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What's with the HRT Bigots on Reddit?


I think there is a founders' effect, because two or three decades ago we did not have the knowledge of hormones and supplements we do today.

HRT can be dangerous, both herbal and prescription. Blood clots, etc. But that's no reason not to learn more about the endocrine system.

Many people in the militant camp do little or no research. They just parrot what the consensus is. It borders on religious fervor. I would imagine the statistical overlap between autism and transgender plays a role in this black-or-white thinking.

This is why mainstream groups/pages/etc still follow outdated advice, like not taking Red Reishi to lower DHT, or they take oral Progesterone (which converts to allopregnanolone in first pass metabolism) which does not work, and makes them cranky, and complain about it. In fact I think higher Estrogen doses to lower DHT + T are a major cause of blood clots.

I'm amazed Dr. Will Powers doesn't get as much pushback as he may, nor does it seem to influence the HRT bigots.

I learned it the hard way on Reddit too. I have left Reddit almost completely behind me for this and other reasons, chasers, my pictures being stolen and sold without my consent, endless beauty competition and attention whoring, only one step better than 4chan. It wasn't for me. I rather talk about NBE and HRT stuff in a benevolent special place like BN instead. I like it here because this is a tiny niche for quite small bunch of enthusiasts.

On certain subreddits, words like "herbals" were a massive no go. I don't like censorhip much, also answering endless questions about boob growth stuff because extremely tedious.

Just got banned from r/TransDIY for the mere mention that some people do seek something less than a full transition and maybe check out BN. This was in response to someone who wanted some enhancement without losing male function. The other comment, which will undoubtedly be followed by many more, was basically a flame telling the person to get on or off the bus and stop wasting time.

I find there are certain corners of transgender thought and discussion that are very intolerant of people who fall along a spectrum of trans-ness. It's an ideology to them instead of a process of self exploration.

I think you're right, big portion of the entire trans "scene" is full of these weird conventional HRT "believers" who hold extremely rigid view of how it works, what works and what does not etc. On Reddit its very obvious but elsewhere too if you dig into it. I have had bunch of trans women online doubt me, accuse me of things, downplay things and what not. It has only driven me away from them and made me shut the heck up and never let much "secrets" slip up, I only speak openly here on BN and with few trusted friends who are in the know of the heretic side of hormone magic.

It really does feel like being a part of secret underground occult group of people holding arcane forbidden knowledge and its not much fun. I don't speak out any more. I don't offer advice, I don't post anything. BN is the last online community where I actually talk any more.

When I fothis forum it was like walking into my first AA meeting. I found a group of people with similar stories as mine but from different upbringings from all around the world. If you have never been to an aa meeting you may not understand, but it's a good thing. 

Finding out that there is nothing wrong me with me and that is how I was born was a relief. My wife was accepting of me as soon as we met, but I didn't realize that is how I was wired as are many others, some want to transition, some just want breasts and some like me want to keep their manhood yet be able to also be very feminine. 

So far, with exception of an occasional troll, this forum welcomes all of us regardless of out end goal.  Heart Hug Kiss Heart

I think that you have summarized the situation perfectly! This is a very wonderful place to visit with our compassionate and understanding peers. 
I too have a great spouse who is very understanding of my needs. I also told her about my feminine self when we were dating...over 40 years ago!
Thank You to the administrators of this forum, you do us all a great service. 
Of course this is facilitated by all the beautiful people who contribute to the forum.

I find it peculiar that this forum has been the most open minded and nice community for talking about HRT and body changes and such... You would think that trans women would be more open and willing to discuss? Well some are, but a whole lot are these weird holier-than-thou's who hold onto myths and rigid ideas about everything.

Also this forum seems to be the most peaceful place with least trolling and there aren't that many creeps and chasers here, most of those scum seem to just lurk and not bother us. I haven't got a single creepy private message here ever, but if I post on Reddit, I get some usually within an hour, some times within minutes.

And there's a third thing here, no one is judgemental piece of shit. No one is putting themselves on a pedestal here. No one has ever stabbed me in back or rubbed it all the way home how they're worth more, better person, more a woman than I am and so on. I keep seeing this tribal behaviour all over the net, but not on BN where it seems that everybody from secretly crossdressing guy to a genderfluid eccentric non binary person to a full on binary trans woman can all be friends and talk about what we all love doing. No infighting and people are largely really supportive and cool.

Nowhere else have I got so much acceptance and respect from such a diverse bunch of people. That is very special and that's what keeps me coming back and posting. Hug

Well said Didi  Hug

If they ban you, make your own space.

I created a Reddit community for Breast Nexum posters and anyone who uses Reddit and would like to speak and share freely about natural herbal methods without being banned or ostracized.

Nothing can ever replace Breast Nexum but a presence on Reddit is a good thing in my opinion and may even grow this forum.

Please join and post freely.

Think of Reddit as a social credit scorecard.

Everyone there is funneled into politically correct thinking, so to speak. If you say something askew to the narrative, you get downvoted to hell and/or banned, and so most posters know this and will toe the party line.

I made a post there last year in response to someone (I suspect it was a gang stalking bot), that advocated for all children to be given HRT. I said I don't believe that children should be making life altering decisions like this at such a young age.


I can still surf the site and join groups, but I can't post or vote, etc.

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