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Love the full body photo.

As far as male subcutaneous fat goes, weight cycling might be an option for you. While I'm definitely no one to talk, getting rid of male fat is supposed to be the optimal way for HRT/MTF Fat Shifting to work it's magic. High Intensity Interval Training combined with Intermittent Fasting are supposed to be the best way to accomplish those results. Both H.I.I.T & I.T. boost GH, so that's a great motivator. (Although the latter works more slowly on its own).

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Yes, both could work... But in my current situation I cannot take on really restricting diet (fasting can totally wreck me unless its nighttime, fast metabolism, can't function without enough energy.) or rigorous exercise. My mental health is such that I can only manage things to an extent. I would exercise a whole lot if I just could but I can't do that. Also I feel like I'm right at the point where I'm too heavy, my ankles get badly stuck and sore from just going for walks, I can't even do that to the extent I would want to, let alone HIIT or anything more.

I would love to do deadlifts and squats, my irons have been waiting for several years now.. But I can't risk breaking my ankles. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of stress related problem there. Decades of drumming, riding bikes, hiking and weight lifting have surely taken a toll. Especially drumming is bad for ankles. I bet I'm +10lbs too heavy and the problems are starting to show at this weight and I'm sure this problem is a chronic one which can't be fixed. I've played drums for thirty nine years now, it can't come without taking a toll. Its kinda tricky situation, I feel that I can't exercise much and my mental health isn't good enough so most of the time I can't do much anything anyway. To be able to exercise more I should lose weight but how can I when I can't exercise much? I know slow burning cardio would help me a lot, meaning long walks and bike rides... But I can't do enough for now. Dodgy

Umm... Just going to drop this here. I thought the pic from two days back was awesome but this one is on another level. It wasn't long ago when I was complaining about nipple development lagging behind, it appears I don't need to worry about it as its taking a new turn and what's with my areola width? How huge they want to grow? I don't mind, I would love to have them very wide. Big Grin


You have good Montgomery Gland development.

You're looking awesome.

I am glad that the development is moving along faster than you hoped!

In case someone needs more proof of the topical DHEA + PG program working, here it is. These pictures are taken a week apart on July 24th and today. I have felt and seen a difference within days happening for a month now and the culprit is twofold, higher dosage of BO is absolutely a part of this, its doing the thing it has always done, but I'm feeling that the topical program is enhancing the effects of other NBE stuff.

Just look at this! I've been more than a week off noogle and I keep seeing this happening every day! Visible difference in pictures within days of each other. Taking consistent photos is difficult, but I've become quite good at taking these "boring" frontal pics.

This is NBE being nothing short of magical. Yet another on the long list of awesome things I have learned from Lotus. Her ideas have helped me from flat to huge, ideas bringing in more lines of thought which has resulted into more discoveries, connecting the dots, learning more, combining programs to find their fullest potential, making amazing friends on the way. Hug


The newer picture is the one on the left?

(01-08-2023, 07:08 PM)Avign0n4090 Wrote:  The newer picture is the one on the left?
No, the right one is new, I should have added dates to the pictures... Actually I think I'll update it right now. I always have older to newer left ot right if there's two pictures.

I might have to try this.  Awesome results.

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