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First a little boob update, no pictures but sensations. In the last couple of days I have had so many new sensations happen its kinda crazy, my boobs are growing in length so much, they touch in ways I had never felt before, reach my forearms while sitting down in a kinda funny way and what not and when I lie on my side, which one is the upper is pushing towards my neck in a whole new way. They feel heavy, my bra has felt extremely snug couple of days. This is one week in with DHEA + Prog, one week... What will a month do? Two months?

And then a shameless brag, I had amazing sex last night. First time in ages, someone special ended up giving me a huge wet G-spot orgasm. Yes I have a weird way with that when its done right. In some situation it might be a bit embarrassing but I gues my gf is such a perv she just likes it. I have a feeling that once my GCS is done, I'm gonna be such a squirt queen there's no limits to it. xD Oh and she keeps calling me her hentai titty princess. I love it, its so silly and cute.  Hug Blush I haven't been treated like this for ages, if this isn't going to improve my mental health, I don't know what does.... Wheew, ok, more coffee, I'm having my hair done today, I might drop a selfie later, no idea what its going to be but I'm thinking of some neat colour.

It took several weeks for me with DHEA+P4 to show almost a complete reversal of my previous stunted growth. I had very poor top boob development, but ever since then, things just keep getting more better.

I'm happy that you're now in such a positive situation that is making you happy. Nothing like great sex to lift the spirits!

Also, since you're in Scandinavia, I bet you'd look great as a blond. Just saying. I know they're a dime a dozen up there, but I still think it'd look good on you.

This is peculiar because I'm seeing new fullness and better shape coming in too, while back BO did its thing with adding more projection but it seems that now DHEA and prog are giving me overall size and lot of fullness too, this is amazing if its fixing the empty spots! I've been missing a lot of top fullness too and some in the middle.

How's this for a Nordic blonde? Its a mix of blonde, rose gold like pink and my own colour. Blush I thought I would want something a bit different and this for some reason works really nicely with my skin tone which is sort of warm one. Nordic white as a chalk but I also tan really well and have naturally warm tone. I think the platinum blonde made my skin look red as its much colder than this blonde + pink thing.

That's great that you had such an experience with your girlfriend.  I'm sure you had sensations and feelings that you haven't had in a while.  Enjoy your time with her.

@HelloDiDi, you look stunning. 

My hair has thinned out over the years I don't think my hair could look that nice anymore. Most of my youth I had long dark curly hair. I keep it short now because people always confused me for an old hippy with it long lol  Big Grin

Awww yes, absolutely. My sexuality has been in sort of a limbo for a long time and also I have been extremely unwanted for the last +2 years... Figuring out what to do with my body now as a woman is something totally new and I'm loving every sexond of it, getting things working with my partners is one of the things I have to figure out as I'm not ok using my bits down there the old way and the entire dynamic is very different now. HRT has dramatically changed how my sexuality works in general... I love it as finally I have someone to experiment with and figure out how my "new" body works. Also we kinda share a fate as she hasn't had much anything going on for her for nearly ten years. Its really mutually beneficial relationship. Hug 

Thanks Tomi. ^_^ I've had luck that my hairline had receded only a bit and it has made almost complete recovery. Also my hair care stuff is working amazingly, cutting all dry and brittle stuff off along with biotin and better hair care has done wonders. Like washing with shampoo only once or twice a week and not more, paying attenion on actually doing it well and so on. I'm planning to let them grow much longer as last time I had it I was thirteen years old. I'm talking about all the way down to my waist at least.

That color actually looks great on you! I bet that you'll turn a lot of heads now. Congrats!

I like really like the color! I am also glad that you are exploring with your partner. There is nothing like being pursued by and coupling with an attentive partner when the time comes. And when they hit all the right spots Blush ... oh my god! While the front bits still work more me, it has been a secondary focus for years.

I have nothing else to update about, except my boobs are frigging huge, feeling heavy and hanging so much more than before and its only eleventh day on the topicals. This is amazing, if this pace keeps on going, I might be swapping bras sooner rather than later, I'm so grateful for my lovely friends for pointing this one out as DHEA + PG is amazing. I think its playing along with BO extremely well.

The reason to post today is that I have been one year to the day without smoking today. After twenty four years it took three months of cutting down and then complete stop and I'm still without and zero problems to keep on going. I don't miss it at all. Its been amazing for my breasts and skin and everything. I'm a bit proud, pulling this off after all that time isn't a tiny feat. Blush

I took a picture even though I wasn't planning to post any today, note that this is FRONT view, not from above, see the projection... I have never seen a change like this before.


Quitting cigarettes for me was very hard, and I'm glad I did it. I still smoke the occasional cigar and I do love my pipe, but they are completely different than cigarettes. I smoked cigarettes for close to three decades and I was finally able to give them up about six years ago. Congratulations. That's a very tough habit to kick.

I'm also glad the DHEA + Progesterone is working well for you. I love that combo and it's definitely working well for me, too.

Have a great weekend!

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