(10-10-2022, 02:28 PM)myboobs Wrote: Just looked up your thread . Amazing development . Congratulations
Ah thank you, I've come a long way since the start
Back in Business
So with a bit more of a return to normal updates, its been 2 solid weeks since my last measuring, sadly I wasn't successful on my recent application for an apprenticeship but these things happen and I learn more with each interview, getting more confident and strengthening my ability to sell myself. I did get great feedback and came a very close 2nd and was told exactly what I did wrong mainly just my ability to be assertive especially in a group interview... what can I say I'm shy?
Ok so this update won't be too big but I want to discuss something's really quickly, I've decided to go forwards with Royal Jelly and PG Cream, I feel that as I grow bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
I feel that my nipples and areolas are falling behind quite a bit sadly. With the amazing tutoring and guidance of Lara and who have amazing results with these products I'm astounded, I thought this stuff was fixed with tattooing them bigger that would be the only solution now we know better. NBE has become a strapple in my transition I feel that the added benefits towards growing bigger has brought some lets say benefits to the rest of my transition, health and mental wise I've found I'm doing well these days and with a bigger bust has come a lot more confidence
On the other side I've acquired 2 vials of tincture as in my phase 3 plans and will be going forward with that in the coming days so you could say this post is officially announcing the coming Phase 3 so my next update and end of month update I'll have been on it awhile. Though at that point I will be taking a break from reporting until Christmas and with luck have a very lovely update come then
Let's get down to business shall we? Ok long story short, last time I was a 1507.83cc this time today we measure a 1600.67cc if you know your volumes when I don't so I have to bug our dear Lara this is a 36G yes I've made it ok but first this is a small "g" lol about 20ccs above. As usual I had to remeasure this 6 times to ensure a correct reading especially considering my recording was originally coming up with 29 across the board both Horizontal and Vertical so getting the roots exact position does take patience to ensure truth is always maintained as the worst thing I could do is lie to myself. Also I've once again dropped in CC gained per 15 days now below 100cc I'm officially slowing down a little but I think I'm normalising now as my body has done the biggest gains obviously like most programs right at the start and I should now settle down within a month or two with consistent growth similar to most other programs. But as all things go tinctures and RJ+Cream could seriously start this wild ride all over again lol
Noogle hours total for oct so far is 48 and my total is 244.3 invested.
I won't be including another pumped up nore updating my timeline especially cause this is a small "g" but I will provide todays images and a nice one that's well... is kinda sexy