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That’s Funny, Owllee. I didn’t know that you were down here in the South lol.


Woke up today and liked the way they looked in the mirror.

I'm still liking Goat's Rue, GABA & L-Tyrosine. I just switched E2 brands from a wafer tablet that dissolved quickly to a thicker tablet that takes much longer to dissolve. I'm thinking this is helping with the delivery of the medicine being slowly absorbed and I like it much more better.

Other than that, I'm still sticking with my program. 200mg P4, as well. Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3 and MSM with Vitamin C. Milk Thistle & American Ginseng,

You're looking good.  Love the projection of your breasts and wish you the best on your routine.

Thank you, MT. Things are moving along.

Today is my 3rd Anniversary of HRT. That's after 4.5 years of NBE. I'm happy that I started down this path so long ago lol, because of nagging feelings I had for decades. While I've never intended to fully transition, I'm very happy where I'm at stuck in the middle. Here's to many more years of discovery & growth!

Oh! I almost forgot . . . .

I'm revisiting advice given to me a while back by Lotus, and I'm starting to wear my Sports Bras 24/7.

They really are comfortable and now that I've replaced all my men's shorts with women's shorts, and my daily shirt this summer is a full set of women's tank tops, the 24/7 bra is a great comfort to my mild case of dysphoria. This new daily wear is soothing, for certain sure.

Lotus once said that when you have the girls tucked nicely in a sports bra, the cells adhere to each other rather than having the cells stretched out.

I'm trying this tactic while using DHEA Cream. Here's to improved lift!

You look great in the sports bra.  Also shows how much your nipples have grown.  Nice pokies.  Congratulations on your anniversary.

(18-06-2023, 08:51 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I'm revisiting advice given to me a while back by Lotus, and I'm starting to wear my Sports Bras 24/7.

They really are comfortable and now that I've replaced all my men's shorts with women's shorts, and my daily shirt this summer is a full set of women's tank tops, the 24/7 bra is a great comfort to my mild case of dysphoria. This new daily wear is soothing, for certain sure.

Lotus once said that when you have the girls tucked nicely in a sports bra, the cells adhere to each other rather than having the cells stretched out.

I'm trying this tactic while using DHEA Cream. Here's to improved lift!
So wait, do we want them to adhere to eachother and not be stretched out? would stretching be a bad thing?

Thank you MashTenn!

I have some sad news to update everyone. As I'm sure everyone has noticed, our Lotus has been absent from the board for quite some time, and she gave me the go-ahead to let everyone know here in my thread.

Hopefully she'll be along soon to update everyone and fill in my blanks and correct any information I give out today, but as of right now, it looks to be certain that she has leukemia. She's been going through a lot of tests, and so far everything points to a leukemia diagnosis.

I've been praying non-stop for weeks, and I'd like to ask for your prayers, too.

It is written in Matthew 18:20 that:

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I pray for Lotus every night at 7:14pm, and I ask that you join me in prayer together for Lotus to be healed.

Thank You

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