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Day 408

hitting thirteen and half months on HRT in two days. I would say that I might have very interesting measurements coming up. At least my clothes keep telling me that my boobs are growing on a fast pace right now. 

Some observations about body changes lately, it appears that I'm in another phase of shedding skin like crazy which is awesome. Everything is becoming very smooth but also too delicate for comfort. I break my skin by just anything now, shaving is a horrible pain to deal with and I get irritation from all kinds of things so easy. My skin has always been sensitive but this is another level. Other interesting thing from last week or so is a lot more pain in lower back, hips and butt. It seems my pelvic tilt change hasn't been quite done yet. Not really surprisingly. But the surprising thing is that somehow I'm starting to form a thigh gap. I have lost a bit of weight during the last few months, but nothing dramatic so this change is odd one. I just noticed there's far less thighs squishing together while walking. Some close friends have noted that my face looks different. Over all fast changes. I'm not surprised considering the changes in my program I've done lately. But what is now doing its magic is quitting smoking. I have been without for twenty days today and I'm convinced tobacco does indeed hinder body changes somehow. Also I have very high oxygen level for quite some time, afaik that will last for months after quitting.

Neat thing about breast growth, my areolas have gotten quite big, they're now 2,95" or 7,5cm wide which is easily wider than average. Its a chance I really adore and wish for more. I have always liked how wide areolas look like, even if they're not "proportionate", I just find it extremely pretty. I'm doing another run on Royal Jelly soon which will last about three months, hoping to get them grow past 3" width.

What do you lovelies think, should I update my bra size below my avatar? I mean 38 FF/H is getting very tight and very flaunting while 38 I/G is becoming perfect. I'll add a picture to demonstrate. A silly one at that. Excuse the derp face, boobs are the focal point. Big Grin

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Amazing as always HT keep the broken and sore skin outside of direct sunlight, with your heightened skin sensitivity you might want to wear SPF15 at the minimum. Keep up the amazing progress, truly an inspiring teacher ^-^

(03-08-2022, 10:42 AM)Mel87 Wrote:  Amazing as always HT keep the broken and sore skin outside of direct sunlight, with your heightened skin sensitivity you might want to wear SPF15 at the minimum. Keep up the amazing progress, truly an inspiring teacher ^-^

Thanks sweetie. <3

I can't really hide my face can I? Facemasks are so passe I'm totally done with those goddamn muzzles. But the really irritated spot is below my boobs. Of course its right where noogle dome edge will sit and also the underwire of a bra. I should take few days without pumping and without a bra, then cream and lot of air I guess would do it. I think I might start getting a lot of these problems as I'm forming a permanent fold below my boobs now. They're still perky, but gravity will do its job no matter what. if this comes a big problem, then I'm not sure how to deal with it other than just no pumping and no bras until its all healed again. Its not fun, what bad did I do to get this kind of super delicate skin?

Progress just keeps on coming in. It appears its not slowing down... I'm gonna race myself to the year two goals by this pace. Wink

(03-08-2022, 08:55 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 408

hitting thirteen and half months on HRT in two days. I would say that I might have very interesting measurements coming up. At least my clothes keep telling me that my boobs are growing on a fast pace right now. 

Some observations about body changes lately, it appears that I'm in another phase of shedding skin like crazy which is awesome. Everything is becoming very smooth but also too delicate for comfort. I break my skin by just anything now, shaving is a horrible pain to deal with and I get irritation from all kinds of things so easy. My skin has always been sensitive but this is another level. Other interesting thing from last week or so is a lot more pain in lower back, hips and butt. It seems my pelvic tilt change hasn't been quite done yet. Not really surprisingly. But the surprising thing is that somehow I'm starting to form a thigh gap. I have lost a bit of weight during the last few months, but nothing dramatic so this change is odd one. I just noticed there's far less thighs squishing together while walking. Some close friends have noted that my face looks different. Over all fast changes. I'm not surprised considering the changes in my program I've done lately. But what is now doing its magic is quitting smoking. I have been without for twenty days today and I'm convinced tobacco does indeed hinder body changes somehow. Also I have very high oxygen level for quite some time, afaik that will last for months after quitting.

Neat thing about breast growth, my areolas have gotten quite big, they're now 2,95" or 7,5cm wide which is easily wider than average. Its a chance I really adore and wish for more. I have always liked how wide areolas look like, even if they're not "proportionate", I just find it extremely pretty. I'm doing another run on Royal Jelly soon which will last about three months, hoping to get them grow past 3" width.

What do you lovelies think, should I update my bra size below my avatar? I mean 38 FF/H is getting very tight and very flaunting while 38 I/G is becoming perfect. I'll add a picture to demonstrate. A silly one at that. Excuse the derp face, boobs are the focal point. Big Grin
This is fantastic news! (apart from the extreme skin sensitivity)
I love how you always mention small changes coming from HRT rather  than to just stagnate about boobs, after all HRT is not only for that.
The skin thing might be annoying to deal with tbh, never faced such  an issue myself so i can't really give any advice unfortunately, maybe i'd just  say to use more hydrating and protecting cream. As  far as i know girls have to keep a lot more attention to their skins than guys, their precious  and beautiful skin comes with the  downside of being more fragile  i guess.
If i recall correctly HRT has a vast variety of effects and most of them only show after a couple years of treatment... so there  is a lot more coming for you Lara!
The pelving tilt is still a mindblowing concept for me, hard to imagine that estrogen can change so much to  the point of changing  your posture, impressive! Wait, does it mean with pelvic tilt you also lose some height?
Face changes are great, hope you get the best out of them, together with the areolas matter you mentioned which i completely agree on.  I know they might look  a bit weird on some boobs (especially if they cover up most of the surface) but i can't stop imagining how sensitive and pleasant they must feel on them.

And finally yes, your breasts are getting huuge. Quite envy! Wish i had your big bust myself  Blush You are clearly blossoming with HRT, rooting for you and looking  forward your next updates. I feel knocked out by your bust in the  photo XD

P.S.:  Congrats for quitting smoke! you got this,  you will only feel better as you keep going

(03-08-2022, 02:51 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  This is fantastic news! (apart from the extreme skin sensitivity)
I love how you always mention small changes coming from HRT rather  than to just stagnate about boobs, after all HRT is not only for that.
The skin thing might be annoying to deal with tbh, never faced such  an issue myself so i can't really give any advice unfortunately, maybe i'd just  say to use more hydrating and protecting cream. As  far as i know girls have to keep a lot more attention to their skins than guys, their precious  and beautiful skin comes with the  downside of being more fragile  i guess.
If i recall correctly HRT has a vast variety of effects and most of them only show after a couple years of treatment... so there  is a lot more coming for you Lara!
The pelving tilt is still a mindblowing concept for me, hard to imagine that estrogen can change so much to  the point of changing  your posture, impressive! Wait, does it mean with pelvic tilt you also lose some height?
Face changes are great, hope you get the best out of them, together with the areolas matter you mentioned which i completely agree on.  I know they might look  a bit weird on some boobs (especially if they cover up most of the surface) but i can't stop imagining how sensitive and pleasant they must feel on them.

And finally yes, your breasts are getting huuge. Quite envy! Wish i had your big bust myself  Blush You are clearly blossoming with HRT, rooting for you and looking  forward your next updates. I feel knocked out by your bust in the  photo XD

P.S.:  Congrats for quitting smoke! you got this,  you will only feel better as you keep going

Hi Alexis <3 I hopw you're doing well. (I've lurked your thread.)

Oh yes, I want to have this thread as a sort of transition diary on the side of breast growth stuff and totally going to report all changes as its nothing short of amazing what HRT can do. Especially when its supplemented by the assorted boobie sorcery. I think a lot of the NBE stuff works in unison with HRT in general for much more than just boobs.

Super delicate skin is pain to deal with, quite literally. Seems like no care is enough to keep everything good at all times, there's always something. Having irritation and rash below breasts is so far one of the worst things. I'm going to luckily have few days off pumping as I'm going to our summerhouse. So less stress for the skin, lot of cream, free boobin' and sauna will likely heal it very quickly.

Pelvic tilt is totally amazing change! What is so surprising, how am I forming a thigh cap without losing a lot of weight? Today I took a long walk and paid attention and I'm really starting to make a gap down there and my legs are in different angle. My feet are pointing straight ahead instead of bit on the sides like they used to. And yes, this change also makes some of the lost height show up. Other is soft tissue changes in the spine and so on.

Oh yea, I was so sad about areolas not growing until they did just that. Big Grin I hope they get wider than 3" soon. Seems very likely if the current development keep on going. Thanks. <3 Its been a long way to this point and yet not so long... Bit over thirteen months and growing into 38G/85J is quite something. Added a fresh picture here, I wore this shirt on my walk. I think I'm hitting the point of busty lady look despite my big frame which is absolutely a goal reached. Hey come chat on Discord some time? <3

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(03-08-2022, 05:08 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Hi Alexis <3 I hopw you're doing well. (I've lurked your thread.)

Oh yes, I want to have this thread as a sort of transition diary on the side of breast growth stuff and totally going to report all changes as its nothing short of amazing what HRT can do. Especially when its supplemented by the assorted boobie sorcery. I think a lot of the NBE stuff works in unison with HRT in general for much more than just boobs.

Super delicate skin is pain to deal with, quite literally. Seems like no care is enough to keep everything good at all times, there's always something. Having irritation and rash below breasts is so far one of the worst things. I'm going to luckily have few days off pumping as I'm going to our summerhouse. So less stress for the skin, lot of cream, free boobin' and sauna will likely heal it very quickly.

Pelvic tilt is totally amazing change! What is so surprising, how am I forming a thigh cap without losing a lot of weight? Today I took a long walk and paid attention and I'm really starting to make a gap down there and my legs are in different angle. My feet are pointing straight ahead instead of bit on the sides like they used to. And yes, this change also makes some of the lost height show up. Other is soft tissue changes in the spine and so on.

Oh yea, I was so sad about areolas not growing until they did just that. Big Grin I hope they get wider than 3" soon. Seems very likely if the current development keep on going. Thanks. <3 Its been a long way to this point and yet not so long... Bit over thirteen months and growing into 38G/85J is quite something. Added a fresh picture here, I wore this shirt on my walk. I think I'm hitting the point of busty lady look despite my big frame which is absolutely a goal reached. Hey come chat on Discord some time? <3
Fantastic, i'm pretty sure your diary is giving hope to many people out there, especially inner girls who have not yet the courage to start their journey. Always giving details of the smallest changes being it good or bad, both physical and mental. Also you kind of pioneered many of the programs and lessons given us to Lotus, so we always grateful for that. Also you have shown everyone that turning into a lovely lady is more than possible.

I can imagine the skin rash and irritation as an overweight/slightly obese person, summer is hell with all that sweat. But on the boobs... well, that might be harder since you cannot remove the breasts and breath down there or stopping gravity from doing its work. Plus, i guess that wearing a bra despite being very exciting and supporting does also have some downsides like the temperatures increasing with the fabric.

Wow from how you described it, plevic tilt sounds very awesome! Tbf i wouldn't  mind being a couple inches shorter, and hearing about the thighs gap was a welcomed surprise. I always get irritation from sweaty thighs and it is both uncomfortable and painful to deal  with as i cannot walk much for a couple of days afterwards. Feet rotating is curious, but i guess it is just a consequence of the tilt. Oh btw, are they shortening too? I mean  the feet.

3 inches areolas sound massive! But if there's someone  here who can reach that point that is you Lara  Tongue 
Proud of you for developing big breasts despite  the disadvantage of the big rib cage. Quite an accomplisment.
Love the picture, i think that  cute shirt suits you perfectly  Smile 

P.S.: Oh emh yeah, i should totally log on Discord. I always think about it but in the end i never get inside, i have quite some free time this month so i'll be down for some chats. Thank you for reminding me

(03-08-2022, 10:51 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  Fantastic, i'm pretty sure your diary is giving hope to many people out there, especially inner girls who have not yet the courage to start their journey. Always giving details of the smallest changes being it good or bad, both physical and mental. Also you kind of pioneered many of the programs and lessons given us to Lotus, so we always grateful for that. Also you have shown everyone that turning into a lovely lady is more than possible

I can imagine the skin rash and irritation as an overweight/slightly obese person, summer is hell with all that sweat. But on the boobs... well, that might be harder since you cannot remove the breasts and breath down there or stopping gravity from doing its work. Plus, i guess that wearing a bra despite being very exciting and supporting does also have some downsides like the temperatures increasing with the fabric.

Wow from how you described it, plevic tilt sounds very awesome! Tbf i wouldn't  mind being a couple inches shorter, and hearing about the thighs gap was a welcomed surprise. I always get irritation from sweaty thighs and it is both uncomfortable and painful to deal  with as i cannot walk much for a couple of days afterwards. Feet rotating is curious, but i guess it is just a consequence of the tilt. Oh btw, are they shortening too? I mean  the feet.

3 inches areolas sound massive! But if there's someone  here who can reach that point that is you Lara  Tongue 
Proud of you for developing big breasts despite  the disadvantage of the big rib cage. Quite an accomplisment.
Love the picture, i think that  cute shirt suits you perfectly  Smile 

P.S.: Oh emh yeah, i should totally log on Discord. I always think about it but in the end i never get inside, i have quite some free time this month so i'll be down for some chats. Thank you for reminding me

Oh I sure hope it is. That's what I do, I take all the awesome stuff Lotus and other find out, throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. I think the most interesting thing is how to use NBE to supplement conventional HRT program. I thought for the longest time its a trade off, but nope nope nope, its not. Yea, skin irritation below boobs is absolutely painful. I have no choice, I have to wear a bra or get my neck stuck and aching. But it seems to be healing during nighttime really fast. Few days off of pumping at the summerhouse will certainly fix it.

Pelvic tilt is so awesome when it happens. The thigh gap forming is a weird one, I didn't expect it and I've read only one or two anecdotes about it happening to anyone older than twenty five. Yes I've lost shoe size too so my feet are a lot smaller. I used to fit into 44/45, now its 41/42. Awww I so much want my areolas to get larger. Big Grin I'm going to soon do another run on Royal Jelly, that along the other stuffs I started some months back seemed to made a difference. I ordered a jar of the stuff, its not pure though as that's just too expensive, but the same one I had previously. Going to do three months on it and see what happens.

See you on Discord then. Smile

(04-08-2022, 03:57 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Oh I sure hope it is. That's what I do, I take all the awesome stuff Lotus and other find out, throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. I think the most interesting thing is how to use NBE to supplement conventional HRT program. I thought for the longest time its a trade off, but nope nope nope, its not. Yea, skin irritation below boobs is absolutely painful. I have no choice, I have to wear a bra or get my neck stuck and aching. But it seems to be healing during nighttime really fast. Few days off of pumping at the summerhouse will certainly fix it.

Pelvic tilt is so awesome when it happens. The thigh gap forming is a weird one, I didn't expect it and I've read only one or two anecdotes about it happening to anyone older than twenty five. Yes I've lost shoe size too so my feet are a lot smaller. I used to fit into 44/45, now its 41/42. Awww I so much want my areolas to get larger. Big Grin I'm going to soon do another run on Royal Jelly, that along the other stuffs I started some months back seemed to made a difference. I ordered a jar of the stuff, its not pure though as that's just too expensive, but the same one I had previously. Going to do three months on it and see what happens.

See you on Discord then. Smile
Glad to see you doing so much better than last time i remember. I see you have done LOTS of progress in these months, and you seem also a lot more hopeful about your future.  Smile 

That's very intresting, so NBE isn't exactly at the opposite end of the spectrum of HRT, they can actually cooperate to get even better results. Best wishes for your skin recovery at the summerhouse, which btw, with this intense hot summer must be such a great place to stay, i bet you will have fun and a lot of well deserved relax!

Oh yeah! To be fair i don't really know if i'll ever go into HRT, but in that case i think i would very much enjoy pelvic tilt and its changes. Losing a bit of height, widening hips and thighs, smaller feet all sounds like a pro to me personally. Really, is there any cons? I am 169 cm but have 42 size shoes... which is weird, my hands are also quite large ugh.
Oh umh, i doubt it has nothing to do with it, but what about  hands? Any changes?

Royal Jelly?? Didn't expect to hear such words in relation to NBE. And regarding areolas? Sounds super interesting. I am still annoyed by the fact i couldn't get my hands on estriol cream to use it on my nipples to boost them, so i when you mentioned this i had to immediately look it up in the search bar of the forum and read all the threads i could find about it. You mentioned this months ago for the first time and gave a quick look at your posts, so it does really work i guess. Didn't expect at all to learn a way to specifically target areolas growth. I would love to hear about this specifically, so if you want to share some basic info on how to use it i'd be all ears. Like, how much to apply, how to cover it (if i don't  have supple nips at home), and most importantly where to get it (can share a brand if  you want). I remember Royal Jelly is something you eat, is this the same or a non edible product which has the same name?

I don't think i really need more areola growth right now, mine are 5cm and honestly what i lack right now is bigger nipples and overall more breasts since i still look too much coney-shaped. But whatever, i am quite curious to try it if easily available.

Am gonna  ask here so everyone can also read about it: i mentioned the estriol cream on nipples, i don't remember exactly if you tried it in the past. In case you  did, what was your experience with it? Was talking about this  with MaleSise and can't recall if estriol does compete with PM in a counterproductive way. Can't find  the Lotus post about it so i was wondering if you knew something on  this. I always lacked some big and sensitive nipples, hopefully PM will change things from now on, but you know, it's always nice to get a bonus boost!


(04-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Alexis P Wrote:  Glad to see you doing so much better than last time i remember. I see you have done LOTS of progress in these months, and you seem also a lot more hopeful about your future.  Smile 

That's very intresting, so NBE isn't exactly at the opposite end of the spectrum of HRT, they can actually cooperate to get even better results. Best wishes for your skin recovery at the summerhouse, which btw, with this intense hot summer must be such a great place to stay, i bet you will have fun and a lot of well deserved relax!

Oh yeah! To be fair i don't really know if i'll ever go into HRT, but in that case i think i would very much enjoy pelvic tilt and its changes. Losing a bit of height, widening hips and thighs, smaller feet all sounds like a pro to me personally. Really, is there any cons? I am 169 cm but have 42 size shoes... which is weird, my hands are also quite large ugh.
Oh umh, i doubt it has nothing to do with it, but what about  hands? Any changes?

Royal Jelly?? Didn't expect to hear such words in relation to NBE. And regarding areolas? Sounds super interesting. I am still annoyed by the fact i couldn't get my hands on estriol cream to use it on my nipples to boost them, so i when you mentioned this i had to immediately look it up in the search bar of the forum and read all the threads i could find about it. You mentioned this months ago for the first time and gave a quick look at your posts, so it does really work i guess. Didn't expect at all to learn a way to specifically target areolas growth. I would love to hear about this specifically, so if you want to share some basic info on how to use it i'd be all ears. Like, how much to apply, how to cover it (if i don't  have supple nips at home), and most importantly where to get it (can share a brand if  you want). I remember Royal Jelly is something you eat, is this the same or a non edible product which has the same name?

I don't think i really need more areola growth right now, mine are 5cm and honestly what i lack right now is bigger nipples and overall more breasts since i still look too much coney-shaped. But whatever, i am quite curious to try it if easily available.

Am gonna  ask here so everyone can also read about it: i mentioned the estriol cream on nipples, i don't remember exactly if you tried it in the past. In case you  did, what was your experience with it? Was talking about this  with MaleSise and can't recall if estriol does compete with PM in a counterproductive way. Can't find  the Lotus post about it so i was wondering if you knew something on  this. I always lacked some big and sensitive nipples, hopefully PM will change things from now on, but you know, it's always nice to get a bonus boost!


I'm doing better on some regards, mostly about my dysphoria being alleviated by body changes and knowing that my trans clinic process is closing completion. Which of course means professional laser and genital surgery coming closer each day. My body changes have been so positive and fast that I'm quite hopeful about reaching all goals and possibly surpassing it all with nothing more than hormone sorcery. NBE sure is a key to give HRT a boost. Basically all I'm doing is about hormone balancing, making most of out it, activating stuff that makes estrogen do its job better and what not. Sorcery I tell you, heretical arcane titty magic. Wink Oh I can't wait! Few days break from pumping and all the peace and quiet. Also we got a really nice weather forecast showing warm days coming and not much rain.

HRT sure is amazing, but it comes at a cost as you can't choose which changes you get and its all or nothing. Not to be taken lightly as it changes everything. You're so short, I'm envious. Tongue I wish I was too, its kinda difficult to deal with being the darn tall robust built amazon chick. But then again, with enough soft squishy curves, it just works. My hands have gotten so small its crazy! Fat more graceful than before and I can fit two sizes smaller gloves on. This one I never expected either. The skin got very smooth, veins don't show as much, all hair is gone and I got light coloured tiny freckles all over my hands and arms now. If I treat my nails well, take a picture and ask people are these male or female hands, the answer is 100% female. I love it, my hands are only small bit bigger than my moms now. <---This is the royal jelly I got, its not pure as that would cost gazillion, but I think it does work. I got the idea for this from Lotus's thread and tried it out. Apply it straight onto areolas and nipples, then cover it with a piece of food wrapping plastic and then wear a tight enough top or a night bra to keep it on place, in the morning, wash off what hasn't absorbed. RJ is said to do several interesting things, excite cell division, activate E receptors locally and what not. I don't remember all the science about it but it seemed very promising. Interesting "coindidence" about this is that during the time I did the thing with RJ every night, I got very dramatic areola growth happen, very noticeable on my timeline picture starting between month nine and ten. (I'll attach the 1st year timeline so you can verify this yourself.) But at the same time I dropped my EV injection dose, cut down smoking and started glandular therapy. So I presume the change was a combined effect of several things. The immediate effect of using RJ was that I noted my areolas being very puffy and big when ever I was feeling warm enough especially during mornings. This effect hasn't been so obvious since I ran out of it so I'm almost certain it did indeed help out.

Oh yea nipples, I have been wondering what to do to make them grow as mine seem to keep the same proportion and I would love to have them much bigger. I'm yet to find anything specific other than supple nips that would work on them well. The cream I used on areolas had both estriol and estradiol in it. The doses were very tiny, but I did notice a difference, I used it along with PM and it shouldn't have any adverse effects. Makes me wonder what could estriol cream do right now, but then again, my E levels are generally quite high so my body definitely doesn't need any more to float around.

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(04-08-2022, 09:47 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I'm doing better on some regards, mostly about my dysphoria being alleviated by body changes and knowing that my trans clinic process is closing completion. Which of course means professional laser and genital surgery coming closer each day. My body changes have been so positive and fast that I'm quite hopeful about reaching all goals and possibly surpassing it all with nothing more than hormone sorcery. NBE sure is a key to give HRT a boost. Basically all I'm doing is about hormone balancing, making most of out it, activating stuff that makes estrogen do its job better and what not. Sorcery I tell you, heretical arcane titty magic. Wink Oh I can't wait! Few days break from pumping and all the peace and quiet. Also we got a really nice weather forecast showing warm days coming and not much rain.

HRT sure is amazing, but it comes at a cost as you can't choose which changes you get and its all or nothing. Not to be taken lightly as it changes everything. You're so short, I'm envious. Tongue I wish I was too, its kinda difficult to deal with being the darn tall robust built amazon chick. But then again, with enough soft squishy curves, it just works. My hands have gotten so small its crazy! Fat more graceful than before and I can fit two sizes smaller gloves on. This one I never expected either. The skin got very smooth, veins don't show as much, all hair is gone and I got light coloured tiny freckles all over my hands and arms now. If I treat my nails well, take a picture and ask people are these male or female hands, the answer is 100% female. I love it, my hands are only small bit bigger than my moms now. <---This is the royal jelly I got, its not pure as that would cost gazillion, but I think it does work. I got the idea for this from Lotus's thread and tried it out. Apply it straight onto areolas and nipples, then cover it with a piece of food wrapping plastic and then wear a tight enough top or a night bra to keep it on place, in the morning, wash off what hasn't absorbed. RJ is said to do several interesting things, excite cell division, activate E receptors locally and what not. I don't remember all the science about it but it seemed very promising. Interesting "coindidence" about this is that during the time I did the thing with RJ every night, I got very dramatic areola growth happen, very noticeable on my timeline picture starting between month nine and ten. (I'll attach the 1st year timeline so you can verify this yourself.) But at the same time I dropped my EV injection dose, cut down smoking and started glandular therapy. So I presume the change was a combined effect of several things. The immediate effect of using RJ was that I noted my areolas being very puffy and big when ever I was feeling warm enough especially during mornings. This effect hasn't been so obvious since I ran out of it so I'm almost certain it did indeed help out.

Oh yea nipples, I have been wondering what to do to make them grow as mine seem to keep the same proportion and I would love to have them much bigger. I'm yet to find anything specific other than supple nips that would work on them well. The cream I used on areolas had both estriol and estradiol in it. The doses were very tiny, but I did notice a difference, I used it along with PM and it shouldn't have any adverse effects. Makes me wonder what could estriol cream do right now, but then again, my E levels are generally quite high so my body definitely doesn't need any more to float around.
Duh, i guess am kinda short compared to 180ish cm males  Big Grin ,   but honestly i met a lot of people tall as me or shorter than me. Doesn't help the fact my parents are smaller than me (especially my mother, from her part of family they are all pretty small). So despite being slightly smaller than average i always felt like the big bulky guy around everyone, which i don't really like as a feeling but of course being overweight didn't help.

Thank you for the recommendation Lara. <3 I looked up on Amazon and eBay some Royal Jelly but i could only find them in capsules and vials. I think the only honey jar with Royal Jelly included was on eBay, but i don't trust that site really.  There is no jar of Jelly like that on Amazon... the closest thing i could find  was in liquid form here  (pardon the language, i think you can translate it with Google  Translate option included in Google Chrome). By the pictures it looks like it has only 3 ingredients, and two of them are water and Royal Jelly. Not sure if it would be ok, i imagine the reason to have it honey is to stick it on the areolas for long time, while a liquid would probably evaporate or get absorbed too soon idk.
A bit unsure on which i should buy, but i guess it is not a super priority right now ahah.

About the estriol cream mmh... interesting, i keep being quite conflicted on this but maybe i should just give it  a try. But if i recall correctly there was no way to get some estriol cream except from the Biovea site... which last time made me wait 2 months only to send the package back without letting me receiving it.  Dodgy 
Currently lacking money but i think i should order it again, i can't find the message or post about E  cream  being bad anymore tbf,  just got this alert stuck in my head but whatever.

EDIT: Forgot to say that your picture says a lot, especially since months 9-11 there have been the biggest changes in the areola. You can see the different color and shape, and also  a change in the texture as it probably developed glands under it. Impressive! A lot of feedback regarding Royal Jelly!

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