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NBE to HRT, Jennifer's Transition


And here are two more photos.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer Hug

(15-03-2023, 10:02 PM)Jennifer Wrote:  Hello,

So yesterday I went to the ophthalmologist.
Today, I went to test glasses, and I submit 3 photos to the vote of the members of the forum.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer. Hug
I vote C or third pic.

Hi Jennifer
You look fantastic and feminine in every way
I think that the actual frame that you pick to replace your current masculine frames will be the right one for you. I particularly like how you use you accessories to compliment your appearance. The jewelry and cosmetics will confirm your feminity and it's very easy to see why you are addressed as mame by another woman.
If I was to pick one frame it would be the third pair as I think that it suits you but of course only you can determine your preference. I am encouraged by your determination.. congratulations for your progress


I agree with Mashtenn.  I like the glasses in the third pic the best.  But you are the one who has to live with them so take my choice for what you paid for it.   Wink

Hi Jennifer,

Personally I think you must make the choice, as time goes by your face may change again, if that happens as I am sure it will you may be stuck with it go with your instincts it is how you feel.

But may I please make a kind suggestion? for now why not go with a gender neutral pair, as your face and body change it will not be as obvious that you may be in the wrong glasses, just a thought.

What ever you choose good luck


Two things today:

1 - I received my new blood results.

Estradiol  2.63 nmol/l = 716 pg/ml

Testosterone  2.0 nmol/l = 0.6ng/ml

I think it's very good levels.
So I think I wouldn't need anti-androgens.

2 - Today I sent an email using a pro email so not at all anonymous to my boss (she's a woman).
I had an automatic read back, so someone from management opened my email.
To see the rest, either it goes well, or I'm fired.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer. Hug

(16-03-2023, 07:08 PM)Jennifer Wrote:  Hello

Two things today:

1 - I received my new blood results.

Estradiol  2.63 nmol/l = 716 pg/ml

Testosterone  2.0 nmol/l = 0.6ng/ml

I think it's very good levels.
So I think I wouldn't need anti-androgens.

2 - Today I sent an email using a pro email so not at all anonymous to my boss (she's a woman).
I had an automatic read back, so someone from management opened my email.
To see the rest, either it goes well, or I'm fired.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer. Hug

Jennifer, Such a big step you are taking. Fear of the unknown is a natural reaction especially when we have no control over the reaction of others.
It will go well as management will go out of their way to accommodate your needs. If you are the first to transition at your company they may retain the expertise of an outside human resources company to assist with the process. Fellow employees will surprise you with their support.

(15-03-2023, 10:09 PM)Jennifer Wrote:  And here are two more photos.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer Hug

Most definitely not the six sided be honest all of them look masculine.
i kind of like the ones that you have been wearing.....they do look like you have had them a while, but i like that style. it suits you...
Katie K

(15-03-2023, 10:02 PM)Jennifer Wrote:  Hello,

So yesterday I went to the ophthalmologist.
Today, I went to test glasses, and I submit 3 photos to the vote of the members of the forum.

Kisses Kiss

Jennifer. Hug

#3 ?

Hello Jennifer,

This link might help you decide what to wear, this link might not be suitable, only trying to help.


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