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(01-08-2023, 09:52 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  I might have to try this.  Awesome results.

I suggest you do because this stuff definitely does work. At least when there's correct hormone balance and sufficient breast development already present and you're not missing in the latter.

Day 773

A little update on the topical program, I upped both DHEA and progesterone cream dosages to 30mg and 40mg daily, so one pump of each per breast. I'm considering trying to add estrogel to this as suggested by Lotus and I think Stevenator has been doing it too lately? I thought I would try because I do have prescription for estrogel and I can get it govt paid so why the heck not. I'm planning to get them anyway so that I wont ever run out of estrogen, its never bad to have some extra around just in case there's supply problems or something.

I also upped Blessed Thistle from 1200mg to 2400mg per day so that's six capsules spread thoughout the day, I did the same with Bovine Ovary so its 2x both three times a day now. I started noogling again, taking easy approach, I did one hour yesterday and planning to do two hours today. I will alternate between low hours and over week long breaks for now as its been amazing for healing discolouration and dome marks. Also I'm getting a better understanding on how dramatic the effect of the topical creams is without noogling and that's absolutely worth doing so far, very interesting to see. I massage a lot, I don't know the times as its through the day every time my hands are free for it.

Then there's awesome thing, I finally applied for gender marker change and my information will be updated next monday, then the big bureaucratic hassle begins which likely takes at least several weeks to deal with. From next monday onwards, I will be fully stealth and recognized as a woman everywhere. Information about this is extremely hard to access so almost nobody will ever know I did this. I think it can only be accessed by police with a court order or the highest level of healthcare and only if there's emergency or a big time legal action going on. No other officials will ever know so I can stealth in almost my entire life now.

I took a picture I want to show just to give something to ponder upon. I have spoken about breast shape and proportions to body, face, shoulders, hands, waist and so on. Its really interesting and somewhat frustrating how it works, how we perceive body proportions and size. I have concluded that breasts are in aprticular weird on this because shape can alter perception so much. Give my boobs to someone petite with tiny graceful frame and they would look cartoonish. On me they look "only" big usually and some times not that much. But lets put things in perspective, take a look at this picture I took. My hands are not small, they're bigger than average woman, but smaller than average man. Just look how huge my breasts are compared to the size of my hand, its no joke how proportions and pictures can be deceiving or telling when right things are done to demonstrate scale. Also note the arrow and red line, that is approximately where my breast root ends and where fitting bra underwire sits. That is how wide my breast root is, I should try to take a better picture to show exactly where it is, but this side is very hard to catch decently. From centre, below and above its much easier and anyone with narrow shape will have easier time with it.

What to conclude from this is that my shape and proportions are difficult because I need more breast volume for the same effect someone smaller with narrower and more projected shape would get much earlier. But it also seems that wide and shallow shape is extremely rewarding and looks amazing once it gets big enough. Especially when its turning into also projected which appears to be where I am going. If my genetics are as favourable as I think they are, I will likely grow massive amount of projection as that's what my relatives got. My fear is ending up with sad droopy spaniel ears but then again, there are many ways to help with fullness, latest NBE stuff is like made for that and then there are other ways.

Anyway, take a look what showing scale does. Puts things in perspective doesn't it. Big Grin

That's awesome that things are progressing for you.  I know it's been a long road but you will be achieving what you want.  I'm considering adding DHEA to my routine.  I'm also taking conservative approach to noggleing.  30 minutes twice a day and eventually working my up to longer times.   Love your results.

Yes, I did recently switch from BioLabs E1/E2 Bi-Est Cream, to Estogel.

It's important to use very little of this and not glob it on. Even one pump split between both breasts is kind of pushing the dose, which should be done every other day.

I think it's also very important to note what Lotus advised in her recent update on the Project-X thread about the Green Tea Liquid Extract with 50% EGCG, that not only does the GTE act as an AA, but the EGCG also has Anti-Cancer properties.

But I must say that so far, this topical protocol works very well. I'm already anxiously awaiting the arrival of the GTE EGCG, because I can't wait to see how adding the localized topical AA will help our program with this new protocol.

HelloDidi, your progress is amazing. I never thought genetic males can reach that.
Hopefully I will reach the Double-Cup-Size range one day (=DD or more ?)

(02-08-2023, 05:53 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Yes, I did recently switch from BioLabs E1/E2 Bi-Est Cream, to Estogel.

It's important to use very little of this and not glob it on. Even one pump split between both breasts is kind of pushing the dose, which should be done every other day.

I think it's also very important to note what Lotus advised in her recent update on the Project-X thread about the Green Tea Liquid Extract with 50% EGCG, that not only does the GTE act as an AA, but the EGCG also has Anti-Cancer properties.

But I must say that so far, this topical protocol works very well. I'm already anxiously awaiting the arrival of the GTE EGCG, because I can't wait to see how adding the localized topical AA will help our program with this new protocol.

I just can't throw endless money and endless resource into this... I have no idea how much adding that too would cost. And yes estrogel/E2 cream should definitely not be overdosed, we don't want "fried" receptors around. I'm considering this, I mean I have found my sweet spot with estrogen from EV injection and EV patch which is perfect, higher WILL stunt body changes so I want to avoid that, I don't know how well topical estradiol would react, its worth a try.

(02-08-2023, 05:58 PM)TargetDD Wrote:  HelloDidi, your progress is amazing. I never thought genetic males can reach that.
Hopefully I will reach the Double-Cup-Size range one day (=DD or more ?)
Thanks. Heart But please do not call me  male because I'm more than likely intersex, read my thread back for details.. The only thing "male" in me is the very unfortunate fucked up fate of having the damned Y chromosome which messed up my development.(And that short moment some dumb ass doctor said its a boy.) My first puberty was a weird one, late, and it was partially female puberty as if my body tried to make it right but things were messed up from the beginning. I'm very likely Klinefelter XXY intersex with some a bit weirder traits mixed in. Likely partially functioning female genitalia inside me, I have very obvious and strong period which has been easily trackable since about third month on HRT.

I've had exceptional body changes to put it mildly and I've been wondering why, having partially correct wiring to function well on female hormone balance is one thing, extremely well working combination of HRT and NBE program is another and I think this is the key to much of it... Our bodies are often far more malleable than it seems.

Which DDs? Cup sizes aren't universal... Volumes are. But then again, then there's shapes. Usually when people want DDs they actually mean something that likely needs more than F cups to hold them. Wink

Day 774

One day shy of 25½ months on HRT and exactly thirty days using the amazing topical program. DHEA + PG cream are mind blowing, I was blown away looking at this timeline picture! Its very obvious that this combination is playing together perfectly with my HRT and other NBE items and I have a hunch that in particular its amazing along with Bovine Ovary.

Just look at this, its crazy!!!! I haven't measured for a while but this is absolutely mind blowingly massive gains within only twenty seven days between the pictures! Note that during the last month I have noogled only twenty nine hours, that's hundred hours less than my record months. I'm adding another picture as I had some fun with the cam, I keep telling people that my waist is tiny under the fat... This is what I want body contouring to do to me, I'm going to show this picture on my consultation as it perfectly demonstrates what I want. I'm not even struggling, well done lipo can make it even more accentuated. Got to love the weird af intersex body that made me this tiny waist and wide hips, just add some girly fat to right spots and sculpt it a bit... If there is a way to be 100% 24/7 stealth passing and very feminine living with a huge body like mine, its big curves that does the magic. From being perceived as a guy into fully passable lady in twenty five months being almost forty years old, I don't know many who have pulled it off. Wink

This timeline anyway is a testament to the awesomeness of the topical program, I'm going to add the missing pieces to it as soon as I can, but DHEA and progesterone creams alone are a mind blowing addition to other NBE and conventional HRT programs. Heck I think I'm looking at more than half a cup size difference here. In just twenty-seven-days. 

Let that sink in.

Your routine is working rather well.  Loving the results.

By the way, have I told that I have a Discord server? Its a tiny little circe of friends over there, some are familiar names from here and others are my friends from all over the place. If you're interested in joining, I can sure drop you an invite link. It would be fun to have some new people around, I haven't invited anyone for a long while now and there are some awesome people here who aren't there yet. Big Grin

25½ months on HRT. I think I should soon swap to a bigger bra... This one is starting to make a quadboob and feel really awkward. Sorry for being such a casual mess today, I barely got dressed being so lazy. I had few braless days and now it feels... Awkward. I wonder how much more until the Bravissimo 36KK one will start to fit me. Probably not ages away any more. Current one is starting to feel constricting rather than pleasant let alone flaunting.


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