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(20-10-2022, 11:35 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I’m considering a corset of sorts, but I don’t even have the first clue as where to start looking, ie; styles, etc.

I bought my new one from Amazon I think, it wasn't even expensive.... To find sizes, some more specialised shops do better job I think.

While a corset sounds appealing, there are other styles I’d like to consider, but I’m unsure what they are. Possibly something that looks therapeutic as opposed to sexy, as long as it gives off a similar effect. I’ve always had a fear of compressing my diaphragm. Although I’ve lost a good amount of weight, I still have visceral fat issues I’m dealing with. I’ll give Amazon a quick look. Thanks.


You look absolutely amazing! You are truly an inspiration to us all.


Just a minor update. I took a nicer picture for my timeline today as noogling so much flared up a rash on my boobs, (Irritated and dry skin, nothing major.) I'm on a forced break for a while to let it heal. I noticed today how my underboob crease looks so much deeper and better defined and my areolas have been really puffy without swelling from the pump so I snapped and picture and added it in.

Then I did something I had planned for a long time, I scaled the pictures using those three tiny moles just above my boobs near centre of my chest. They were very closely in scale but now its even better. Am I dreaming this or is there a massive difference in the 16 month picture looking just a month or two back? Am I hitting next phase, a new growth spurt? I have felt like there's stuff happening, that royal jelly and PG cream are really kicking in and it certainly looks like it. I think my nipples are better defined and what's with areola width? Anyway, this development is so positive, I hope it keeps on going.

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(20-10-2022, 01:40 PM)Johanez Wrote:  DiDi:

You look absolutely amazing! You are truly an inspiration to us all.


Thanks Jo. Heart Blush

(20-10-2022, 08:50 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(20-10-2022, 04:26 AM)myboobs Wrote:  
(19-10-2022, 07:53 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I'll post few more pictures from few days ago, I was playing with my corset to bring out all hidden projection and everything from sides and below... I want to demonstrate what breast shape does. This is what I would look like if I had narrow root and very projected shape... I kinda hate it, to make this effect happen,, I need a bra, peculiar camera angles or something. Or just hell of a lot more tits which is my plan on how to deal with it, just make them grow huge and live happily ever after with intense back pains and overpriced bras. Big Grin
Don’t go poking people eyes out Big Grin
Hahaha, lol. I'll be careful. Wink 

I really love the corset, its like extreme support and pushing out everything there it. I wore it a bit too high even, just to get awesome pictures. The amount of hidden projection I have was kinda surprising because a bra doesn't bring it all out like that. I kinda hate my breast shape, I would love to have narrow projected ones. Hmmmh... What I got isn't seen as the most attractive shape there is. Dodgy
Many GG’s complain of same thing. Accepting what our genes have given brings contentment. Just remember your boobies are envy of many Wink

(20-10-2022, 01:52 PM)myboobs Wrote:  Many GG’s complain of same thing. Accepting what our genes have given brings contentment. Just remember your boobies are envy of many Wink
For me acceptance starts the moment I've used every method to change things for better. I will not accept and not be content until I've done everything there is to be done... So far so good, but my breast shape is not much fun really. They say there's some perks to wide root and shallow shape but I dunno if its so awesome. People think mine are way smaller than they are and I hate it! I have a massive problem with confidence and always feeling inferior and this only helps it. I must keep on doing everything I can to fix things. Including everything else. There is no other way. I guess I'm a shitty person, I can't do self acceptance until I try everything. My dysphoria doesn't give two shits about acceptance, only about fixing what's causing it. Sad

(20-10-2022, 02:06 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(20-10-2022, 01:52 PM)myboobs Wrote:  Many GG’s complain of same thing. Accepting what our genes have given brings contentment. Just remember your boobies are envy of many Wink
For me acceptance starts the moment I've used every method to change things for better. I will not accept and not be content until I've done everything there is to be done... So far so good, but my breast shape is not much fun really. They say there's some perks to wide root and shallow shape but I dunno if its so awesome. People think mine are way smaller than they are and I hate it! I have a massive problem with confidence and always feeling inferior and this only helps it. I must keep on doing everything I can to fix things. Including everything else. There is no other way. I guess I'm a shitty person, I can't do self acceptance until I try everything. My dysphoria doesn't give two shits about acceptance, only about fixing what's causing it. Sad
Why worry about what others think ? You are you and care not what others think. Once you accept that,
it will bring inner peace and self confidence. Improving our body shape is nothing to look down on .
but don’t let that make you feel any lesser person

(20-10-2022, 02:14 PM)myboobs Wrote:  Why worry about what others think ? You are you and care not what others think. Once you accept that,
it will bring inner peace and self confidence. Improving our body shape is nothing to look down on .
but don’t let that make you feel any lesser person
Its not about what others think so much, its more about how I'm feeling existing within my body and how I perceive myself. Its about fixing dysphoria, no positive nice thoughts and acceptance fixes it. I must fix my body physically of my dysphoria will keep on slowly killing me and ruining my sanity. And then there is a part of "what others think", I want my loved ones to perceive me as pretty and attractive, I want to feel pretty, wanted and loved. I do care what my friends think of me.

Ok and then to other stuff, can I whine and rant a bit? Can I vent my frustration about my body? Because I am very frustrated about it, dysphoric and pissed off... Yes things are going well with HRT and NBE, that is not an issue, the issue is how goddamn disgustingly big and bulky I am and how I have internalised a whole bunch of expectations and so called "ideals" which are all a fucking bullshit lie!

My body proportions are horrendously androgynous. My shoulders are wide, there's NOTHING I can do about it, not a fucking thing! How am I supposed to be fine with it?!? Somebody tell me? Acceptance, becoming content, bullshit! That's admitting failure and not trying to make things right. I may have an ace in my sleeve about this though, about making my hips and thighs get much wider which could offset the shoulder problem... Then my waist, its so tiny, so absolutely pretty and slim.... But its all covered by a thick layer of fat, a lot of which is old "male" fat that is still left. Its slowly melting away, but its so so mega slow. About this I also have an ace in my sleeve though. But its so painful. I have nothing against being chubby, heck I could be bigger and would mostly love it, but my waist disappearing is a massive problem. Its causing me extreme dysphoria which I didn't even know about until lately. So yea, figuring out my dysphoria has been rather interesting. Body shape and my over all size is a massive issue and likely the worst of it all. Thankfully body shape and proportions is something that can be dealt with and I am doing just that. Body shape is worse issue than my genitals which is a good second cause of dysphoria along with what is left of my facial hair.

And then there are the fucking fascist beauty standards and so called ideals! Its all fake, its all bullshit! Who's to say what is ideal? Who's to say what is beautiful? Who's the authority on this?!?!? What I see is always the prettiest, most standard conforming ones who keep on pushing these ideas. And also the most beautiful ones are those who preach body positive thinking and self acceptance. Its easy to accept oneself when everyone else is also approving of it. Nothing could be easier! Try to be like me and be body positive and self accepting. Omfg, at least I pass for a woman these days and not some joke walking by. But hell I'm so wide and tall, even with losing height, gaining curves and all, I'm still nowhere near fitting to any goddamn nazi beauty standards. Likely never will.

Fuck the standards, they're made for generic normies anyway. Dodgy

(21-10-2022, 10:05 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(20-10-2022, 02:14 PM)myboobs Wrote:  Why worry about what others think ? You are you and care not what others think. Once you accept that,
it will bring inner peace and self confidence. Improving our body shape is nothing to look down on .
but don’t let that make you feel any lesser person
Its not about what others think so much, its more about how I'm feeling existing within my body and how I perceive myself. Its about fixing dysphoria, no positive nice thoughts and acceptance fixes it. I must fix my body physically of my dysphoria will keep on slowly killing me and ruining my sanity. And then there is a part of "what others think", I want my loved ones to perceive me as pretty and attractive, I want to feel pretty, wanted and loved. I do care what my friends think of me.

Ok and then to other stuff, can I whine and rant a bit? Can I vent my frustration about my body? Because I am very frustrated about it, dysphoric and pissed off... Yes things are going well with HRT and NBE, that is not an issue, the issue is how goddamn disgustingly big and bulky I am and how I have internalised a whole bunch of expectations and so called "ideals" which are all a fucking bullshit lie!

My body proportions are horrendously androgynous. My shoulders are wide, there's NOTHING I can do about it, not a fucking thing! How am I supposed to be fine with it?!? Somebody tell me? Acceptance, becoming content, bullshit! That's admitting failure and not trying to make things right. I may have an ace in my sleeve about this though, about making my hips and thighs get much wider which could offset the shoulder problem... Then my waist, its so tiny, so absolutely pretty and slim.... But its all covered by a thick layer of fat, a lot of which is old "male" fat that is still left. Its slowly melting away, but its so so mega slow. About this I also have an ace in my sleeve though. But its so painful. I have nothing against being chubby, heck I could be bigger and would mostly love it, but my waist disappearing is a massive problem. Its causing me extreme dysphoria which I didn't even know about until lately. So yea, figuring out my dysphoria has been rather interesting. Body shape and my over all size is a massive issue and likely the worst of it all. Thankfully body shape and proportions is something that can be dealt with and I am doing just that. Body shape is worse issue than my genitals which is a good second cause of dysphoria along with what is left of my facial hair.

And then there are the fucking fascist beauty standards and so called ideals! Its all fake, its all bullshit! Who's to say what is ideal? Who's to say what is beautiful? Who's the authority on this?!?!? What I see is always the prettiest, most standard conforming ones who keep on pushing these ideas. And also the most beautiful ones are those who preach body positive thinking and self acceptance. Its easy to accept oneself when everyone else is also approving of it. Nothing could be easier! Try to be like me and be body positive and self accepting. Omfg, at least I pass for a woman these days and not some joke walking by. But hell I'm so wide and tall, even with losing height, gaining curves and all, I'm still nowhere near fitting to any goddamn nazi beauty standards. Likely never will.

Fuck the standards, they're made for generic normies anyway. Dodgy
I hear your frustrations . Are they not those demons created by yourself ?
why go by what others judge it as standard of beauty ? Or even shape or size ?
I run a shop and I see all sizes of women, pretty to average and all are cheerful when I talk to them .
i also have 4 trans customers and one of them worked for me for short while .
I believe me when I say this , you fit perfectly in women category going by your pics .
all male related issues will get solved eventually. There is no deadline for you to meet .
that is why I say to remain positive and look not to others for approval.
if you are positive within people respond positively .
I gave up nbe due to old age related issues .
I accepted that and remain content with what I have . Means not that I go 
green at gills to see development like your .

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