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Elomi aremy favorites too, they fit perfectly. 

Great progress  Heart

Day 739

I guess I've made bit of history by being able to break Noogle domes, what happened was that the edges often sat on top of each other in the middle as the belt trick keeps them totally centered. This along with hours upon hours of pressure was too much and the edge cracked. Thankfully along the rim. This happened to both cups. So I had to figure out how to fix them and the answer was super glue and epoxy resin. Big Grin

I filled up the entire inside of the edge with resin, then covered the outer side which touches the skin with super glue, including filling in the weird angle on the endge which was causing me a lot of pain. Then sanded all rough out along with smoothing the outer edge which was very unfinished straight from the box which makes me wonder if these are prototypes? The edge isn't as good as on XXLs, its slimmer and somehow flimsy and it was unfinished. Guess what, I ended up improving them, the edge is now near perfectly round and all roughness is gone, they feel pleasant to wear now, absolutely zero pain and the resin has made the edge super thick and sturdy. This is how Noogle should make these things! There's no sense having a weird angle on the edges or rough outer side which digs through the skin.

I'm sure this design was the reason for much broken skin, pain and edge marks. I'm thinking of doing some finishing touches, taking pictures and emailing Noogle about this. They should definitely make the edges perfectly rounded and much thicker to make it really sturdy.

BO experiement keeps on going fantastically. Aches come and go every day especially before sleep. Estriol cream feels helpful also but its very expensive so I might need to cycle it. My boobs are definitely heavier and there's more projection showing up, all the expected things BO does. I'm really hopeful about this growth spurt continuing for a good while. I've been on 1500mg daily dose for a month in about five days and its going so well, definitely worth keeping on going at it. I'm expecting a parcel from iHerb soon, I'm going to test blessed thistle next and then there's DHEA cream to try out, I haven't yet ordered it.

I'm absolutely loving my new bra, fitting perfectly straight from the box is kinda lucky. But knowing how Elomi sizing and cup depth etc. works, I'm not surprised. I hadn't worn this top with it before and decided to try it out, so funny to see it hang straight down like that. Its a memento from an ex girlfriend, never thought at the time that I would end up wearing this and looking bustier than she did.


Love the top  Heart it fits nicely, BO is a woner pill, as long as it agrees with your system. We are the luck girls that it works on.  Kiss

(30-06-2023, 11:13 AM)tomi66 Wrote:  Love the top  Heart it fits nicely, BO is a woner pill, as long as it agrees with your system. We are the luck girls that it works on.  Kiss
Its really nice, perfect for hot days. BO was a game changer for me, maybe the best NBE ingredient I've ever included to my program as it appears to do a bunch of things conventional HRT just can't do. I wish there was better understanding on what exactly makes it work the way it does. Its amazing. I didn't expect going on 1500mg would make such a difference, but its very similar to how previous raise of dosage did to me. That time the growth spurt continued for months without slowing down until later on, I'm wishing this time will be similar. So far everything is pointing to exactly that. Nothing has given me so much projection so easily. Then again, its always a combination of things that makes this work. Big Grin

Question on taking BO AND HRT (EEn injections weekly)...

I always read that you don't want to take BOTH at the same time, as they fight over the estrogen receptors, and E2 would be stronger in the HRT than in the BO, so you would only want to use HRT?

Is that correct, or can you take both for even greater benefits (as you seem to be having) to breast growth?


(30-06-2023, 04:51 PM)Avign0n4090 Wrote:  Question on taking BO AND HRT (EEn injections weekly)...

I always read that you don't want to take BOTH at the same time, as they fight over the estrogen receptors, and E2 would be stronger in the HRT than in the BO, so you would only want to use HRT?

Is that correct, or can you take both for even greater benefits (as you seem to be having) to breast growth?


It appears this receptor conflict thing is a myth.(EDIT:afaik with phytoestrogens this can totally be the case but doesn't appear so about BO.) Also, BO seems to be doing something HRT alone can not do. Its balancing things somehow, I noted a huge difference on how I feel back when I started out. There appears to be bunch of theories on what exactly BO does and how, I have no better understanding than anyone else, I went in blind and it worked like magic.

It seems that few people who benefit from BO greatly have some things in common, body temperature, hormone balance being already on the female side, either by HRT or naturally. Then the idea of genetic trait being needed has been thrown around but no one seems to know for sure. What I know from my experience is that BO did not have an effect on my estrogen levels, nor did it do anything but a hugely positive difference. Only downside is weight gain.

So I say yes, both can be absolutely done at the same time when being moderate on dosing and easing down if any side effects occur. For me its been amazingly good to combine both. Along with other NBE stuff, but I have actively avoided phytoestrogens mostly, keeping the strongest ones out. But HRT + BO is totally doable. Benefits vary a lot of course as BO is seemingly quite random.

I really like that t-shirt. Congratulations on your continued gains!

Having another nasty dysphoric day. I'm trying to make up what ever I can to ease it, some times clothed pictures do it. I thought I would try to recreate some which I've done previously and came up with these. This is what my lovely new 36KK bra looks like with the grey tanktop. And then there's a nice little update on what's going on with my backside, my hips and thighs just keep on getting thicker. Seems like there's a battle between butt and boobs, which one grows thicker quicker. Big Grin I'm sure this bra will be short lived, I will likely stretch out use from it like I did with the previous one, just compensate with band extender once it gets uncomfortable... The jump from this to the deep Bravissimo bras will be quite something.

With NBE stuff, things are very much the same so nothing to update on that for now.


(02-07-2023, 03:46 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Having another nasty dysphoric day. I'm trying to make up what ever I can to ease it, some times clothed pictures do it. I thought I would try to recreate some which I've done previously and came up with these. This is what my lovely new 36KK bra looks like with the grey tanktop. And then there's a nice little update on what's going on with my backside, my hips and thighs just keep on getting thicker. Seems like there's a battle between butt and boobs, which one grows thicker quicker. Big Grin I'm sure this bra will be short lived, I will likely stretch out use from it like I did with the previous one, just compensate with band extender once it gets uncomfortable... The jump from this to the deep Bravissimo bras will be quite something.

With NBE stuff, things are very much the same so nothing to update on that for now.
Looks like both are winning the battle of growth  Tongue Tongue

(30-06-2023, 05:44 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(30-06-2023, 04:51 PM)Avign0n4090 Wrote:  Question on taking BO AND HRT (EEn injections weekly)...

I always read that you don't want to take BOTH at the same time, as they fight over the estrogen receptors, and E2 would be stronger in the HRT than in the BO, so you would only want to use HRT?

Is that correct, or can you take both for even greater benefits (as you seem to be having) to breast growth?


It appears this receptor conflict thing is a myth.(EDIT:afaik with phytoestrogens this can totally be the case but doesn't appear so about BO.) Also, BO seems to be doing something HRT alone can not do. Its balancing things somehow, I noted a huge difference on how I feel back when I started out. There appears to be bunch of theories on what exactly BO does and how, I have no better understanding than anyone else, I went in blind and it worked like magic.

It seems that few people who benefit from BO greatly have some things in common, body temperature, hormone balance being already on the female side, either by HRT or naturally. Then the idea of genetic trait being needed has been thrown around but no one seems to know for sure. What I know from my experience is that BO did not have an effect on my estrogen levels, nor did it do anything but a hugely positive difference. Only downside is weight gain.

So I say yes, both can be absolutely done at the same time when being moderate on dosing and easing down if any side effects occur. For me its been amazingly good to combine both. Along with other NBE stuff, but I have actively avoided phytoestrogens mostly, keeping the strongest ones out. But HRT + BO is totally doable. Benefits vary a lot of course as BO is seemingly quite random.

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