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Back Again

Hello all,

Still recovering but feeling better, been taking PM & RR at single does so not to cause any problems with the meds I am taking for Palsy, all those have now stopped and will ramp up next week, obviously on the advice of Lotus and Jennifer.

Anyway whilst feeling sorry for myslf I was searching th einternet to try and get HRT because over here it is impossible unless you want to transgender and at the moment I do not, I just want breats'scannot say what the future may hold.

I came accross this which I can get, does anyon eknow anything about it, the item is called ESTROLIBRIUM, what are your thoughts on lis.


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Looks great,
I'm a 60y. male and started two years ago with yams nothing at all. Now I am using PM and red clover and also a breast pump.
It works but it is hard


At last some good news about breast growth, I have a female friend who over the years has been helpful in many ways, from deep tissue massage to just being a friend when I have been very low, I have known here since 2010 or there abouts and has been a rock.

She is 62 and menopausal and took Oestrodoil but now on tablets, she knows about my desire to frow breast's and has offered to get me Oestradoil pump backs for me to use (see photo), so far she has got me 3 packs of 750mg pump, I believe that is one pump a day, in all that is 6 months worth, happy days, I have another massage session on the 10 may and will collect the items then, the other bit it is costing me nothing.

Will the members please advise on what to expect, Jennifer has given me some guidance but always will to absorb more information.

xx Kiss

Hi Liz

Small mistake it's 750µg not 750mg.

Don't do like me, go too fast for a certain thing, and let nature do the rest. (Small throwback to your last post)

Start taking a blood test to find out your current testosterone and estrogen levels.
Then you start, one dose a day for 3 months.
And you listen to your body.
In a month, you do another analysis. In two months another analysis.
You share your analyzes with us as you go, so that you can comment on them.

Other than vitamins, calcium citrate, vitamin D3... you don't take anything that's a booster of anything, so estradiol is the only thing that changes your levels.
We can add other products or increase the doses later. (After the first 3 months)

Know that a dose or two max is already very effective.

As I told you, with Oestrogel, you will have breasts, but you will also feminize yourself.

Welcome to a new adventure, a great adventure.

Kisses Liz, Kiss  Friendship Wink

Jennifer Hug


Just aksed my friend what size the gel pack is, she says it is 80 Gram total content with a one pump delivery of 750 micrograms actuation gel per single pump equal to 1.25 g per of Oestrogel.

Hope that makes sense  Big Grin


On advice from Lotus I have been drinking Green Tea, once in the morning and once at night, yeuk I do not like it, imo it tastes like mud and I am unable to use sugar, so a bit of research and I have found GTE in capsule format, will this do the same, if so how many capsules should I take.

Thanks in advance

Well under the guidance of Jennifer on the 10 May I have started Oestrogel pump, 1 dose per day, I hav estopped everything else apart from Calcium & Vitamin D3, lets see how i get on.

The Gel I have obtained via a female friend who can still get because she is still menopausal and it cost's me nothing , I picked up 2 lots which using 1 pump a day will last me about 4 months.


Note - Thanks Jennifer  Hug

Had some bloods taken by a Private company, shocked at the results, my Oestradiol levels were off the chart.

9722 pmol/L, that cannot be right, sent them an email to get them to check this out, my T was 12.1, any thoughts.

Hello Liz,
Knowing what you are taking, 9722 nmol/L is obviously impossible.
The company that did the test and did not react is to be avoided.

For your T 12.1 what, what unit.

Kisses Liz Kiss

Jennifer Hug

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