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You are my hero!

 Your breasts loook very full. Are they getting more sensitive? 
 Thank you for your positive outlook. It is inspiring. 

 I am taking your advice and reducing carbs along with increasing training.
 I am also stopping estrogen for at least a while. After 3 days I am so happy all the time I barely know myself. 

 There was a sale on pumps so I bought one. That and fenugrek for a month and see how I feel.

 Never stop playing! 

 Best, Owlie

Hero? Haha. You’re too kind! And yes, mine are very full now. Thank you for noticing. They’re really coming along nicely and yes! They are very sensitive now. I’m really loving my latest progress.

Thank you, again!

Another photo update, mainly because I’m pleased with my progress. While they’re not the biggest or prettiest, they’re mine and I think they’re amazing. They feel incredible and I love them.

Currently taking E2/P4, Vitamins C/D3, Tudca, Milk Thistle, American Ginseng, L-Arginine, Fenugreek 50% Saponins, Goat’s Rue, Turmeric, Cayenne, Ceylon Cinnamon, Collagen Peptides, Calcium Citrate, Red Reishi, Zinc. I drink Green Tea daily. I’m thinking about adding GABA, L-Tyrosine & Boron.

Gains have been coming recently, which has been a huge mood booster. Also my hair is finally getting longer, which makes me feel nice, too. My figure in the mirror is unmistakably feminine, which is awesome too. I love my pelvic tilt ghetto booty. Tits are past the stage of being easily hid. I’m starting to notice obvious stares.

I’ve recently picked up a new skirt, and a couple of new blouses. They do great things for self esteem. I’m thinking about getting another skirt like this one, as it’s so comfortable. I’ve worn a skirt every single day for the last nine years, and I feel so out of sorts when I have to get into boy mode now. I’ll wear a less obvious skirt or even my kilt-skirts when I’m the yard working, as I really do hate wearing pants.

The Face-App photo is cheating, I know. But she gives me hope. I think she’s gorgeous. The very weird thing is, she looks exactly like my Ex. I can’t get over that. It’s almost creepy to a point. But, she is a beautiful woman, albeit a rhymes with witch.

If I could get one thing now, it’d be laser for myface. I absolutely hate mybeard. I have been zapping it weekly here lately with the IPL, with little to no success. But, I’m now able to withstand Level Five, and the pain isn’t as bad as it used to be. Perhaps it’s the HRT which has definitely made my face more translucent, but also mybeard isn’t like a wire brush anymore. I’m going to continue on with the IPL, in hopes that repeated weekly zaps will make ‘some’ difference.

Lastly, I’m ever grateful to the constant support I receive.


You look stunning, a real good looking woman, well done one word WOW


Love your look.

Thanks y’all, but that’s the FaceApp. I know it’s cheating, but I think she’s beautiful. My hair is getting longer and i can definitely see myself becoming a blonde. The main & funny thing about me posting that photo, is she looks just like my Ex. That’s too freaky to me.

In the meantime, I see this in the mirror 100 times a day, and it gives me hope.

So what's a dame like you doing in a joint like this?

Keep the blond it works.

Keep the body it works very well!


You’re funny, Owllee.

I’m loving this new skirt & top I ordered off Amazon. In fact, I’m loving my new wish list. Being a cross-dresser with actual boobs is fun lol. This bra I’m wearing is sort of constricting, but I think I still have nice projection here.

Speaking of boobs, I’m still getting growing pains and they’re still filling in, and rounding out. I’m going to add GABA to my program this week. I’ll order it with a new top or two. I really want some new sandals, too. Myhair is getting longer, so I’m loving that as well.

I’ve really ramped up my program here lately, and things are moving along nicely.

One thing I love doing is more constant breast massage, with some rather intense nipple stretching. My nipples aren’t as tender as they used to be, and they can take rather strong pinching, pulling & stretching now, and I think it’s paying off. They’re constantly hard, showing through both my bra & blouses lol I love it.

I can see that your nipples are hard and nice.  I've been getting the same results from using my supple nips.  Keep up the good work.

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