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Day 358

There's nothing very interesting to post about, everything's going as normal. Boobs keep on growing. Feels like left one is starting to catch up with right which is great. I made  underboob timeline picture which I haven't done before. This one's interesting, I dug up old picture from September 2020, the pic is taken after pumping session so there's swelling there. At that time I had been few months on herbals, just about to start a more extensive program and very close to the time my breasts budded for the first time... Second picture is recent.

So this is where about a year of noogling, year on herbals and year on HRT can do. Big Grin

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One year on HRT.

So it has come to this day. Time sure does fly. I'm not on the mood of making some extensive recap of the last twelve months... Lot of things have happened and its been craziest year of my life. Whole bunch of good things too. Such as growing SIX!!!! cup sizes in a year! I'm now 50cc's over the G cup limit at 1640cc's, how cool is that! Not in my wildest dreams did I even consider this to be possible.

Coming changes to my program, I'm going to drop pituitary for a while as I want to slim down and it seems to be contributing to easy time gaining weight. And seems to help with boobs also, but I'm taking a break from it. I will add GABA soon to give HGH levels a kick, hopefully to help me get fit, lose weight and help to grow boobies. All other stuff will remain the same for now. Here's a list of what I'll be on starting from next month:

EV injections every 3.5 days. 3.2mg/0.8ml 40mg/ml concentration.
Progesterone 200mg/day boofed in the evening
MSM powder 3 ts in a glass of water before sleep
Vit D3 2x recommended daily dose
Calcium & magnesium 2 pills a day 1600mg and 700mg respectively
Raw Female BO + uterine 2 caps a day
Kelp supplement one pill a day
Caynne+ginseng+lemon tincture twice a day
GABA 1-2 pills a day, yet undecided on the dose

So here's what happened with my breast volume during the last twelve months. Everythinig else is self explanatory, the last +/- numbers are volume change since previous month and a "score" which is based on change of bust measurement, bust minus band and volume. Would take a while to explain how I get that number, the whole point is to get easy idea on how much change happened in which month. Volume alone does not tell this all the time so I had to come up with something.  Bust grew 5,3" volume grew 872cc's, band and waist stayed the same as I've gained weight lately, gained 4,7" on hips. Shoesize went down by around three sizes, my hands much smaller too. Oh and 1cm of height gone since December.
Big Grin

Time on HRT:      Cupsize:     Volume:
Day   0               40 B           (710)  764
month 1             40 C           (850)  937    +173  +3,5
month 2             40 C+        (850)  991     +54   +1,8
month 3             40 D          (1000)1030   +39   +2,3
month 4             40 D+       (1180)1196   +166  +4,7
month 5             40 E          (1180)1324   +128  +2,0
month 6             40 E          (1180)1327   +3     +2,9
month 7             40 E+       (1180)1278    -49     -0,9
month 8             40 E+       (1180)1322    +44    -0,4
month 9             40 F          (1370)1458   +136  +4,0
month 10           40 F          (1370)1468   +10    +1,6
month 11           40 F+        (1370)1575   +107 +2,5
month 12           40 G          (1580)1640   +65    +2,3

Here's some pics, boob pic from today, updated likely final one year timeline picture and a selfie from my first ever Pride event from few days ago. I think my face might have changed a bit too... Big Grin

Anyway, one year done, second starts tomorrow and they say second is better than the first. <3

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great reaults!


Amazing HT happy 1 year, makes you wonder what next year will bring hehe


(21-06-2022, 04:27 PM)Mel87 Wrote:  

Amazing HT happy 1 year, makes you wonder what next year will bring hehe

Hopefully love, happiness and heck of a lot more titties for everybody. Big Grin

Congrats and wishing all the best:)).

Congratulations on the first HRT year! Inspiring as always!

Day 366

Year and a day. ^_^ I'm restarting cypro btw, I've had way more mood swings during the last month and half than before. I suspected my T might be a bit too high and its messing things up. Now second day on cypro again and I feel very stable. This is so stupid, I think I need to rethink the blocker situation, perhaps find something better. I'm starting GABA today and see how it goes and I also dropped pituitary for now.

Cool new thing I hadn't noted before is that there's only small empty space depth wise in my 38 H/FF cup bra. After noogling its magically full and I love it. This bra has such neat adjustments, it can house way more than its intended for and it seems to become more and more flaunting as time goes by. I'll try not to wear it out completely because I love it.

By this pace I'm gonna outgrow the F cup really soon.. Its already spilling from the sides. But this one will work just fine for a long time to come. I'll just loosen the straps and the lace. Wink The material is nicely giving so it'll work out unless my breast grow a lot by width which doesn't seem to be happening. All growth is still going straight outwards.

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I got my new corset and it fits with little help. It has space to slim down six inches which is unlikely to happen, my plan is to get 3-4" down in the long run. The size is perfect, its sturdy and comfy to wear and does amazing things to my shape. I really love it. Oh and guess what, 38 H/FF bra is starting fit ever nicer. I'm sure this bra can take at least one cup size more than the sizing says. I'll try not to wear it out completely. I love how flaunting its becoming.

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Looking Gorgeous, DiDi !!

Your cup(s) overfloweth... hehehe.

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