The results are as follows:
-ESTRONE = 182 pg/mL
-ESTRADIOL = 422 pg/mL
-DHEA SULFATE = 280 mcg/dL
My DHEA-S is a little high but the other numbers I believe are in a good range for me. My estrone may be just a little higher than it should be, I'm not sure, and I think some people say 10 or less DHT is best, but 11 is bordering so seems fine too. All things considered, my EEN injections seem to be totally working as they should without any kind of pharma blocker in the mix.
There was a bit of a fright as this test also showed my basic red and white blood cell count and I had a pretty high elevation of eosinophils, but I'm hoping it was me recovering from feeling blah the last week or two without realizing I was sick or something. I had gained about 4 pounds very fast, had swelling in my feet and calves, had worsened congestion, some bigger headaches than I normally get, among other things. It's possible I may have even had allergies though I'm not really aware what I'm allergic to since I've never really had anything like that tested or thought I needed any testing for it. If things seem to get worse I'll go and get a proper checkup with a doctor, but for now I'm not super worried about it as I feel fine otherwise and have dropped back down to my normal weight range with the swelling mostly gone now.
Beyond all this I think my face and body may have some subtle changes over the last month. I've been told my lips look a little fuller too. I've also recently finished with my 3rd laser session on my face about 2 weeks ago now~ My band size has even continued to shrink to a 31 from a 32, but my bust has also shrunk in turn by about half an inch. Speaking of such things, I've recently obtained a new pushup bra that seems to do it's job really well! I've included the pictures here :3
Thanks so much everyone for the continued support and I wish all of you out there growing breasts a very fruitful future! ^_^
The original Aria

WOW J.M I'm gobsmacked!
I have the same bra in 80b, well pretty much almost identical. Is it a push up sports bra? That's what mine was listed as when I bought it.
Was going to post a photo of me wearing it but...noooo way now, I will look absurd. Have seen a lot of booby pictures here but those you posted are the prettiest pictures by far. You just look very naturally feminine and not just your boobs, there is way, way more to this than just boobs and from what I see you have it. Sorta happy with myself but yes!!! I would swap with you in an instant! We are all here to be as beautiful and as feminine as we can possibly acheive, you are definitely doing it. I can admit that easily and root for you and admire your achievements and beauty because you are doing it all right
Thanks you made my day.
You really did.
But honestly as much as I might look good in picture, as much as I think sometimes look good in the mirror, oh so often do I find myself battling tremendous amounts of doubt and dysphoria. I've done nothing but lose breast size for about a year at this point. Band size shrunk with it mostly at first, but even so I feel like my chest is so tiny most days that I wonder if I can even consider myself as having boobs anymore.
Push up bras and padded bras can do wonders. I can fill 32c cups for sure and sometimes 34cs but sometimes not. But to me I might as well just have an A cup bust for all the volume it feels like I've lost. I'm pretty depressed about it tonight... Looking at how big I was and how small and deflated I feel like my chest looks now isn't pleasant.
I wish I wasn't constantly stuck in this hellish weight range of 144-146 either, because it seems like I'm just here forever with no hope of reaching the 140 weight I wanted. It was my goal and I had planned to try out weight cycling afterwards. I wanted to try to gain back some weight to see if it would finally go back to all the right places. And yet 2 or 3 months later I'm still here at this same weight range even though I eat a calorie deficit. Nearly 2 years of diet and exercise and I can't make it past the finish line...
Now, I have been exercising as usual of course, though some days I feel like I phone it in due to my thoughts getting in the way. I've been working hard on my butt and hips and core. Could the weight range be stuck due to possibly gaining muscle to even out the loss? I do eat and partake of a lot of protein, alongside MSM and GABA which can help with muscle growth.
But even so it's so entirely frustrating. I have no chest size growth to speak in many many months. Nothing tissue wise at least to the point I'm all but certain I've finished any growth there. It will all have to be fat I assume beyond that if I'm to get anything to speak of. But if I just go and regain band size, waist size, and belly, then there would be absolutely no reason for me to weight cycle in the least, and that's what I fear will happen.
I do have my noogle now. I've tried it once and I must have went too rough since it's been about three days now and it's still noticeably spotted and red, just less than it was. This too is frustrating as I only did it for an hour and on a low pressure of about -3 once I realized -5 and higher hurt too much for the very short time I experimented with it. Since then I've given it a break to let my blemishes recover. I'll try it again if/when those red dots do vanish. Maybe it will surprise me and actually give me the 1 or 2 cups I've so desired. A fuller chest in general even in just radius would be great so that I don't need to entirely feel like all my shaping is done by a bra.
Anyway, sorry for the downer post. If anyone has any ideas on how I could beat this long stalled out period that'd be great, but I won't hold my breath as nothing I've added or removed or adjusted seems to do much of anything outside of maybe one or two days of tingles at best.

Except about pumping, you went too rough on yourself and you got to start easier and build up a tolerance to it. I get this same problem after a break if I start as usual. As strange as it sounds, your boobs have to get used to it. Start with low pressure and short sessions and then slowly build it up, take like five to ten minute increments to it and very slowly build up to using higher pressure. It takes time, but once you're used to it and start to build up the hours, it can be very rewarding.
I'm now about two and half months on with more rigorous pumping regimen, same as before, but pushing in more than twice the hours. Believe me that it works. Key to success with pumping is to not overdo it, pushing in the hours and being consistent.
For a long time you have been an inspiration to many of us! I just wonder if you were growing, feminizing and improving constantly. To the point of expecting constant growth and when it doesn't happen it's a real downer. Maybe your body, mind and spirit need a long break. Maybe to you need to find yourself and think about your future. I think this journey is a very hard one and I am sure you know that.I have not achieved the results that you and many of the girls here have. My pace is much slower. Some days I look in the mirror and see a woman, other days I can look in the same mirror and see a man. My old self and that triggers dysphoria and depression. If your identity is a woman, you are there. Go easy on yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you. Maybe you need to shift your focus for a while. Is there anything you enjoy doing? Riding a bicycle, walking, meditating? Nourish your spirit and give the whole physical transformation a break. Get back on that path when you are ready. Remember, you (and all of us) are beautiful people! I hope you the best Jamie!
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