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Hi everybody. Its day 500 and I guess I promised to update something... I wish I had something really worth an update but I don't. I didn't reach H/K cup limit yet, I'm just a tiny bit below. For some reason my boobs decided that they slowed down... Still got +49ccs more during the last fifteen days but after months of amazing development, this is a disappointment as I was expecting more.

My program is working fine, other than I decided to go totally off of progesterone cream and maybe find some other way to use it or just forget about it. Its just a big waste  of money, way too expensive for what its worth. Royal Jelly seems to work fine, other than that I'm forced to take a break from it because it + plenty of Noogling hours seems to be giving me an allergic rash and dryness on my boobs which is a royal pain in the ass. I have had to take several breaks from Noogle and I'm still not completely clear.

It appears that everything that is supposed to aid with areola + nipple growth is out of my league because my body is such a goddamn super delicate disappointment it can't take anything. Seems like I'm fucking cursed with tiny nipples and can't even do anything about it. RJ is likely a periodic thing at best, PG cream was likely a total mistake and I can't do supple nips because those stupid things only give me blistered nipples and lots of pain. So I guess with nipples I'm at the mercy of my genetics and pure luck. Not that I would have ever wanted big nipples... Dodgy Maybe T5 and lactation will at some point come in and save the day.

I'm moving to another phase with weight cycling, I decided that I'll go on a bit more rigorous plan for the coming at least two months because I want to seriously slim down my waist which is a gargantuan cause of dysphoria, probably one of the worst offenders right now. So simply eating less, moving more when ever my crippling depression and anxiety (and weather) allow me to go out.

Anyway, here's some measurements, interestingly, my bust changed nicely but volume didn't change that much its been for months now. I lost a bit from waist and gained a bit on my hips. So the direction is really good and I hope this keeps on going. But my ratios are shit. some zero point eight something. I look like a goddamn buffed out dude with shitty ratios like that. I'm hoping what I'm doing would at very least take me below 0,80 because like this, I look like a masculine shapeless blob. I have to get my tiny slim waist back. I was looking at old photos and stuff and realised that omg I've gotten so fat. My waist used to measure BELOW 75cm!! That's frigging 29,5". That was when I was at the slimmest I have ever been and my waist under all that fat is absolutely cute and tiny and I loved it so much. Now I'm just a shapeless chubby blob and I hate it. Curves are nice but not having a waist is just making my dysphoria horrendous and I must address this problem.

Standing bust: 130,5cm 51,3"
Leaning bust: 134cm 52,7"
Lying bust: 128,5cm 50,5"
Loose band: 102,5cm 40,3"
Snug band: 100cm 39,3"
Tight band: 96cm 37,7"
Waist: 104,5cm 41,1"
Hips: 128,5cm 50,5"

Here's some pictures. The one with a shirt I took without a bra below which was kinda nice surprise. Second is another boring frontal pic which I just took and ABTF calculator had this to say today.

I will now likely go on a hiatus, at least I wont be posting any big updates before the end of the year, I'll drop by every now and then to see what's going on on here. My mental health is in such shitty shape I need time for myself. I've had this coming for a long time that I'm just exhausted, I'm dead tired, out of juice, no energy or motivation for much anything. I can barely take care of myself and I keep forgetting a lot of things that I'm supposed be doing. I have been dramatically limiting my exposure online to a lot of things I just can't deal with. So yea, I'm taking a break. I want to concentrate on myself and my adorable partners and that's it. I need time for myself. And for my sweet Melissa. Heart

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Everybody and every thing needs a rest. I think everyone will be understanding.

very pretty pics~


51-41-51 .... That’s really impressive.
Enjoy your sabbatical and your time to recharge. We all need breaks every so often. You’re very blessed to have Melissa, who I know cares about you very much.

Thank you for saying hello and congratulations on your 500th day.


Best of luck with the break! I don't say much over here but I do appreciate all the help you've given me over the year. Routinely coming to forums to check up on everything can get stressful, so I'm glad you're able to be comfortable taking a break.`

Thanks for the replies. Heart I'm surprised there were more than one.

I really need time off. There are some cool things in the works right now, but I'm not on the mood to talk about it and there's nothing new to update about. I will likely keep quiet until the end of the year. There's nothing to talk about and I want to concentrate on my mental health and what not.

Maybe next time I chime in I might have something worth updating about.

Enjoy your time off. I look forward to you sharing what you’ve got planned.

Happy 500th hun  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart  !!!

Yeah I bailed to on PGcream, I really strongly considered it and even brought it and I went really cold as I reached for them something said no? It was like a dreaded feeling that I shouldn't especially taking oral and boofed PG to and with what Lotus said worried me a bit.

That RJ I have but haven't tried it still I'm not sure why not I got my nipple covers but it's so cold but I'll try sometime soon  Blush I do think late T4 and T5 are going to help a lot with Areola nipple development as you know I'm chasing this too and it seems kinda difficult but after a little chat with Lotus I think I might try out L-tyrosine and see what that does for me down the line  Cool

Oh you too hun looks like we are both going on hiatus  Heart . But yeah I'm just playing with weight cycling right now too even  Cool , going down now and will ramp up over the holidays, it's a perfect excuse  Tongue Also awesome pictures hun here's to the next reading where you get H oh and your rash is looking a lot better  Blush 

Love ya hun  Heart Heart

Taking needed personal time is rather important with life balance! May you both return renewed and refreshed from unplugging for a while!

Hey there Lara, I'm confident when I say that your ability to metabolize nbe/hrt is unique (meaning you'll respond fast), so give it time and allow itself to reset the receptors in the nipples, they'll come back...I went through the same thing.  Heart Oh yeah, belated 500th  Kiss

(05-11-2022, 09:32 PM)Mel87 Wrote:  Happy 500th hun  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart  !!!

Yeah I bailed to on PGcream, I really strongly considered it and even brought it and I went really cold as I reached for them something said no? It was like a dreaded feeling that I shouldn't especially taking oral and boofed PG to and with what Lotus said worried me a bit.

That RJ I have but haven't tried it still I'm not sure why not I got my nipple covers but it's so cold but I'll try sometime soon  Blush I do think late T4 and T5 are going to help a lot with Areola nipple development as you know I'm chasing this too and it seems kinda difficult but after a little chat with Lotus I think I might try out L-tyrosine and see what that does for me down the line  Cool

Oh you too hun looks like we are both going on hiatus  Heart . But yeah I'm just playing with weight cycling right now too even  Cool , going down now and will ramp up over the holidays, it's a perfect excuse  Tongue Also awesome pictures hun here's to the next reading where you get H oh and your rash is looking a lot better  Blush 

Love ya hun  Heart Heart

Awwwh cutie being all heart spam.... Blush Heart  With PG cream I think it can be used as a little boost, applied elsewhere than boobs. What I got is really expensive and it would be a big waste to not use it so I might end up applying it in some other way. Yes I think so too, knowing what kind of genetics I'm carrying in me, I should get very nice big nipples in the end but I have no idea how the development will go. I have to do some digging on L-tyrosine as I keep forgetting what exactly it does. Other than regulating body temperature as I remember some people taking it on the side of glandulars. Yes we are synced honey, who would have guessed? Kiss I Heart U 2

Quote:Posted by p_r_1974 - 06-11-2022, 05:10 PM

Taking needed personal time is rather important with life balance! May you both return renewed and refreshed from unplugging for a while!

Thanks, it sure is. ^_^ I will be around, just not posting that much.

Quote:Posted by Lotus - 7 hours ago

Hey there Lara, I'm confident when I say that your ability to metabolize nbe/hrt is unique (meaning you'll respond fast), so give it time and allow itself to reset the receptors in the nipples, they'll come back...I went through the same thing.  [Image: heart.gif] Oh yeah, belated 500th  [Image: kiss.png]

Thanks. ^_^ Heart Yea, five hundred days, I guess its something. Not far from year and half now. Oh absolutely, that much is very obvious by now, changes seem to show up quickly. The colour of my areolas has started to come back already, its strange how PC can change it so dramatically. I'm getting the cute dark pink back which is awesome.

Speaking of fast response to changes. Right now I'm putting in high gear on slimming cycle, watching my diet, exercising when ever weather allows (its been very cold and rainy and we even had snow one day.) and I'm testing pushing GABA from 750mg to 1500mg so taking it morning and evening. I've noted two differences in a week now, elevated energy levels especially in the morning. Its very easy to wake up now, super fast and I don't need as much coffee to wake up. And all growth symptoms, ache, tenderness, deep itch has gone through the roof. I'm betting on elevated HGH levels helping out with both slimming down and boob growth, so far both MSM and GABA have been extremely good additions and this seems to be working perfectly. Also I started taking Biotin, 15000mcg caps, one a day. I'm so sick of my hir growing slowly and I thought why not as this can help with skin and nails also.

Anyway, I wont be updating much for a while and pop in from time to time. Next time I update, I want it to be a big one. Wink

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