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Continued Adventures of Jamie-May


So Friday was my 4th injection. That means this week should be my most stable yet~ I'll say a couple weeks ago, about my 2nd injection, was by far the worst week as I had dropped pills and tried to let the enn do its thing, resulting in, I assume, a terribly unstable mood that led to a good bit of dysphoria. Last week I've felt amazing so I can't wait to see if I feel even better as my E levels finally balance out.

Today I also felt especially good because I wore my first ever dress and completely fem outfit! It was so fun putting it on and seeing how I looked. Feeling it sway as I moved. And with my roommates out of the house for work on Saturday I just got to dress as I wanted~ How amazing it was too that I didn't at all hate or even dislike what I saw in the mirror like I was afraid of. Rather I've gained even more hope and confidence.

As a bonus I think I'm filling up my strapless bra that I ordered for this outfit even better. When I had first tried it on a week or two ago it was a tiny bit loose (as expected since I know I'm somewhere between a 32c and a 32d but went with a 34c). Today however was different and it was full. Maybe some new growth~? I have been noticing that my chest at least looks better to me so it's not out of the question.

Anyway, beyond all that, I've started watching some makeup videos and getting help from an online friend of mine. I now have a small collection of makeup either here or coming soon. I can't wait to start experimenting and seeing how much it will help me.

And lastly, for the physical exercise and fitness side of things, I believe my legs may be getting stronger. My balance is still pretty poor but with all my butt, leg, and core exercise I've been doing it really feels like I'm starting to make some gains. This is big news since my legs have always been beyond help, so far as I know and was told. This has led to some theories about genetics and neurological gateways and effects of T and E it has on the body and mind. I'll possibly talk more on this later! For now have a pic of me feeling cute in my new dress ^_^

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Its amazing isn't it having your own first ever dress I bet it was a ton of fun putting it on I actually think it looks gorgeous I'd love one myself :3 I'm so happy you found more confidence with your appearance as its easy to be quite hard on ourselves and I'm definitely guiltily of that.

Always filling out a Bra just feels right Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Makeup is hard at least for me with Agnosia so my own appearance is sorta messed up but I can do it somewhat but need more practice!

The exercises you shared me before are utterly amazing its been a struggle building up but I'm getting there and this week I push really really hard as we are both very similar hehe.

PS: Where did you get that dress  Blush" alt="Blush" title="Blush">


Well it's been just a bit over 6 injections now~ My blood tests came back in the other day, and the news is overall good, though the levels are a tad lower for E2 than I thought. These are how the levels look.

Testosterone - 15 ng/dL
Estradiol - 281 pg/mL
FSH - <0.7 mIU/mL

In all things the injection has provided better levels. My goal however is to have my trough be around 300+ so with it being only 281 my next course of action is to increase my dosage. My current is 6.4mg of EEN once every 7 days. I believe I want to try increasing that to 8mg and see how I feel, as I'm incredibly curious to see how levels higher than when I was on sublingual prior affect me. My only concern is if my T will drop much lower. I feel like keeping it around 10-20 is probably a good zone so I don't really want to go below that.

Either way injections save me tons of money. So much so that I'm very very happy this turned out working for me, especially considering I only have to do the injection once a week as opposed to a pill every 6 hours under my tongue. I'll likely get another test in 2 or 3 months to see how things are going, but my mind is now at ease knowing that things seem to be at least the same as before and can only possibly get better.

Other than that I've completed my 21 day workout challenge I was on and have since moved to another. My butt/hips seemed to have gain half an inch in that time as well as a loss of around 3 pounds and an inch of waist size putting me down to a 29 waist. A great bit of progress for only 21 days when paired with my regular diet. This has nothing to really do with fitness and diet but I think my feet may be shrinking a little again too >.< I've already lost 2 sizes so it's crazy to think I may lose more, but my new shoes are already feeling just a bit less snug now-a-days.

Nothing else really to report or share yet. I hope with an increased dose of estradiol and a bit of a change in additional supplements I'll see some more feminization and breast growth results. Oh, though if anyone here is interested in joining the voice discord, do let me know. Anyone who is wanting to learn or help teach vocal feminization is welcome so long as you follow the little bit of rules I have posted there. Until next time!

Almost at the end of the first week on 8mg EEN. It's went well so I'll keep at it for another week. I'll sometimes have a bit of sensitivity still in my chest/nipple area and some minor soreness but I don't believe I've grown any in my bust. Today I was officially in the 145 pound range weight wise however~ A first. Just 5 more pounds to go, but oh how slow it's been.

I had a great day a few days ago. A roommate of mine, one who had until that point shut down comments from my other roommate about me appearing more feminine, called me strikingly feminine out of the blue! I don't know him to randomly say stuff like that and he's usually rather brash and blunt so him saying that he saw a girl, even if it may have just been in the moment I'm not sure, instead of the old me, had me incredibly euphoric. If I wasn't so reserved around them I'd of exploded into excitement. Instead I just laughed all silly and thanked him for making my day.

I also got in a few new pieces of clothes. I've included some pics of one of the new crop top I got! Still some belly flab but I think it's getting better... I think the top and color is super cute! Though since I just had a laser session a day before getting these in the mail I didn't wear it around my roommates since I don't shave for about 2-3 days after laser to be on the safe side as much as it makes me feel gross. I also keep getting compliments on my voice more and more >.< I assume I must finally be nearing the finish line after the year+ of work I put into it, but to me I always feel a need to be better.

I've lately tried adding 100mg pg orally a day on top of the usual 100mg suppository. I still need to figure out if I want to cycle like some do but I haven't decided yet. I think I'll give it a shot but I really need to get a schedule down for it. I've also upped my GABA dose to 1500mg a day. I hope I'll be able to start making gains again and not be forced to rely wholly on fat redistribution...

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Great progress Jamie-May. There's actually a huge benefit to splitting oral/suppository progesterone and it has to do with how the body utilizes ketones through the liver as energy. I'm posted information about before but it's worth repeating, lol I doubt you'd read about it anywhere else. You look gorgeous ?

(01-07-2022, 01:43 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Great progress Jamie-May. There's actually a huge benefit to splitting oral/suppository progesterone and it has to do with how the body utilizes ketones through the liver as energy. I'm posted information about before but it's worth repeating, lol I doubt you'd read about it anywhere else. You look gorgeous ?

Thanks Lotus~ And yeah I heard it from someone who heard it from you. ^_^ I actually had done it a couple times in the past since I only have 100mg PG pills but never did it consistently. Now I'm going to try it out for at least a month and see how I feel. I may start a cycle after that month if it feels like too much, but for now I wanna see what all it can do for me.

(30-06-2022, 11:59 PM)Jamie-May Wrote:  Almost at the end of the first week on 8mg EEN. It's went well so I'll keep at it for another week. I'll sometimes have a bit of sensitivity still in my chest/nipple area and some minor soreness but I don't believe I've grown any in my bust. Today I was officially in the 145 pound range weight wise however~ A first. Just 5 more pounds to go, but oh how slow it's been.

I had a great day a few days ago. A roommate of mine, one who had until that point shut down comments from my other roommate about me appearing more feminine, called me strikingly feminine out of the blue! I don't know him to randomly say stuff like that and he's usually rather brash and blunt so him saying that he saw a girl, even if it may have just been in the moment I'm not sure, instead of the old me, had me incredibly euphoric. If I wasn't so reserved around them I'd of exploded into excitement. Instead I just laughed all silly and thanked him for making my day.

I also got in a few new pieces of clothes. I've included some pics of one of the new crop top I got! Still some belly flab but I think it's getting better... I think the top and color is super cute! Though since I just had a laser session a day before getting these in the mail I didn't wear it around my roommates since I don't shave for about 2-3 days after laser to be on the safe side as much as it makes me feel gross. I also keep getting compliments on my voice more and more >.< I assume I must finally be nearing the finish line after the year+ of work I put into it, but to me I always feel a need to be better.

I've lately tried adding 100mg pg orally a day on top of the usual 100mg suppository. I still need to figure out if I want to cycle like some do but I haven't decided yet. I think I'll give it a shot but I really need to get a schedule down for it. I've also upped my GABA dose to 1500mg a day. I hope I'll be able to start making gains again and not be forced to rely wholly on fat redistribution...
Wow, Sis !   You are looking Super !

Congrats XO

(30-06-2022, 11:59 PM)Jamie-May Wrote:  Almost at the end of the first week on 8mg EEN. It's went well so I'll keep at it for another week. I'll sometimes have a bit of sensitivity still in my chest/nipple area and some minor soreness but I don't believe I've grown any in my bust. Today I was officially in the 145 pound range weight wise however~ A first. Just 5 more pounds to go, but oh how slow it's been.

I had a great day a few days ago. A roommate of mine, one who had until that point shut down comments from my other roommate about me appearing more feminine, called me strikingly feminine out of the blue! I don't know him to randomly say stuff like that and he's usually rather brash and blunt so him saying that he saw a girl, even if it may have just been in the moment I'm not sure, instead of the old me, had me incredibly euphoric. If I wasn't so reserved around them I'd of exploded into excitement. Instead I just laughed all silly and thanked him for making my day.

I also got in a few new pieces of clothes. I've included some pics of one of the new crop top I got! Still some belly flab but I think it's getting better... I think the top and color is super cute! Though since I just had a laser session a day before getting these in the mail I didn't wear it around my roommates since I don't shave for about 2-3 days after laser to be on the safe side as much as it makes me feel gross. I also keep getting compliments on my voice more and more >.< I assume I must finally be nearing the finish line after the year+ of work I put into it, but to me I always feel a need to be better.

I've lately tried adding 100mg pg orally a day on top of the usual 100mg suppository. I still need to figure out if I want to cycle like some do but I haven't decided yet. I think I'll give it a shot but I really need to get a schedule down for it. I've also upped my GABA dose to 1500mg a day. I hope I'll be able to start making gains again and not be forced to rely wholly on fat redistribution...
WOW, looking super cute there, keep up the great work

Aww, I appreciate it, you two <3

Not a huge update this week. I got a little bit dysphoric a couple days ago, missed a couple workout days, but I'm back on track again. I don't let myself stay down~! Somehow I managed to lose another inch on my waist bringing me down to 28 inches which is just amazing. My goal is to hit a 26 inch waist if I can. I think that would be so perfect for me. If I can pull my lower ribs in too that'd be a huge bonus, so looks like I need to get on that hardcore waist training routine.

I don't think I've gained any bust size still but I haven't checked in a while. I'll do that next time. I'm not sure but they look a little bigger to me, but I've not really had any soreness much, only mild tingling from time to time. The 100mg PG oral and sup has been doing fine so far. Not been on it long enough to know if it's helping yet but nothing negative to report.

For now I leave you with a few pics of me in my new cardigan~

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Hi again everyone~ I've still been making progress, even if it's felt slow. The split form of taking PG seems to be going well so far, but we'll see if that continues. I'll say that I think I'm getting more feminization ever since injections, and especially since upping my dose of EEN to 8mg a week. I should in theory be around the 300-400pg/ml ranges on this dose which seems to be good for me thus far, but I don't know for sure since I checked my last dose of 6.4mg and it was at 281pg/ml, so until another blood test I can only guess. The split PG administration also could be having a part in my perceived feminization as well, but I've only been on that, and thus 200mg instead of 100mg, for around 3 weeks now.

Though I seem to be chugging along again, still losing weight and down to 144, not hating what I see in the mirror as much, I went and decided to pick up a Noogle too. Finally, right? Lots of people always suggested it so I went and bit the bullet. Let's hope it works for me~ I'd so love to get even just an extra cup. With my frame I feel just one or two more cups would look like absolute perfection on me. I won't look kinda shapeless under baggy clothes at that size either I think, pushing me from my current 32D-34C range into the 34D or DD range. So Noogle with my new way of taking PG, I'm holding onto the dreams of a bigger busted future. I don't need to be huge, I just wanna look undeniably female even under my old boy clothes if possible >.<

Also here's a pic of me in my new casual dress I got on sale recently~ Not best lighting, but I figured I'd show it anyway.

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