably blushed like crazy. When old men come sweet talk me, that's a stealth pass because old folks aren't very accepting about anything that looks too queer to them. This experience made me think, do I really need to be cut in pieces and put back together to pass and be accepted? I don't think so... I've had big doubts if I could ever live stealth in public, but it seems I can already. Not even one year on HRT and hundred strangers can't clock me in several hours. That's something.  
Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Hehe's few pics from the day... I love this dress, its kinda flattering. Also to tummy curves. xD

Gaining weight caused the fat to goto my stomach and face. Women don't have bellys or fat faces. I'm trying to be feminine while also having breasts. I go up and down 10 pounds I think that is enough for "cycling" anymore and I would get too much fat on my stomach. I do pay for my blood tests because they are very important.


(28-05-2022, 07:28 AM)HandofFate Wrote:  Gaining weight caused the fat to goto my stomach and face. Women don't have bellys or fat faces. I'm trying to be feminine while also having breasts. I go up and down 10 pounds I think that is enough for "cycling" anymore and I would get too much fat on my stomach. I do pay for my blood tests because they are very important.

Excuse me but women come in every shape and size imaginable, have you ever taken a good look at them when you go out? Maybe you have such narrow idea on femininity, but don't project that on me.

Btw, I'm feminine as heck even with belly and fat face. I stealth pass. People treat me as a woman out there. Big Grin

I'll add few thoughts here.... First of all, grabbing on to my weight and size and the frame I have is extremely nasty bully tactic. There's nothing I can do to the fact that I got about twenty five years of testosterone damage to my body before starting transition. That is not my fault, I had no knowledge or means to transition earlier. Secondly, I'm doing my best to fix this damage, I have almost nothing to make it happen with other than HRT and other hormone magic. I can't likely never afford expensive surgeries so food, exercise and HRT is almost all I have. Do not fucking goddamn mock me for the body I have!! I DID NOT choose it!

There's a ton of ways to femininity. Its not some monolith which lands into the ridiculous false idiotic beauty "standards" to which 99,99% of all women can't fit into! Look at cis women out there, look at them! Look how diverse they are. There's everything imaginable. Having some weird narrow beauty standard brainwashing style idea that only way to femininity is some slim super model, that is fucking naive. It is stupid as fuck. Its false, completely, totally false.

Guess what, I'm tall and bulky and big, there's a goddamn good reason I'm also chubby. That makes me curvy. I get those curves to the right places. No man ever has had the body I do because my shape is very feminine. I see women with similar body shape very often, but men.... Nope, guys don't look like I do. But my female cousins do, with the difference that I'm taller and overall bigger than them.

Do not ever mock my validity as a woman! Don't fucking mock my body, I don't have it by choice and I'm doing my best to make it better. I have big body image issues, I suffer from extreme dysphoria and dysmorphia on the side. I have shitty confidence with which I'm doing everything I can to feel happy and confident. I'm doing everything I can to be feminine and pretty. And I'm doing good job on it! I stealth pass to strangers, no one out there stares at me any more, no one reacts weirdly to me. People do not misgender me any more.

Here's the deal, people would treat me like crap if they saw a big ugly masculine ogre in a dress. But they don't, they see a tall pretty woman and treat me accordingly. I don't get nasty stares, I get smiles, I get men checking me out and being nice to me out of the blue... I get complimented for my looks all the time. More than I believe to be even true... I don't think all those people are liars out there to just appease me, those who don't know me wouldn't know to do it. They have zero idea I'm a trans woman.

Beacause I pass, I'm feminine and pretty and I'm good at faking confidence. Don't fucking mock my body, it hurts me.

This is the only time I'll address this. My fuse is shorter than last time and any start of a flame war in my thread will get reported to the admin right away. Have a nice day.

Lets post some happy stuff so there's something worth reading here. Blush 

SO I upped my progesterone dose to 200mg/day because I got it on prescription now. I tested 200mg a while back and I felt quite good on it, bit more mood swings but that is to be expected before my body adjusts. I took the higher dose because I could. And yesterday I found out that as long as I'm unemployed, I'm getting ALL prescription medicine for free, that means its govt paid. It seems that the tax money from my previous job was not wasted as I'm now getting it all back. Free HRT meds! In the land of Bureauslavia of gatekeepers! I wouldn't have thought it would go like this. Its awesome because this will save me whole lot of money for other things. I can afford to get some clothes now. Also my doctor can prescribe me pretty much any other HRT medication too when I need it, its so nice to have something easier for once.

It seems that my latest program is doing wonders. I started caynne & ginseng & lemon tincture again some time ago and its seemingly doing its magic once again. I'm still on BO and Pituitary, not going up on the dose as its working and I'm feeling fine. I'm living by Lotus's idea of slow and steady here... And the wisdom of time being a better multiplier than dose.

So everything's working fine on this regard. I'm several days away from eleven and half months on HRT right now, I took some pictures day before yesterday and I'm adding some to this post. I just for the heck of it updated my one year timeline picture and there was a visible difference again. It seems that the current growth spurt is still going strong and not showing signs of slowing down. Growth is still going outwards which is amazing! My areolas have never been this puffy and big before, I hope this development wont stop any time soon. All projection I can get is a win. F cup bra keeps on fitting nicer each day.

I can't wait to reach one year mark, I have next labs booked on my year and a day.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Day 345

11½ months on HRT today, measurement day. And what do you know, there's new changes again. My breasts grew some more, on very similar pace to the last two months or so. I lost a tiny bit from band and waist, hips stayed the same. (I'm comparing to two weeks ago.) So here's how things look now. I just broke to small G cup, I think there's still  bit of "air" in the way I measure volume, but the results are consistent. My newest bra fits very tightly, tightest band setting is starting to feela  bit uncomfortable. Cups have straightened up so they're almost as full as they go. The material is so giving that it'll fit nicely for quite some time, but I'm afraid I will grow out of this bra quite quickly. Makes me sad, it was expensive and easily the best one I've had so far.

I will attach few pictures. Clothed one I'm wearing the 85/38H/FF bra with some padding, its fitting far nicer now. This one's gonna be very flaunting once I grow some more. All new projection is starting to show even when I'm lying down which is amazing. Smile I love it... Very soon its one year mark and that calls for a long and extensive post about everything that has happened on last 12 months.

Bust              Band                Waist                 Hips:
135cm 53,1" / 100cm 39,3" / 98,5cm 38,7" / 130cm 51,2"
Breast volume: 1604cc 90G/40G/40F

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(01-06-2022, 11:52 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 345

11½ months on HRT today, measurement day. And what do you know, there's new changes again. My breasts grew some more, on very similar pace to the last two months or so. I lost a tiny bit from band and waist, hips stayed the same. (I'm comparing to two weeks ago.) So here's how things look now. I just broke to small G cup, I think there's still  bit of "air" in the way I measure volume, but the results are consistent. My newest bra fits very tightly, tightest band setting is starting to feela  bit uncomfortable. Cups have straightened up so they're almost as full as they go. The material is so giving that it'll fit nicely for quite some time, but I'm afraid I will grow out of this bra quite quickly. Makes me sad, it was expensive and easily the best one I've had so far.

I will attach few pictures. Clothed one I'm wearing the 85/38H/FF bra with some padding, its fitting far nicer now. This one's gonna be very flaunting once I grow some more. All new projection is starting to show even when I'm lying down which is amazing. Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile"> I love it... Very soon its one year mark and that calls for a long and extensive post about everything that has happened on last 12 months.

Bust              Band                Waist                 Hips:
135cm 53,1" / 100cm 39,3" / 98,5cm 38,7" / 130cm 51,2"
Breast volume: 1604cc 90G/40G/40F

Wow!!! Looking good girl!!!


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