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Longtime Lurker, New Member
Or, something like that. 

I decided to return to this forum after an absence of over a year. I really missed it, following many users progress, etc. Happy to see the Admins took out the trash, so hopefully that drama is over & done with. 

I started here in 2016 and I stayed on PM/NBE for 4.5 years. I switch to HRT 27 months ago and I’m very happy with my progress, but I’m always on the quest for bigger boobs!

I’m a diehard believer in following the science that Lotus has laid out for us. She graciously gives us freely of her time, energy & research. Nowhere else on the net is this available and I think we ALL should be indebted to her. I’ve learned so much from her over the years and I always make sure to tell others that my advice was learned from studying her science. I’m happy to be back. 

I’m looking fwd to rekindling old friendships and I look fwd to participating in discussions and learning as much as I can from the Project-X thread. 

I’ll also say that I’ve also been doing the Keto diet, and I’ve lost about 35 lbs since June. I’m a homesteader of sorts, and we have a year round vegetable garden. For years I worked a stressful 2nd shift job and my diet mainstays were high in carbohydrates, which most likely stunted my initial growth. If I had it all to do over again I certainly would have cut carbs a long time ago. Now, I feel better than I have in 20 years, and I owe it all to dumping carbs. 

While I do have a typical barrel chest, my measurements are 51-45-51 and a 46C front clasp bra fits me best. I’m a straight acting and presenting male in public, but I’ve recently switch to majority summer wear of women’s shorts & t-shirts. While they’re mostly androgynous in appearance, I have a huge booty from the pelvic tilt that I obtained from PM and quite frankly, women’s shorts just fit me better now. I wear a bra daily and 100% of the time at home you’ll find me in a skirt. If I’m working in the garden, it’s an active sports hiking athletic adventure kilt. 

So anyway, that’s about it! 



You have gorgeous breasts... You look like you are well on your way! Congrats!


Look who's back, we've missed you Stevenator, thank you for the kind words. Your areolas are still amazingly huge, congrats. Gotta be you had an incredible surge of T.E.B. (Terminal End Bud…aka breast buds) in part (5-6years ago?) because of the amount of blood filling into the tips of the lobules and epithelial cells of the TEB's, which until recently I found out TEB's also have progesterone receptors.

Anyways, best of luck to you, welcome back and happy growing.  Smile

Johanez - Thank you!
I appreciate that very much! 

Lotus - I never, ever stop learning from you! While I do know everyone’s different, my areoles started growing when I was slathering them daily with Smoky Mountain Naturals Progesterone Cream. So that sorta makes sense. It was around this time that I was using BO for about a four month period, and I’ve heard that can make them grow too, so I’m unsure. I know that a lot of people have used both and didn’t get these results, but who knows. When mine started growing, that’s what I was doing. 

I’d like to take this time to address my use of BO. I’ve told a few people, but not many. While I was using it, BO made me feel wonderful.

Immediately after I started using it myboobs ballooned up, then after about two months .... nothing. I think I recently read that BO stimulates Progesterone, so that sorta makes sense. 

About the two month mark when changes stopped happening, my frustration level went up. I started seeing other users were combining it with PM and against better judgement and every bit of published advice not to combine them, I did. I kept bumping up both doses until I was eventually maxed out on both doses of PM & BO. Guess what happened? It gave me a mini-stroke and put me in the hospital for a week and cost me thousands of dollars. 

So, I’m very much against combing BO & phyto/estrogens. That was not a fun experience and it could have been much much worse. 

Thank you for the welcome and I look fwd to continuing to learn from the science you research and share with us all.

Look who's back. Big Grin You've been missed. <3

Thank you Lara. I couldn’t take all the drama here about 18 months ago. I’m eternally grateful to Eve for addressing that. I tried lurking several times over the last 1.5 years but I kept seeing the drama and just had to nope-out. The promise of the research provided by Lotus was just too much and I had to return. Thanks, again. 

Now is probably a good time to update my program. 

I found this before photo by digging into my archives. I started lurking here in late 2015. I started on PM in the Spring of 2016. When I started, I did the typical WTF am I Doing? / Purge at least three times. I didn’t get serious until late 2016. This so-called before Photo was about 3 months into my program possibly sometime around early 2017. 

From the beginning, and I mean the early lurking days, I always studied everything that Lotus posted. It took me 6-12 months of study before I could grasp 1/2 the medical knowledge that she would post. I’ll say this to anyone else would can relate, is to just simply Google the confusing medical terms and start connecting the dots. I’m by no means a medical researcher, but I can now wade through research papers with ease and I attribute that to my desire to learn from Lotus. 

I should also point out that while I soaked up everything I could from her, my #1 hurdle that I just could not get past was losing weight. In my mind, I attributed it solely to exercise and as far back as playing high school & college football, I’ve always hated exercise. So that was a huge mental barrier that I’m 100% convinced stunted my growth and any potential I might have had. Little did I know how easy it is to lose weight just by changing your diet. 

In my mind in years past I just couldn’t connect the dots about carbohydrates. I absolutely did not make the connection. This is kind of complicated, but I’ll try to explain. I now 10,000% believe it’s vital for anyone’s long term health goals and it’s especially imperative for MTF/NBE/HRT.

My path to knowledge started this past early June. Less than four months ago. I’m a homesteader of sorts. For the last many years I’ve been growing most of our vegetables, and we raise chickens, too. This year however, I finally got the hang of growing squash & zucchini and we had a bumper crop in addition to the rest of the garden whereas in years past we only supplemented food we bought from the store. 

This year after about six weeks of eating only vegetables and a little bit of meat and practically zero breads, sugars, pasta, potatoes & rice, I started noticing that I was losing weight and I looked into this diet I had unknowingly put myself on. Someone said I was doing Keto and I looked into that and discovered Dr. Berg. 

Without going too deep into Dr Berg all I can advice people to do is to dive into his videos. His chalkboard lectures are amazing. They’re easy to understand. What got me so fired up about his program is cleaning the liver to lose weight. After watching several of his short lectures, then it dawned on me. Aside from being a major alcoholic in my 20s & 40s, I realized that my high carb diet was doing just as much harm as alcohol would. While I haven’t drank in years, just by eating a high carb diet, I was overloading my liver and giving myself a fatty liver. Unchecked, a high carb & high sugar diet alone can lead to cancer & diabetes. From that point on, I’ve been determined to clean my liver. Not only will this help you lose weight, the teachings of Lotus about intermittent fasting & H.I.I.T. finally made sense. Not only was carbs making fat, but I finally understood the connection how PM/E2 (E1) can make you fat, too. 

I’m on an absolute crusade now to preach against the consumption of high fructose corn syrup & seed oils. All this junk does is clog up your liver. It’s literally long term poison that will give you cancer and diabetes, and they put that stuff in Everything! It’s disgusting! NOW, I understand what Lotus has been telling us about for years about visceral fat. 

One thing I’m amazed about the Keto-ish diet is I’m not hungry anymore. I can easily go 18-24 hours between meals simply by dropping carbs. Not only does this work by suppressing your hunger, but intermittent fasting also boosts growth hormone by a huge margins and the older we get, the less GH we have and GH is imperative to grow breasts. It’s awesome.

I have a saying now. Drop Carbs. Drop Pounds. It’s works. 

So while my goal of of a low carb diet, the short video lectures from Dr. Berg will show you that having a diet high in cruciferous vegetables will hell you clean your liver. Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale, Collards etc will literally clean the fat from your liver. 

Every single time you eat, whether it’s one peanut or a full course meal, your body produces insulin. The insulin cycle always goes through the liver and if your liver is clogged from being fatty, then the excess insulin is turned into visceral fat. 

One thing about this diet that made a HUGE difference in my quality of life, if the relationship between carbs and inflammation. I was shocked at not only what I learned, but how vastly better it made me feel. 

Carbs are extremely high in Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 greatly affects inflammation in your body. For the last many years, I could only take one step at a time climbing or descending stairs due to incredible pain in my knees. I have to walk down a small hill to get to my chicken coup and all these things would literally bring tears to my eyes. Dumping carbs and increasing Omega 3’s found in fish literally made the pain in my knees go away. My orthopedist was adamant that I get knee replacement surgery and while I have a huge phobia about losing body parts, I was seriously considering it. I was shocked at how diet alone stopped the pain in my joints. Now I can run up and down stairs and it’s awesome! 

I’ll get off my soapbox but I see so many people who made the mistakes I did in the past with nbe & diet, but also just in general to boost our overall health. Dr. Berg changed my life. Besides carbs, I’ve dropped seed oils, HFCS, & synthetic vitamins. My diet is whole food vegetables and small portions of proteins. This diet is EASY! 

So, back to my program. Basically I’m on 8mg E2 & 200mg Micronized Progesterone. My current daily supplement is: 

-Vitamins derived from whole food sources
-Milk Thistle & Berberine to clean the liver
-Vitamin E - Tocotrienols (very important)
-Vitamin D3
-Choline - liver cleanse & boosts GH
-DIM, Cinnamon
-MSM & Melatonin at bedtime
-Red Reshi Mushroom & Spearmint Teas
-American Ginseng & Cayenne Pepper 
-Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-Apple Cider Vinegar 
-Cocoanut Oil, Collagen Peptides

Besides my diet which is heavy on Cruciferous vegetables, I eat a huge salad every day with a moderate protein source. Snacks are nuts, dark chocolate, cheese

I think that’s it. Please excuse my soap box sermon, but I was shocked when it finally dawned on me how our diet is slowly poisoning us. Simple changes can greatly improve our quality of life and vastly improve and benefit our NBE gains & program. 

While I still have a long way to go, I’ve so far lost close to 40 pounds and I feel better than I have in 20+ years. I apologize if some of you already know this information, and I apologize about the long post, but to those that don’t, these simple changes can improve your life and improve your NBE/HRT programs. 

XO - Peace

Steveeeee! Welcome back, you! Hope you continue to make great progress~ Looking good so far :3

Yayyyy steve! Long time no talk, I've made lots of progress since you last saw me, and I see so have you <3

Oh wow this is something unique, very impressive areolas that make me quite envious, HT mentioned you to me in the past and mentioned your results but seeing it myself is quite something ^^

(21-09-2022, 03:57 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Look who's back, we've missed you Stevenator, thank you for the kind words. Your areolas are still amazingly huge, congrats. Gotta be you had an incredible surge of T.E.B. (Terminal End Bud…aka breast buds) in part (5-6years ago?) because of the amount of blood filling into the tips of the lobules and epithelial cells of the TEB's, which until recently I found out TEB's also have progesterone receptors.

Anyways, best of luck to you, welcome back and happy growing.  Smile

Oh so this is T5 development I'm curious on what caused this, Progesterone cream on the nipples I'm guessing reached the TEBs and allowed this? Would you mind breaking this down, I'd love to read it  Blush

Jamie - Thank you! And congratulations on your current milestones! I know how happy you must be and I’m so very happy for you! 

Dru - Thank you! It’s great to be back!. I’m very happy to learn that your progress is still ongoing! Congratulations!

Mel - It’s nice to finally be formally introduced to each other! I’ll have to thank Lara for her kind words. It’s good to be in such great company with so many other success stories. I’m so happy for everyone who is meeting their goals! I look fwd to following everyone’s progress & programs. It’s great to be with so many other members who are supportive of each other. Thank you again!

(Sorry if this post borders on goofy. I only had two hours sleep when I posted it. I had to lay back down for a nap).

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