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I will join in in sending prayers. 

May God bless and watch over her while she goes through these trying times.

(24-06-2023, 10:49 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I have some sad news to update everyone. As I'm sure everyone has noticed, our Lotus has been absent from the board for quite some time, and she gave me the go-ahead to let everyone know here in my thread.

Hopefully she'll be along soon to update everyone and fill in my blanks and correct any information I give out today, but as of right now, it looks to be certain that she has leukemia. She's been going through a lot of tests, and so far everything points to a leukemia diagnosis.

I've been praying non-stop for weeks, and I'd like to ask for your prayers, too.

It is written in Matthew 18:20 that:

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I pray for Lotus every night at 7:14pm, and I ask that you join me in prayer together for Lotus to be healed.

Thank You

Thank you Tomi....

(24-06-2023, 10:49 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I have some sad news to update everyone. As I'm sure everyone has noticed, our Lotus has been absent from the board for quite some time, and she gave me the go-ahead to let everyone know here in my thread.

Hopefully she'll be along soon to update everyone and fill in my blanks and correct any information I give out today, but as of right now, it looks to be certain that she has leukemia. She's been going through a lot of tests, and so far everything points to a leukemia diagnosis.

I've been praying non-stop for weeks, and I'd like to ask for your prayers, too.

It is written in Matthew 18:20 that:

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I pray for Lotus every night at 7:14pm, and I ask that you join me in prayer together for Lotus to be healed.

Thank You

Omg, poor Lotus, well this explains her absence. Crying I hope she gets better, leukemia is absolute pain to deal with...

I'm sorry to hear about Lotus.  She is such an inspiration.  She will be in my prayers and pray that she has a good recovery.
Reply May her healing be swift!

(24-06-2023, 10:49 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I have some sad news to update everyone. As I'm sure everyone has noticed, our Lotus has been absent from the board for quite some time, and she gave me the go-ahead to let everyone know here in my thread.

Hopefully she'll be along soon to update everyone and fill in my blanks and correct any information I give out today, but as of right now, it looks to be certain that she has leukemia. She's been going through a lot of tests, and so far everything points to a leukemia diagnosis.

I've been praying non-stop for weeks, and I'd like to ask for your prayers, too.

It is written in Matthew 18:20 that:

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I pray for Lotus every night at 7:14pm, and I ask that you join me in prayer together for Lotus to be healed.

Thank You

So Sorry to hear about Lotus!  She is a treasure and inspiration to all of us on the forum.  Please pass on my sincerest wishes for her successful treatment and recovery!

Best regards,

Praying for her!!

I too will pray for her. And I'll hope that its one of the more treatable leukemia's.

Please join me every day at 7:14 to pray.

Thank you.

Thank you for letting us know so tastefully.

Lotus is one of the main spirits behind this site and the first advisor I had here while lurking so long ago desperate for NBE information.

And I am sure thousands more have used her advice in a similar way.

I will be joining you.


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