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Impressive results.  I'm happy for you.  I just went back to using my Supple Nips and gaining results again.  Remember to start back slow and gradually work your way up much like you did when you started with your noogleberry.

(04-06-2023, 12:18 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  Impressive results.  I'm happy for you.  I just went back to using my Supple Nips and gaining results again.  Remember to start back slow and gradually work your way up much like you did when you started with your noogleberry.
Thanks. Heart I'm planning to wear them in between noogle sessions, go with how it feels like and keep the pressure quite mild. So far its been ok. Today I had them on for about hour and half and I'm going to do another one once I'm done with second noogle session. It seems that my tolerance to this is better now than how it was, I guess the rigorous noogling helps as its dealing with the entire breast at once and 3-5 hours a day is a lot.

Btw I'm a bit jealous of my girlfriend, she doesn'y have much boobs yet as she's been on HRT for only a short time, but she's been pumping her nipples for years. Hers are huge, I have only seen few cis women with nipples as big as hers and I've been so intrigued how. Apparently its mostly just years of using an electric pump. Its just crazy, why this stuff hasn't worked for me, but it does for others? Anyway, I'm putting some hope to the supple nips for doing their job.

You have achieved a fantastic level. Results are impressive. Rate you are developing I am sure you will achieve your goals.

What you aughtta do, is make a huge fanfare on Nexus. Fuck ‘em.

Your resting photo looks great.
It’s good to see you posting again.

I’ve used Progesterone Cream, (Wild Yam), DHEA Cream and P4 Progesterone (Oil) on my nipples and I believe they all had an effect. I’ll pop a P4 capsule and use that on my nipples, and I believe they grew by a 1/3rd. Give DHEA Cream a try.

(04-06-2023, 05:20 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I’ve used Progesterone Cream, (Wild Yam), DHEA Cream and P4 Progesterone (Oil) on my nipples and I believe they all had an effect. I’ll pop a P4 capsule and use that on my nipples, and I believe they grew by a 1/3rd. Give DHEA Cream a try.
This really makes me wonder because taking DHEA orally on a moderate dose alone was enough to mess me up really bad, within days I got horrible androgen symptoms, like all the problems T dominance used to do but very pronounced. It was strange and I tried it more than once only to find it does the same each time. But a cream on nipples only is interesting as that's topical and locally applied. That's something to make a note about.

Anyway, right now I'm getting back into giving Supple Nips another chance and soon I will add estriol cream to the mix. I'm starting that on the day I hit two years so that's an experiement for month 25. Big Grin

Should I? Perhaps I do as I'm soon hitting two year mark and I'm reaching quite amazing results. And there's plenty to feel happy about, trans clinic is slowly getting closer to doing their job, I'm in the process of arranging my mental health issues dealt with which is much overdue, I have a new adorable girlfriend and soon getting awesom enew bra she wanted to gift me. Plenty of reason to celebrate and feel happy for. Hug

Speaking of goals and stuff, I want to show this. I took some pics to show a friend about my bra being right at the brink as its totally stuffed full and the cups aren't big enough any more. Straps are loose, extender on longest setting and its still like this. And there's something awesome to point out. Looks like my hips are getting soon wider than my shoulders. Not missing much from that if anything. Just keeps on filling in. If I could just get more flab to go from my waist, even squeezing a bit like I do in the picture, it becomes so obvious why I keep crying about this... My waist is tiny under all that chub. Big Grin And yes this picture is quite NSFW and I'm natural down there. I really love the fem pattern pubic hair so much. And umm... They're getting extra long, HRT and biotin is hell of a combination. But there's a practical reason for this, I can't shave down there any more, my skin is way too sensitive and if I do, its broken and irritated skin for days each time. So I got to keep it like that anyway. Not even trimming for bikini, I thought screw it! If someone doesn't know how a woman is like, they can fuck off for all I care, I'm natural and that's it.

I hope you are able to achieve your goals.  Here is a link to mine the other day.  I wish I could keep them that way but they are slowing getting there.

(04-06-2023, 06:26 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  I hope you are able to achieve your goals.  Here is a link to mine the other day.  I wish I could keep them that way but they are slowing getting there.
Aww I'm so jealous. Mine just don't seem to budge much at all no matter what I do. But supple nips might, I previously gave up on them because they only hurt me way before achieving much. I was likely overdoing it too soon but I dunno, I gave it a good run and ended up with blistered nipples and very little to show for it.

No idea what else I could try. Except the estriol cream and what Stevenator mentioned in the earlier post.

I’m currently using DHEA Cream & Topical P4 Progesterone on my breasts & Nipples. I’m considering getting biolabs bi-est E1/E2 Cream.

(05-06-2023, 10:29 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I’m currently using DHEA Cream & Topical P4 Progesterone on my breasts & Nipples. I’m considering getting biolabs bi-est E1/E2 Cream.

 Btw I had that for a while back in the day before I was on HRT. I have no idea how effective it would be now since I haven't done it for ages. But one thing at a time, next one to try out is the pharma grade estriol cream which should be quite potent. I'm getting it in few days and starting out once I hit two year mark. I have some other little tweaks I'm timing for that.

I found DHEA cream from Biovea, pricey but it might be worth a try so adding that on my list of things to test out at some point. Its really interesting how locally applied DHEA could help, strange. At least I know orally taken it has only messed me up but topical is a whole another case.

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