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(26-09-2022, 01:42 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  My bra felt extremely tight today. I had straps bit more loose than usual so they didn't dig in. Band and underwire on the other hand totally did. I took a photo I thought to share, its a bit cold so areolas got very shy. Something nice to note about, my left areola seems to be catching right with both size and shape, I seem to be getting more roundness and fullness lately and they're getting obviously bigger. Note how my waist area keeps on looking slimmer and shoulders not as wide, its my boobs getting bigger.
Big Grin 

So yea, this is what approx 2100cc's boobies with both wide and tall root look like. I wish I had a petite cis female frame so they would look bigger though, but as I can just get there by sheer volume, lets do it that way then.
You have beautiful results (i hope to be as you in the future)

Day 466

So I started my second run on royal jelly yesterday, with the diluted stuff first. I'm going to get the pure one in a day or two and switch over. This is going to get very interested as the RJ mixed with honey works on its own, but the pure RJ is of course much stronger. I found a use for my FF cup bra, its so darn small and tight it absolutely keeps everything in place, but its also somewhat uncomfortable. But if I can this way get a bit more mileage out of it.

Day after observations are exactly like last time, deep itch, added tenderness to touch and nipples look very big. I will very likely keep at it with RJ for at least few months, until I run out of it. Tiny drop is enough so it will last for quite some time.

I have done a little testing with BO dosage and noted that 900mg which I've been on for quite a while is fine, I feel great and its obviously working, but going higher does something I don't like one bit, my body gets messed up somehow and I just generally do not feel right. The 900mg comes from 2x Raw Female which equals to 400mg and 2x Swanson BO which is 500mg. This seems to work fine on me and its not overly expensive to keep going, higher dose doesn't seem to give additional benefit and just messes up something. I wish I knew the exact science of what it does, but it just makes me feel out of balance. This 900mg dose feels fine, like its balancing everything instead.

I'm having an appointment with my doctor in less than an hour, we will discuss a whole lot about my HRT, mainly about how to deal with E crashing before next injection which keeps on being somewhat problematic, I'm asking her about possibly tweaking my progesterone dosage and so on. I'll update on this once I'm done, I hope she comes up with some good ideas. Smile I'm back on my routine with Noogle, my friend left back home so I'm going back into my boring life where not much happens and I have lot of time for boobs. I'm planning to push another +70 hour month in, I'm few days away from halfway through month sixteen.

Gf found me a really nice warm sweater the other day, its so lovely that my boobs have gotten to the point where not even baggy clothes hide them. And check out this fun timeline picture I made, almost two year difference from being some months on NBE to nearing sixteen months on HRT.

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Ok so some update about my HRT. I had a very nice phone call with my doctor...

She didn't want to raise my Progesterone dosage, citing possible raised breast cancer risk. I agreed that its ok as 200mg works just fine. I added that luckily for me, I haven't had a single case of breast cancer in my family. (Few other cancers yes, but not in boobs.) Cypro we're also keeping as it is as its been working fine, my T is blocked enough she said that my levels are pretty much spot on right now.

She agreed that I have to raise my injection dose as my E came out being weirdly low. She didn't want to prescribe pills on the side to sooth the crash as she wants to protect me from raised DVT risk which she said is big deal enough in my age, so she prescribed me a mild patch to have along with injection to make my levels more stable.... This is going to be very interesting experiment to use patches and injection at the same time, I don't know many who have done that. So yea, EV up to 0,10ml and a patch which happens to have the same cycle as my injection so swap and jab on the same day.

She got curious about my breast development when I mentioned it being amazing especially after starting on PG and she asked my bra size, she was very surprised to hear that I'm wearing 38G/85J which is getting so tight I'm soon about to upgrade. She said I'm very lucky and at the top 1% of trans women with this... Well I knew that, but having it come from a doctor who's a trans woman herself is really nice validation.


When you post a timeline jump image like that my gosh is it inspiring, no wonder I've been mimicking your program so much  Big Grin Also lovely sweater I pulled one out lately as its getting ever so cold its yellow and keeps me warm :3

Yeah I been wondering about BO and optimal dose might depend on a height to weight ratio that makes it unique on person to person, seems like you got your ideal dose.

I think shes got a good idea with keeping your safe even without this sort of stuff in families protecting ourselves first is a must and safety is a big part of my own plan. I've never known anyone to combine patches with injections, though I sometimes (I should be doing this) combine a 1mg Progynova with my usual patch intake but I just forget so much  Rolleyes

I'd say that 1% is more like 0.50% of trans women and with yourself in the top 99% percentile somewhere, keep going your amazing!!!  Blush

(30-09-2022, 12:28 PM)Mel87 Wrote:  Hiya!

When you post a timeline jump image like that my gosh is it inspiring, no wonder I've been mimicking your program so much  Big Grin Also lovely sweater I pulled one out lately as its getting ever so cold its yellow and keeps me warm :3

Yeah I been wondering about BO and optimal dose might depend on a height to weight ratio that makes it unique on person to person, seems like you got your ideal dose.

I think shes got a good idea with keeping your safe even without this sort of stuff in families protecting ourselves first is a must and safety is a big part of my own plan. I've never known anyone to combine patches with injections, though I sometimes (I should be doing this) combine a 1mg Progynova with my usual patch intake but I just forget so much  Rolleyes

I'd say that 1% is more like 0.50% of trans women and with yourself in the top 99% percentile somewhere, keep going your amazing!!!  Blush

Uh-huh, and you're noticing how its working? Wink Having FF cups bursting from the sheer weight of your boobs lately? Is yellow sweater warmer than red one? I would love a yellow sweater too, it would be cute. <3

Yep, seems like around 900mg on BO is optimal. I think this is a balance thing as I'm on HRT and also about body size. But something's with it, 900mg feels like a good max and going over it messes things up. Oh btw, I hit six months on BO today. Experiment continues.

My doctor is really amazing, she wants to go health first into this and she's genuinely concerned for her patients. Also she's very nice person from what I've talked with her. Heck a rogue doctor who's trans woman herself, going against the gatekeeping system and helping us for very cheap, she's a saint. <3


That is so awesome to hear about your doctor... My doctor actually came out of retirement to take me on as a patient. He says he was getting bored with Gardening & Golf... LOL. He's been an absolute saint being my advocate to rock the boat and make things happen. I will follow up with more on my thread later.


Lara, I stay amazed at the round fullness of your breast. Congratulations on your new sweater. That’s so cool, and being so at ease with your doctor. That’s great!

(01-10-2022, 06:28 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Lara, I stay amazed at the round fullness of your breast. Congratulations on your new sweater. That’s so cool, and being so at ease with your doctor. That’s great!

I'm very happy about where its going, still at early T4 and still growing outwards projection almost exclusively. I do notice how my breast buds have started to get wider and softer but they're not side branching yet. I think Noogle is the main culprit of fullness at this stage, I can completely averted the "cone boob" phase it seems. And Noogle + wearing well fitting bras totally does a lot on roundness too. And then there's genetics, all my relatives I've seen not wearing much have the same roundness I do and they all had them very perky. What's the most interesting about the genetic side is that our family ladies have them quite big or very big and they all exhibit a LOT of projection. I also noted that my mother has the same shape breast root as I do, as in hers are also very wide, but she also has a ton of projection. So far I'm showing all the signs of having it just like my relatives do and if that's the way its going, I'll be forever happy.
Big Grin

I agree that after several months of wearing a bra daily, that I’m (finally) starting to fill-out. While I still get the occasional growing pains, my growth lately seems to be on the side. My side boob is much more noticeable when I reach up and grab myboobs, aka hand bra. I’m glad to know you’re happy with your continuing results. Enjoy that new sweater!

Yesterday I had such happy moments when I saw my reflection on some windows and my shadow on the ground. It was one of these moments in which dysphoria doesn't blind me. I was so surprised about my figure like is that really me? Is that what other people see? I noticed that I have become seriously curvy to the point where no clothes can hide it and my body shape and proportions are unmistakably female. I guess its no wonder that I got zero weird looks when dropping off my friend to the train station.

I haven't posted pictures showing much more than boobs for a long time but I thought I could post some now as I think these came out nice. My hips and thighs have gotten very thick lately, to the point that its making my legs look quite small when in fact they're not small at all. And what's going on with my hips and boobs is just lovely as its starting to mask my more masculine features and my shoulders don't look that wide any more.

To say that I'm pleased with this development is an understatement. My fat distribution change is now nearing about 11% and the changes are so dramatic, makes me daydream about how will this be after two years, three years or five? Weight cycling might help with the process to some extent but no matter what to complete the change will take many years which is a lovely fact to know.

Anyway, take a look at these pics I took. I've been feeling so good about myself its very rare. <3

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