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Well done lara, keep pushing yourself into that happy and smoke free space, well pleased for you and your growth Smile

I remember when I stopped smoking, it was the first 2 to 3 weeks that's was bad. I had to avoid places and some friends for a short while just to break the cycle. I didn't tell anyone that I was stopping just got on with it. Seem if you tell people they keep talking about it and asking how you doing. When people are not talking about it you tend to forget about it more. Most of my friend that use to smoke all vape now not sure how safe that is as I always get a smell of strawberries or sweet smell when they are about, much better than nicotine I suppose. Ten years later and it was the best thing I did for health and cost and not to mention the bad smell that comes with them.

If you need any help I am only a message away.

(19-07-2022, 08:59 AM)northeddy Wrote:  I remember when I stopped smoking, it was the first 2 to 3 weeks that's was bad. I had to avoid places and some friends for a short while just to break the cycle. I didn't tell anyone that I was stopping just got on with it. Seem if you tell people they keep talking about it and asking how you doing. When people are not talking about it you tend to forget about it more. Most of my friend that use to smoke all vape now not sure how safe that is as I always get a smell of strawberries or sweet smell when they are about, much better than nicotine I suppose. Ten years later and it was the best thing I did for health and cost and not to mention the bad smell that comes with them.

If you need any help I am only a message away.

Yea and smokers are horrible about pushing it on anyone who's trying to quit or has quit... Never tell them "i have quit", just say "I don't smoke". I've been pushed about it like hell when I was younger. I've had two breaks before now which lasted for months until I gave in on people pushing this shit on me. Vaping isn't even close as bad, that vapor doesn't have the gazillion poisons tobacco smoke does, depends on what's being vaped of course. Afaik nicotine isn't even the worst of it. I think carbon monoxide is likely worse. For me it takes energy away, makes me sleepy, pushes my hemoglobin through the roof and I have naturally thick blood and tendency to get heart problems. (My father has all of this and he smokes like a chimney.)

Its sixth day without any, I just went to hangout with my gf while she had a smoke and I made it, I didn't ask her to give me any. If I can manage that, then I can manage anything. Hitting one week tomorrow, that's in the past been the critical mark for me, get over it and more weeks without are like a walk in a park.

Day 395

Its been thirteen months today and I have amazing things to post about! Yes, my hunch was correct, I'm experiencing the fastest growth spurt I have had since starting HRT. All that itch, soreness and ache is all growth pains. The latest changes with my program appear to be very effective. Also, today I have been a week without smoking! Not even substituting, I quit, its done, finito, over. It seems that cutting down the numbers for three months helped a lot because I've got very little physical withdrawal. I think most of that was done with already when I cut down to 1-3 per day so quitting wasn't too hard. But I know from experience that during first weeks, there's a big danger of relapse, so I have to really push myself now with self discipline. After about a month or so, occasional smoke will not ruin it.... Its interesting how it works, smoking just one too soon will make the craving show up with vengeance but after long enough time, it does nothing. But this is it, I'm really done with smoking for life. I think twenty four years was totally enough for me. Also it feels like my body changes have gone faster now which makes sense.

Ok, so now to the more interesting stuff, boobs! My bust measurement grew a tiny bit to 53,6". I lost a bit of band length which now is about 38,4". My waist got a tiny bit slimmer and hips didn't change at all, I'm talking differences to fifteen days ago as I measure twice a month. Breast volume took a huge jump like of which I haven't seen since starting HRT and starting on injections. This is so much I presume there must be natural fluctuation going on... But no swelling from pump. So breast volume as in today is 1793cc's. Don't ask exactly how this happens, I only work here. 

The changes I have done lately:
- I did fifteen day test on 400mg/daily progesterone, half boofed and half orally. That test concluded yesterday and now I'm back on 200mg/daily. I may do this same cycle again on month 14.
- Quitting smokes!!!! This is a big deal! When I curbed smoking, I got a big growth spurt, now that I quit, last days have felt crazy with soreness and swollen boobs. If you smoke and want titties, QUIT, QUIT NOW!
- GABA. I've been on it for about twenty days, 750mg/day. This seems to do what it says, I feel more energetic, I'm slowly slimming down and it seems to be helping with boobies like it should, also discolouration etc. from pumping appears to heal faster.
- About twenty days on Cypro at 25mg/day. I decided to totally kill my T for good and do a while on larger dose, I would not exceed this and will soon go back to 12.5mg/day, I just wanted to be absolutely sure my T is gone. This I think is a very big deal because any extra free T roaming around slows down everything.
- Pumping 70 hours during 13th month. I did it, totally broke records and I did long noogling sessions, moderate pressure, water as a medium. I wanted to see if more hours on this makes faster/better results, this experiment is ongoing and seems very promising.

Conclusions from thirteenth month, absolute and total testosterone suppression is vital if your aim is to maximize breast development. This of course is mainly for trans women as guys most likely want to keep their downstairs plumbing functional. Pushing in the hours with pumping is the key to success with it, when people talk about 200 hours until visible results show up, I think the idea is correct, pumping does take its time to be visibly effective. But I suggest to not overdo it! Get used to longer or more sessions and just be patient, over pumping can and will cause tissue damage, you do not want that! Take my word on this, I have overdone it in the past and pushing the edge right now. Anything that naturally boosts your HGH levels is beneficial to breast development. This means MSM and GABA for example. I take former before sleep and latter in the morning and this seems to be very good compbination. I think this kind of natural, moderate HGH boost can also be good for over all health, especially to anyone 30+ yo.

My program as it is now:
EV injection 3.2mg/0,08ml (40mg/ml) every 3.5 days, Wed evening, Sun morning. Deep subcutaneous to upper outer buttock, alternate sides each time.

Cyproterone acetate(Androcur) 25mg
GABA 750mg
Raw Female (BO+uterine) one capsule
Kelp 125mg(?) one pill
Cayenne + ginseng + lemon tincture. Twenty drops each in a glass of water
Vitamin D3 one pill (200% daily recommendation)
Calcium & Magnesium 400mg/175mg

Raw Female (BO+uterine) one capsule
Boron 3mg
Cayenne + ginseng + lemon tincture. Twenty drops each in a glass of water
MSM 3 tea spoons in a glass of water (I might go on a bit lower dose as this is quite a lot.)
Vitamin D3 one pill (200% daily recommendation)
Progesterone 200mg boofed

Nude boob pics don't show much visible difference to the previous ones, but take a good look at these. My 38 H/FF bra has never before been this full stuffed without padding. Its amazing how good fit it has become is a very short time. When I was at the summerhouse, I presumed four days break from pumping would make a lot disappear, but nope, I lost almost nothing, the swelling wasn't that big of a difference. I have experienced a growth spurt like this only twice before, I'm talking about 100cc difference in a short time, it happened when I started HRT and when I switched from pills to injections.... And apparently for the third time right now.

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(21-07-2022, 08:06 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Conclusions from thirteenth month, absolute and total testosterone suppression is vital if your aim is to maximize breast development. This of course is mainly for trans women as guys most likely want to keep their downstairs plumbing functional.

Hi Lara,

I see you have a very positive outlook and it's lovely. I'm very happy to read that you could recognize this difference we have despite the fight we had recently. Trans women come with different perspectives about themselves. You work very hard to achieve your goals and it pays off. You are a very beautiful woman.

Cheers  Wink

Day 399

Exercise, less carbs/healthier diet, exercise, higher HGH levels and the magic titty tincture are doing their job. My waist has slimmed down. I asked my gf to measure the difference with corset on, tightest spot when I first fit into this was sixteen centimeters, now its down to twelve. Tape has also shown a change but this is very nice. Makes my boobs and butt look so much bigger already.

What I'm trying to achieve now is to slim down from my waist, maintain hips and butt and grow as much boobs as possible. I will likely do another gaining cycle next winter, but will keep on going at this as long as I can go hiking with ease. Its working so nicely. My plans about body contouring went totally tits up again. I have to rethink the way I will finance it, so plan B and C now I guess... Not knowing when and how to deal with it sucks big time, I know I have to as it would fix nearly all my body dysphoria in one go, but its so expensive. Not even over the top, "only" 6000 - 7000€ which isn't that much for a major cosmetic procedure. But being unable to save up or to look for a job for now makes this a big problem. What the hell am I going to do unless some kind soul helps me out? I don't have much options... But this problem isn't for today, rather later down the road.

I'll be soon upgrading my bra size btw, I ordered the same bra I have in 38 I/G cup. I haven't had a goal bra for a while so its gonna be fun to see how much I need to grow to fit into it. Wink

Here's few pics with the corset on. I really like the recent change, I hope this progress will keep on going.

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omg! what a lovely figure xxx

Thank you Charlotte. <3 Corset does some amazing things doesn't it?

Day 403

Ok, so I'm doing an early update. I wasn't planning to yet but I really want to show this. After a recent heartbreak, which I guess I should have known to predict by now knowing my luck, I decided to treat myself and buy the bra I had been planning to get for a while. I've been so hurt and crying so much I think I deserved something nice for a change. So I bought the Pour Moi Scandalous bra as 38I / 38G / 85J. So one cup larger than the previous one I have.

First time I go for the same bra in bigger size and I wasn't disappointed. My calculations are correct. Last time My breast volume measured at about 1790cc's. Range for this bra starts at 1810cc's and in my experience good fit starts around when I fit halfway into the said range. This has held true all the way since I wore DD's and keeps on working like a charm. This bigger cup is far nicer, underwire sits in much more comfy way and the only place where I'm missing some is depth, there's not much room to cover, I would say once I grow another 50cc's, I'll be filling these and from there they will only get more and more comfy. The H cup is right now absolutely spot on. I read reviews for this bra btw, I found the same things said I've felt myself, fits nicely, good support despite having very giving materials, having the lace in the middle gives another angle of adjustment which is awesome and the sizes are generous. (Cups are deep!) Also these bras can be adjusted to house much bigger breasts than the size says, outside of underwire being too narrow possibly. Depending on breast shape, this can turn into something super flaunting and yet comfy once its kinda over filled. I'm very happy with this, definitely worth it. Oh and the price had went down to only 32€.By this pace it appears I will be updating my bra size below the avatar pretty soon. Wink

On other news, I managed to somehow break some skin around my cleavage area with the Noogle dome. So I got to take few days off of pumping to let my poor titties heal a bit. I've done already 34 hours during 14th month so I'm halfway done with my goal. I will likely surpass that goal too. So far putting more hours into pumping appears to be very promising. I've done 3-5 hours daily, but apparently its been a bit too much as otherwise I wouldn't have the problem of broken skin. There's also tiny bit of discolouration, but far less than I used to get with less pumping, go figure.

Otherwise my program is unchanged, I'm still doing the higher dose of cypro for another two weeks. GABA on same dosage, I started Pituitary again at one capsule per day. I thought that with my current eating habits and exercise, glandulars will likely not cause me to get any weight gain, I'll be watching this as I want to slim down some more. Slow and steady and it appears to be working. Oh and I will soon do another fifteen day cycle of doubled progesterone. Last month it seemed to give very good results so I want to try it again as I still have extra PG lying around.

Enjoy new bra pics. <3

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Looking Fabulous!
I can only hope to achieve the results you are having.


(29-07-2022, 08:33 PM)Johanez Wrote:  Looking Fabulous!
I can only hope to achieve the results you are having.


Thanks Jo. <3 ^_^ 

Boobie fairy has been busy lately. Perhaps you'll get lucky too.

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