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That’s wild. I’ve never seen a P cup before .... errrr, come to think of it, maybe I have lol.

But thank you, Lara. It must be frustrating always having to buy new bras all the time. You’re going to need a custom bra maker here soon at this rate!

Hourglass Figure Sounds Lovely!


(25-04-2023, 10:42 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  That’s wild. I’ve never seen a P cup before .... errrr, come to think of it, maybe I have lol.

But thank you, Lara. It must be frustrating always having to buy new bras all the time. You’re going to need a custom bra maker here soon at this rate!

Its pain int he ass... Or more like pain in the wallet. Last three bras have been so short lived its just nuts, that's why I bought a goal bra instead of something fitting out of the box but it'll take a while before its good to wear so I have to solider on with the current one. I simply can't afford to get them all the time, there's no way I could have several different ones and have them all be a good fit. I just some days back piled some of my old bras up and there's so many of them....

85C, 40DD, 36H 40F, 38FF, 38G, 38GG, 38H, 36J, 34K to mention few which are thing of the past, most are in near pristine condition too but they just don't fit well any more. Some I know I want to save as mementos but the rest, what to do with them? I wonder if I could donate them somewhere.

You were so excited about what I mentioned on body proportions and ratios. Ok I'll spoil you a bit and drop some quite recent pics. I've been slimming down some, my waist has gotten quite a lot smaller and I've gained a lot on thighs and hips at the same time. Good bye hip dips. Wink

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More for Stevenator... This is what I mean about hips and thighs. These are not brand new pics, I got more since March 11th.

I remember it well, I was told that I need to lose a ton of weight and get extensive surgeries to look feminine or to pass and what esle. I was called ugly masculine ogre. How wrong they all were. Jealous idiots. If they saw me today they would likely feel like a proper bunch of nitwits.  Big Grin

I wasn't supposed to spoil everything and picture spam. You talked me into it dammit. xD Ruining the surprise... Well the surprise is to reach the goals I have set and that's still some ways away. ^_^ The reason why I mention the goals is that the panic will motivate me to work for it. I'm fooling my mind so I rather do something than procastrinate forever. Thanks ADHD.

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So, stuff about weight cycles, I've been doing that obviously a whole lot and I'm planning on getting on slow and steady slimming phase during the summer. I dropped off Pituitary from the NBE program as that in combination with bovine ovary is excellent for putting on weight, most is brand new gynoid subvutaneous fat which is more than welcome, but it also didn't discriminate much so I gained a lot on my waist, tummy and back. This is obvious if you look back into my older posts and pictures.

So the thing is now to lose as much male pattern fat as possible and do what ever I can to especially target visceral fat and brown fat which I've been carrying on me for ages, especially on my back and lower tummy. These interestingly enough are the areas where I have lost the most which has contributed a lot to my waist measurement plummetting and my butt becoming far more accentuated. This is extremely welcome and I'm just getting started with this.

I also ditched the cayenne & ginseng tincture in favour of ginsend extract capsules. Mostly because the capsules are about four times more bang for the buck compared to the liquid extract. I have no choice, I must prioritise with money and NBE is expensive hobby. So far its been great, I have gone from about 1000mg a day to 3000mg a day, this along with milk thistle has given me massive breast aches and fastest growth I have ever recorded so far. So ginsenosides are truly magical addition on the side. I'm considering buying a premium quality ginseng capsules so that I might go down on the dose, but higher on ginsenosides which is the effective ingredient. I ditched melatonin completely as I rather build up my own melatonin secretion. It also might slow down the gynoid fat development so better to drop it and use only when needed. Besides I wont need anything to boost estrogens as I have plenty. Only thing is to make a local boost to breast and that's where estriol cream might come in handy.

Also my nipples have finally started growing enough to give it a mention and what did it is the combination of elevated prolactin and L-tyrosine which I took on 500mg/day for about two months and then went on 1000mg/day just lately which has given a visible change very quickly. My nipples still aren't much, but getting so nicely better lately. I'm planning to try estriol cream topically also depending on when I can afford it. Its one of the last grey areas about what could help with nipple development which I haven't tried. Supple nips and pumps are just totally out of question, I can't do it without blistered nipples and I'm already putting so much time to Noogle there just is no hours in a day to spare, I have a life outside of NBE too. Big Grin

Jennifer asked about my program, I'll list everything here, what I'm currently on. There will be some minor changes during next several months, I'll update once I know better. My HRT is combination of EV injection and EV patch, latter is to sooth out the highs and lows, injection to bring my levels high enough. My golden middle is between 200 - 350 pg/ml and its very strictly there, below two hundred and over five hundred is too much. Below and I'll get androgen symptoms and feel like shit, higher stalls my body changes and breast grow and gives massive mood swings which are much like what pregnancy does to a whole lot of women. About my current prolactin levels, I'm not sure, but I'm on the brink of full lactation, I can milk droplets any time I want, some times as a stream when it gets really active. Last time my bloods said prolactin to be 1398 mU/l and lactation started below those levels. Currently I'm likely around there or slightly higher. Progesterone levels I don't test for as I don't think its needed, I know PG is working and doing its job well. My T levels hover around 20-30 pg/ml which is perfect, lowest I ever got was last time, 23 pg/ml. I don't even want to go lower than that as keeping some T around is healthy and it might contribute to breast growth also. I absolutely love Bovine Ovary as part of my program, its just extremely hard and expensive to source. Its one of the things that is hit or miss and on me it works like magic, its somehow balancing my hormones in a way that nothing else does. Its doing something conventional HRT alone cannot do, I'm not exactly sure how and why because there's so little science on it, but I know its working, its magiclaly good for my mood and body changes.

EV injection 0,08ml/3,2mg biweekly, Monday and Friday
EV patch 0,50mcg biweekly, Wednesday and Sunday
Progesterone  200mg boofed, before sleep
Cyproterone Acetate 12,5mg mornings

GABA 1x 750mg
L-tyrosine 2x 500mg
Multivitamin 1x (this has ton of stuff in it, I'll show the label some time.)
Biotin(B7) 1x 15000iu
Calcium citrate 1x (its combination with several things along calcium.)
Milk Thistle 2x 300mg
Ginseng 2x 250mg(equal to 1000mg)
Swansom Bovine Ovary 1x 250mg

GABA 1x 750mg
Milk Thistle 2x 300mg
Ginseng 2x 250mg

MSM 3 teaspoons in glass of water
D3 10000iu/250mcg
A 5000iu
GABA 1x 750mg
Milk Thistle 2x 300mg
Ginseng 2x 250mg

You should be proud of what you’ve achieved. I’m envious of your hips & thighs. Well, those massive titties too lol.

I congratulate you on your goals and hope that you achieve everything you set for yourself. Thanks for the photo updates. They look great!

I’m thinking about adding L-Tyrosine, GABA & Boron. I’m already taking MSM, C/D3, E2/P4, American Ginseng, Calcium Citrate, Red Reishi & FG Saponins. I just added Goat’s Rue to see how that works.

(25-04-2023, 12:09 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I’m thinking about adding L-Tyrosine, GABA & Boron. I’m already taking MSM, C/D3, E2/P4, American Ginseng, Calcium Citrate, Red Reishi & FG Saponins. I just added Goat’s Rue to see how that works.

I just read somewhere that Ginseng might make anxiety symptoms worse. Interestingly I have had quite a lot of random anxiety lately but I can't tell if its ginseng making it worse as I have anxiety regardless. L-tyrosine and GABA work nicely together but be careful not to OD on them, both boost alertness and energy levels, both boost HGH, L-tyrosine seems to have obvious effect on nipples. It might also boost conginitive skills which is kinda interesting.

Btw something to note about D3, for a very long time I was on way too tiny doses and then slowly built it up and right now I'm at the absolute top end of what I'm willing to take, I'm getting 250mcg/10000iu at evenings and 50mcg in the morning in the multivitamin so I'm a bit over what I should be doing. I might drop the dose a bit once I start to get enough sunlight. Every time I've went closer to the optimally high dosage, my boobs have started to grow better. This same correlation happens with GABA and I bet its HGH and prolactin boost doing it. GABA is fantastic on boosting prolactin.

What's Goat's rue supposed to deal with?

Hi Lara ....

When reading about Domperidone on other forums, I kept seeing Goat’s Rue mentioned. It even is said to help repair tuberous breasts, so I’m going to give it a short run to see if I notice any improvements. I’ll be ordering Boron, GABA and L-Tyrosine on the 1st.

I’m grateful for your return to BN and I’m ecstatic at your new positive outlook. I’m so happy for you.

Amazing..if not legendary yet you should be!

Now I have to resist taking everything you are.

Maybe I'll start with Milk Thistle, the name sounds encouraging.

You have moved the bar higher my friend.


I finally did what I planned for a long time and wrote down my guide to Noogleberry pump.... This one was long overdue but here you go. Lara's take no shit guide to hardcore Noogling

And to keep this post interesting, have a look. Here's my current Elomi Molly in 34KK with an extender and my massive goal bra, Bravissimo Alicia in 36L. Elomi is spot on true to size, latter has big cups. The depth is truly something.

I don't think I've showed my face here for a long time? I might say that I've changed a bit. Kiss

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