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So beautiful and perfect. Wink

(06-06-2023, 10:50 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I'm ten days away from two year mark. A lot of things have been in my mind lately, I've been thinking about the future, where my transition and life in general is going and so on... Big questions about a lot of stuff.

For most part, I'm happy. I've had so many positive things happen to me lately, I'm slowly starting to get better with mental health, yet to find a therapist which I have to deal with soon. I got my diagnosis, I found the most amazing girlfriend with whom its like living the dream. She's really a piece of my heart that was missing. My body changes have been way better than I ever dreamed of and its ongoing and not showing any signs of slowing down.

I have come to the point where I'm absolutely fed up with online stuff though. With social media, I'm done. I only keep my facebook around to keep contact with some people who refuse to use whatsapp or Discord or anything else than messenger. Otherwise I don't really care much about it as facebook is totally dead, its becoming worse every day. Reddit I'm totally done with, it was a mistake to ever post pictures there. Little did I know back then that there are bots crawling, downloading and sharing everything to chaser groups and so on. So I deleted all posts, every picture from imgur too. I'm done with that. I also recently left the nude picture site I was on for five years. It has become a promotion platform for OF models and hookers, the grassroots place it used to be is gone and I felt horrible being there. I looked like absolute crap when almost all other women were too perfect and a lot I think are fake bot accounts too. So I left. BN and my tiny little Discord server are my only safe spaces for sharing anything, everything else is gone. That's why I wish BN would stay as a welcoming and safe space, without this I would have no place at all to talk about transition and share my enthusiasm with HRT and NBE stuff.

For now, I'm on a total social media break. Time out as its mostly too hurtful and too triggering. I'm better off without. At least until I'm ready with my transition. I'm trying to build a confidence and cure my dysphoria, it can never work out if I'm constantly reminded how I'm lacking everything.

And then there's the awesome stuff about NBE that's coming. I'm making some tweaks soon and once the third year rolls in, there are new things to experiment and I'm surely going to tell you lovelies everything once I get onto it. There's the nighttime HGH thing, then the creams for possible nipple development and what else, oh yes, upping BO dosage to what is said to be optimal dose. Lot of neat little tweaks and trials.

Lastly, I'm going to drop a bomb.... I never thought this would happen, but its happening. My lovely new grilfriend happens to own a farm, that means a whole lot of property and she's doing quite well. She came up with it a while ago when we were talking about all this transition stuff. She wants to help me out to get body contouring done. The whole show including fat transfer to boobs. There's no way I could say no to this because it can give me the perfect figure all in one go. I could get my dream body happen quick and easy. So yea, it might happen that I will get to cheat by cosmetic surgery after all. Of course just getting there totally naturally with hormone sorcery, diet and exercise would be even better, but its such a long and painful road with so much work, if it can be helped by other methods, I'm going to take it and not feel any shame for it.

I'm into this to cure my dysphoria, reach my dream body in which I could live happy and comfortable and I also want to please my partners. Doing this for them is a huge, huge motivator. I've never felt this confident and determined doing all this before and I'm going to do it all, by any means necessary. This is such an opportunity and crazy luck, I don't want to miss it. And I want to make my girlfriend and fiance happy. I want to become their lovable curvy goddess and what ever I can do to get there, I will. Hug Heart
I personally feel if any guy met you, they be very happy with your body. Ive seen many gentic females not have the amazing curves you have. Of course it is your choice.but just think of how far you have come in only a few years. You should be dam proud of yourself. You inspire many people to take the leap like you have done. Your research which you have shared, has been nothing less than selfless. You have only thought of others.
Im happy you found love. Mind im jealous its not with me. Lol

(13-06-2023, 01:37 PM)Gabrielle Wrote:  I personally feel if any guy met you, they be very happy with your body. Ive seen many gentic females not have the amazing curves you have. Of course it is your choice.but just think of how far you have come in only a few years. You should be dam proud of yourself. You inspire many people to take the leap like you have done. Your research which you have shared, has been nothing less than selfless. You have only thought of others.
Im happy you found love. Mind im jealous its not with me. Lol
Awww such a lovely reply. Thank you. Hug Kiss

Guys, I dunno, they're mostly waste of time. It seems like most cis men hate me or at least reject and ghost me the moment I tell them. before they know anything about my background I'm attractive to them but it all changes if I tell, so I just ignore men. I'm done with trying it out as its not working. Too much bad experience and good guys I know are all taken.

Yes, not all women are curvy. Its kinda strange as I have a lot of same traits as my family ladies but I seem to be going way more accentuated with the emerging hourglass shape and I know my boobs are far from being done yet if they end up anything like theirs did. Its really been a crazy ride and I feel like I'm just about to get really started. Lor of good things are coming in the next two years. ^_^

Definitely no complains about love and relationships right now. I feel being taken care of. But aww that's so sweet of you. Heart

Higher bovine ovary dose and estriol cream are surely doing something amazing. I'm now eight days in and there's a definite growth spurt coming in. How long will it last, no idea, but its happening. Its been a while since I had changes coming in this fast. Noted today that my bikini top of all things makes me a cleavage without even trying. The material is very giving and I'm actually outgrowing this thing. So amazing, I think Tibetan Princess has the right idea about 1500mg BO being perfect dose.

New bra still on the way, I'm hoping to get it today but the post is kinda slow.


Congratulations on the new growth. Have you ever given consideration to a French Manicure & Dior Rouge Lipstick ?

(14-06-2023, 09:56 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Congratulations on the new growth. Have you ever given consideration to a French Manicure & Dior Rouge Lipstick ?
Gosh I wish I had energy for all the beauty stuff. All in due time. I might be getting my hair done some time soon. I might get spoiled a bit for my two year HRT anniversary if I'm lucky. Wink I was thinking about trimming the ends and some colour again, likely stripes but more than just the blonde I did last time. Would be awesome to come up with something pretty. My hair keeps on growing really fast, biotin is magic. I'm not going to stop it any time soon. I have never had the kind of long hair I keep dreaming of and this time nothing's gonna hold me back, it'll be too long once I sit on it.

Lotus has the longest hair I've ever seen. Mine is just getting past my shoulders now. My natural foods multi-vitamin has biotin in it, but I can't seem to gauge it's growth. My hair before NBE/HRT used to grow really fast, but it seems like it slowed down once I started Phyto/Estrogen.

(14-06-2023, 11:24 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Lotus has the longest hair I've ever seen. Mine is just getting past my shoulders now. My natural foods multi-vitamin has biotin in it, but I can't seem to gauge it's growth. My hair before NBE/HRT used to grow really fast, but it seems like it slowed down once I started Phyto/Estrogen.

Talk about being lucky. Hmmph... I wish I was. I have no idea how long my hair can grow now, before HRT it was in such horrendous shape I couldn't get it really long, super dry and brittle. When I was kid, it might have got much longer but no one ever allowed me to just let it grow, there was always my mother or some girlfriend drooling with scissors to kill my love for my hair.

The 15000iu biotin has been mind blowing. Its soon running out and then I'm starting on a one year supple of 12000ui which should also be fine, slightly less but anything above ten thousand should do the job. HRT and some of the NBE stuff is helping too, my hair hasn't been this good since my teens. But its never been as amazing and I fucking hate my stupid luck on that! I have some hope I guess, I have few cousins who have got it really long and thick, much better than I ever had but since I'm carrying a lot of the same genetics, it might be all about hormone balance and care.

My hair has been one of the very few things I revere so much, the only thing on which I was truly allowed to be me most of my life. My biggest mistake was cutting it short and then completely off in my teens, that mistake lasted for few years until I realised I miss it too much and for some reason I got in much trouble and fights and shit when I had it short. Funny thing, the moment I allowed my most feminine feature to blossom, I was treated better and liked way more.

I'm hitting two years on HRT in few days, but I've been feeling absolutely awful lately... Extreme dysphoria, desperation and self hatred. Too much to explain why but its mostly just more of the same shit as before. I'm feeling so ugly, worthless. I wont make it into any huge fanfare, there's nothing to celebrate about, its just another day like any other.

I'm having time on the transclinic social worker tomorrow and I don't even know what they're going to talk about, likely just delay everything even more and make things even more difficult for me. I haven't been able to look for a therapist, I haven't been able to renew my legal stuff, everything has been on hold because I can't get anything done.

I have skipped two measuring days, body changes are going on as usual and everything's working out well on that regard but I'm not feeling like measuring or sharing anything or even mentioning the two year mark. I have removed all online interaction except for FB, BN forums and my discord server, there's nothing else left and I'm still hurting every day. Its been really rough but this seems to happen every time I'm reaching some kind of milestone. This just feels like nothing, its just the same tiring depressing grind every day on and on....

My gf keeps telling me that she will help me to find the therapist and we will likely start looking into booking consultation for body contouring quite soon. During this year, I really feel I need some kind of change, my dysphoria is in some ways much worse than before while it keeps on getting easier on other things. I really badly need something good to come my way and I mean some big move on transition stuff. Healthcare is horrible, they're just torturing me by forcing me to wait and wait even more.

My new bra is way too big btw, otherwise great but the cups are super deep and there's no way to fill it any time soon, for that I need ton of more projection somehow so I'm forced to buy yet another bra and I picked one that I know for sure to work for me, one more Elomi Molly coming my way. I admit defeat, I haven't been able to reach any of the goals I had set for hitting two year mark, things have been too slow for that and my waist hasn't really went down. I have disappointed myself again. I tried to take too big bite, I guess I really need the body contouring and fat graft for this stuff. I can't wait much longer, every day waiting more and more becomes more painful.

I wish had something more positive to post about but last few days have been really rough on me. I might not post much for a while.

I'm sorry that your are struggling with your dysphoria.  I think you're a beautiful person.  Hopefully the new bra you ordered will have the fit you want.  Wishing you the best in the coming days.

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