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Today marked 35 months on HRT. I’ve been noticing gains the past few months and I hope the continue. I’m glad to see this board active this week. Here’s to the past 4.5 years of NBE & 35 months of HRT, with many more to come.

Congratulations and continue growth.

Wow! You look incredible! Very inspiring. 

They must be moving a great deal now. 

Do you wear a bra at all?

what other physical changes are you experiencing?


Thank you, Owllee.

I’m not sure what you mean by them moving a great deal. They do bounce when I walk, and get caught in the sheets. I bump them all the time when doing things like tying my shoes, etc.

I have been wearing a bra more often lately, and I did recently purchase two more bras. So, I guess they’re getting to the point that I have to wear a bra more often. I do feel more comfortable now wearing a bra every day.

I’m not really experiencing any new changes. I’d LOVE to have fat thighs, but at this point I’m not sure that I’m going to get them. My hair is now finally down to the middle of my back.

I got the pelvic tilt at the 18th month mark on PM, so I’ve already lost two inches in height. Fat shifting made my hands, feet, forearms & calves thinner back then, too.

Adding a quick photo because for the last two months I feel like I’m on a solid growth run. I hope that it continues.

I recently started taking Progesterone (P4) again after a few month absence. I definitely noticed a drop in growth while being off P4.

But in addition to my normal regimen, I added White Peony, Fenugreek Saponins, Goat’s Rue, L-Tyrosine & GABA.

Normal daily regimen is: Red Reishi, American Ginseng, Milk Thistle, Calcium Citrate, MSM, Dandelion, Vitamin C & D3, Collagen Peptides, Citicoline, Zinc, Natural Whole Foods Multi-Vitamin.

I’m experiencing the same results documented in Hello DiDi’s thread, and I’m enjoying the response I’m getting.

I’d also say that these last two months I’ve been doing a lot more physical work outside in the vegetable garden and I do believe I’m getting an additional IGF-1 boost, along with the HGH Boost from GABA, Tyrosine & Citicoline at night.

Exercise is important for breast growth, people!

You have definitely had some growth and your areola's have expanded and are nice.  Hoping to get mine to do the same.

Incredible...stupendous....I cant believe you exist....what are you doing next weekend

Sorry....lost in fantasy

Your breasts are beautiful. 

Oh my


Q: What are you doing next weekend?

A: Feeding the chickens, working in the garden. You know, Happy Homesteader stuff . . . .


so Steve, with breasts that size, which must be a DD, how can you possibly pass as a male? I had difficulty dressing an male and I was only a full C cup? That was a big reason I transgendered a few years ago, and I'm much happier. I love to show some cleavage and I often go braless so they can bounce. Hav you thought about that?

Hi Connie,

First of all, thank you for saying hello. Your avatar lists you as a Junior Member, but you’ve been here on BN for 12 years, so that makes you a Senior Member in my eyes!

Tbh, I’ve never had much success with bra sizing. I think it’s due to my barrel chest. I’m a 46 band. I’m a 46 waist, too. For the life of me, I have difficulty getting past this plateau I’ve found myself on. Although I lost 40lbs last year, I’ve been stuck where I’m at for the last year. So my measurements are 51-46-51. I definitely have a big ass that projects prominently. I got the pelvic tilt about the 18th month mark when I started taking PM.

So while I think that I’m a DD, but it’s hard to say. I’ve bought & returned more bras over the years than I can count. I basically just wear two styles of bras now. A fairly common style of sports bra that has removable pads, and front clasp bras. Those are the two that I’ve had the most success with. I’d love to have a Platex 18 hour bra, but that style eludes me.

I’ll wear mybra around the house or on the riding mower, but a sure fire way to get pegged in public is when the bra straps show through a thin or tight shirt, so I mostly go bra less.

For years I had no trouble at all hiding myboobs, but now I’m at the point where I’m great difficulty in camouflaging and masking them. People are starting to notice more and more, though.

I don’t necessarily flaunt my new curves, but I also don’t hide them. While I’ve worn a skirt around the house daily for the last eight years, you’ll never catch me wearing it in public. I am however considering going to this year’s pride parade wearing my skirt-kilt from “Purple Rain Skirts in Oregon” that looks more like a skirt than an actual kilt. It does have the flap up front, which is great. When you sit down, you’re not flashing everyone because the flap drops to conceal that view.

I have been buying women’s shorts over the last year, and they’re all I wear now. They just fit & feel better. I have gotten a few simple tops here lately that are more comfortable when wearing around the house. I doubt I’d ever wear them in public.

I did get a couple of pull over tops that I might wear out. They’re more androgynous than anything. I’ve been wearing women’s tank tops around the house and there’s no hiding my curves in those. If you account on delivery drivers who see me in them, about 50% will notice. I probably wouldn’t wear them in public, though.

Other than that, I’ll routinely wear a men’s pull over polo shirt when in public and I’ll get confused double takes. So, I don’t hide them and I’ll wear tight shirts that show them, but so far no one has pegged me as trans.

With the addition of topical DHEA Cream and P4 Progesterone applied to my breasts and nipples, my nipples have gotten huge. They’re constantly hard and even the other day in the grocery store with a tight pullover, I got no double-takes. That’s kind of surprising, because there’s no missing them. Perhaps with more personal interaction, I’d probably get stares, but I don’t leave the house much anymore.

I say that, but my hair is getting longer, and myface is getting softer. This morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and I was surprised at how much my face is changing. I’m a few weeks away from three years on HRT, so it looks like things are progressing.

I’ve always said that I’ll never publicly transition, and I don’t see that changing. I’ve always wanted an in-between look, and I’m still okay with that. When you ask how can people not see me as male, I think it has a lot to do with my typical male brow line and eyebrows. I still have mybeard and it drives me absolutely nuts. Perhaps one day I’ll finally get that removed. I’m still seriously considering that. I hate mybeard.

Thank you for saying hello.

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