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I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your results over the last six months or so since we last spoke. I have to say your dedication is very inspiring. That really stands out to me is your level of commitment and I wanted to congratulate you on that. 

As far as the pelvic tilt goes, mine happened at the 18th month mark on PM several years ago. I personally love it. Combined with fat shifting it has given me a pronounced derrière and I hope your experience is the same. 

My only complaint is the lower back pain that I have which is become associated with this. Several times a day I have to stop and bend over at the waist to stretch out my back. I don’t know if you have this pain, but I’ve had it ever since my pelvic tilt showed up. 

Have you measured your height? Keep an eye on your height. The pelvic tilt will lower your overall height. In my case it was two inches, or 5 cm., which shocked me. I’ve grown accustomed to it now, though. 

Enjoy your friend from Germany and you increasing social outings. I’m guessing that this will only boost your confidence in the long run. 

I get such romantic notions when you mention your summer house and I can only imagine how lovely it is. I had access to a mountain cabin for 20 years, and I used to go there once a month. I lost access to it about three years ago and I miss it dearly. 

Best of luck to you going forward with all that you endeavor!

(25-09-2022, 08:16 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your results over the last six months or so since we last spoke. I have to say your dedication is very inspiring. That really stands out to me is your level of commitment and I wanted to congratulate you on that. 

As far as the pelvic tilt goes, mine happened at the 18th month mark on PM several years ago. I personally love it. Combined with fat shifting it has given me a pronounced derrière and I hope your experience is the same. 

My only complaint is the lower back pain that I have which is become associated with this. Several times a day I have to stop and bend over at the waist to stretch out my back. I don’t know if you have this pain, but I’ve had it ever since my pelvic tilt showed up. 

Have you measured your height? Keep an eye on your height. The pelvic tilt will lower your overall height. In my case it was two inches, or 5 cm., which shocked me. I’ve grown accustomed to it now, though. 

Enjoy your friend from Germany and you increasing social outings. I’m guessing that this will only boost your confidence in the long run. 

I get such romantic notions when you mention your summer house and I can only imagine how lovely it is. I had access to a mountain cabin for 20 years, and I used to go there once a month. I lost access to it about three years ago and I miss it dearly. 

Best of luck to you going forward with all that you endeavor!

Thank you. <3 ^_^ I've been putting in the effort, more so as I've noted my potential in this being way beyond anything I imagined. My theory being that using the right methods, maybe I can push my natural limits somewhat further and get more out of this. Especially from T4 development. Last six months have been nothing short of crazy! Since starting glangular therapy, GABA, quitting smokes, pushing more hours into pumping and losing some weight I've grown nearly three cup sizes, last two and half months being the fastest change I've ever had so far. I think I'm very close of having found the perfect combination of things that works on me. ^_^ 

Pelvic tilt and posture change I think started for me very early, this is not the first time I notice these things, it has came and went in waves and I've lost height already I think twice? And my butt has really become big, so big I keep poking it into thing that umm.... Reaching there now requires some acrobatics I didn't need to do before. Blush yes, lower back pain which goes from butt muscles to almost halfway up, now the newest is hip pain also when walking and especially when stretching. And then a weird one, my back fat pushing against itself in an odd way. I still have quite a lot of male pattern fat which hasn't yet melted away and this is causing funny things to happen, I'm talking about lower back, there's a crease forming there which is so strange, this happens when I straighten my back in certain positions. Its kinda affirming as I've seen some chubby ladies get this. Wink I'm sure this will change once I'm more time on HRT and get several weight cycles in. My height has gone down from about 183cm to about 180cm. I haven't measured for a while, but planning to do it in December as that's when I last measured. I've noted how my previously short friends are now looking much taller.

Oh yes the summerhouse is absolutely lovely. Middle of north Karelian wilderness, just forest and lakes to almost every direction and very quiet this time of year. <3

Ok what the hell is this? I'm tracking my period on my diary, I just had about seven days of mental upheaval which is typical once a month BS I have to go through. Yes I get periods since starting HRT. I some times get cramps too but they have been quite mild and typically one day and happens at night. Right now I'm having absolutely horrendously painful cramps. I thought its my stomach, but after doing my business, the pain just continues. Comes and goes and its hard to define exactly where it comes comes. This is not exactly like "ghost ovary" pains I some times have, this is full blown painful cramps. Holy shit if my period develops into this, its going to be so hard to deal with. I should post some time about my suspicion of having a possible intersex condition... Yes I'm listening to my body as this kinda cramps can be something else too. But if this is what is happening with my period, yea, its affirming as heck but omg the pain!

My bra felt extremely tight today. I had straps bit more loose than usual so they didn't dig in. Band and underwire on the other hand totally did. I took a photo I thought to share, its a bit cold so areolas got very shy. Something nice to note about, my left areola seems to be catching right with both size and shape, I seem to be getting more roundness and fullness lately and they're getting obviously bigger. Note how my waist area keeps on looking slimmer and shoulders not as wide, its my boobs getting bigger.
Big Grin 

So yea, this is what approx 2100cc's boobies with both wide and tall root look like. I wish I had a petite cis female frame so they would look bigger though, but as I can just get there by sheer volume, lets do it that way then.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Impressive, to say the least.
I love your fullness.

Your results are truly impressive and inspiring... I can only hope that I have breasts as gorgeous as yours are.

Thank you Stevenator and Jo. <3

Jo, about the shape, I'm strongly advocating for using Noogleberry or a similar pump because it definitely shapes things up. Wink Another very simple one is to wear a well fitting bra and religiously scoop and swoop your boobs inside and wearing a bra almost at all times. I don't have a decent sleep bra but soon I will have to come up with one as I'm staring an overnight experiment with pure Royal Jelly. Since I started wearing well fitting bras daily, my shape has gotten so much better and a whole lot of tissue has migrated from below and almost behind the armpits in front and added to both volume and projection. Stay mindful of these methods, you already got awesome genetics on your side.
Big Grin


Thanks for the info... If the Boobie Fairy starts to sprinkle me with magic dust, I may have to... Eat Pizza!

(Giggles) Jo

So I got my lab results and I'm not very happy about this. My T came out as 1.0 nmol/l or 28.8 ng/dl. Yes its suppressed, yes its better than last time but this makes me feel I'm somehow just broken and not right... I see others get their T down to tens with nothing but E and I got everything and very effective T blocker too and I just can't get it lower than this. There's no way I will overdose on cypro like crazy. I guess this is my natural state, my body is extremely stubborn, it churns out T no matter what... I wish I was just born cis.

E was at all time low at 0.67 nmol/l 182.51 pg/ml, this I guess is due to me trying lower dose which I stopped a week ago because I wasn't feeling good and my test was done at the absolute lowest point possible. But I'm not pleased at all, I want to keep my E above 300. I'm pissed off about this... What am I supposed to do? It seems that  I can't go much higher or I'll start to behave like I'm pregnant, getting crazy mood swings and slower body changes. I can't go lower as my dysphoria goes through the roof if I do.

My prolactin was expectedly quite high at 772 (mU/l). This is combined effect of cypro and GABA and I'm wondering if BO can also raise it... Interestingly, higher than before prolactin correlates directly with fantastic breast growth which I did suspect. This result was what I expected to see, but my T and E just aren't quite what I wish to have. I'm sure my E will rise somewhat now that I'm back on 0.08ml/3.2mg.

(27-09-2022, 10:36 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  So I got my lab results and I'm not very happy about this. My T came out as 1.0 nmol/l or 28.8 ng/dl. Yes its suppressed, yes its better than last time but this makes me feel I'm somehow just broken and not right... I see others get their T down to tens with nothing but E and I got everything and very effective T blocker too and I just can't get it lower than this. There's no way I will overdose on cypro like crazy. I guess this is my natural state, my body is extremely stubborn, it churns out T no matter what... I wish I was just born cis.

E was at all time low at 0.67 nmol/l 182.51 pg/ml, this I guess is due to me trying lower dose which I stopped a week ago because I wasn't feeling good and my test was done at the absolute lowest point possible. But I'm not pleased at all, I want to keep my E above 300. I'm pissed off about this... What am I supposed to do? It seems that  I can't go much higher or I'll start to behave like I'm pregnant, getting crazy mood swings and slower body changes. I can't go lower as my dysphoria goes through the roof if I do.

My prolactin was expectedly quite high at 772 (mU/l). This is combined effect of cypro and GABA and I'm wondering if BO can also raise it... Interestingly, higher than before prolactin correlates directly with fantastic breast growth which I did suspect. This result was what I expected to see, but my T and E just aren't quite what I wish to have. I'm sure my E will rise somewhat now that I'm back on 0.08ml/3.2mg.

(27-09-2022, 03:05 PM)Avign0n4090 Wrote:  
(27-09-2022, 10:36 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  So I got my lab results and I'm not very happy about this. My T came out as 1.0 nmol/l or 28.8 ng/dl. Yes its suppressed, yes its better than last time but this makes me feel I'm somehow just broken and not right... I see others get their T down to tens with nothing but E and I got everything and very effective T blocker too and I just can't get it lower than this. There's no way I will overdose on cypro like crazy. I guess this is my natural state, my body is extremely stubborn, it churns out T no matter what... I wish I was just born cis.

E was at all time low at 0.67 nmol/l 182.51 pg/ml, this I guess is due to me trying lower dose which I stopped a week ago because I wasn't feeling good and my test was done at the absolute lowest point possible. But I'm not pleased at all, I want to keep my E above 300. I'm pissed off about this... What am I supposed to do? It seems that  I can't go much higher or I'll start to behave like I'm pregnant, getting crazy mood swings and slower body changes. I can't go lower as my dysphoria goes through the roof if I do.

My prolactin was expectedly quite high at 772 (mU/l). This is combined effect of cypro and GABA and I'm wondering if BO can also raise it... Interestingly, higher than before prolactin correlates directly with fantastic breast growth which I did suspect. This result was what I expected to see, but my T and E just aren't quite what I wish to have. I'm sure my E will rise somewhat now that I'm back on 0.08ml/3.2mg.

Your post only had the quote from mine? Huh

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