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[unnecessary quoting removed]

Didn't you use Bee Pollen before?
Did that have any effects?

Not bee pollen on its own, royal jelly which obviously does have some pollen with it. It did something but not much, I quit it when it made a terrible allergic rash. Who would have guessed, I'm allergic to pollen... Like with so many other things which has mostly gotten easier with age but still super delicate skin so I couldn't do it for long. And it was messy af, but I think it kinda started to do what has been said about it.

I think lactation and pumping a lot will likely make a difference nothing else has done before, I'm just not really lucky with nipples and it takes way more effort than most people need.

You're looking great and nipples are to kill.  I'm happy that your new pump is working for you.  You'll start seeing more of a permanent growth the more you use it.  It took me sometime using the supple nips on mine to see a permanent change.

(24-08-2023, 01:29 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  You're looking great and nipples are to kill.  I'm happy that your new pump is working for you.  You'll start seeing more of a permanent growth the more you use it.  It took me sometime using the supple nips on mine to see a permanent change.
Thanks. Blush They sure look amazing right after pumping. I'm sure it will help with time, but my nipples appear to take a LOT of effort to make any change with. But then again, I've never done pumping like this as rigorously as I did with Noogle and that consistency and persistence will very likely pay off.

Day 797

Happy to report that the pump is amazing. Girlfriend bought me a set of those pieces which shrink the funnel, what are those called in English? Anyway, those things are so good, 13mm is too little, 15mm is ok, 17mm and 19mm feel really intense and appear to work better, 21mm and 24mm obviously are too wide. I keep wondering which width is the best? It seems that I do need to have them big enough because my nipples swell a lot from this, but keep them narrow enough so the suction is at its strongest.

I'm seeing my milk volume slowly climbing from tiny droplets to bigger ones. I was totally bone dry for few days but its changing which is amazing. I have been very busy for the last few days, doing five hours and fifteen minutes a day and getting a record of six hours day before yesterday. My plan is to keep doing it as much as I have time for, so any not so busy day will become very busy with the pump. My nipples have started to become erect and pointy super easy, montgomery glands are really prominent, there's quite strong deep ache right below my areolas. Its all so positive, very likely my prolactin level is climbing each day. That's what the pump should do anyway, I just don't know how effective it exactly is. So far its been very positive experience and I'm a bit optimistic about this helping to achieve permanent nipple development too if I just keep going. Again how much it needs and for how long is a mystery at this time, but I can tell this is the way. Its just intense enough and yet gentle enough and I think the active stimulation is my thing for sure. Other nice thing to note is that the discolouration I had for a very long time is fading really nicely. I'm sure it will still take quite a while for it to completely heal but the time off of noogle is helping so much. So to vacuum pumping guys and girls, be mindful of how much space you have in the cups! It should be just enough but not too much and not too little, avoid tissue damage, you don't want to spend weeks upon weeks healing your boob greed like I have to.

And then there's something really happy to update about, I got my new female passport. My picture is absolutely disgusting and it makes me look like some scarecrow with a melted face or something, I'm super over the top ugly in it. Somehow passport photos are never even ok, they're always disgusting. But I got it! And I had to show it on the same day. Lady at the local liquor store asked my id as I was buying a bottle of wine, it was so cute she made my day, in Finland the rule is to ask customers who look "under thirty". I'm five months shy of forty years old and yet they ask my id, omg I was so happy I told her this is the nicest thing ever. She was all smiles, knew she made my day. Big Grin Along with this comes all the annoying bureaucracy bullshit, first thing next monday is a meeting at my bank to get my information moved and updated and to get my secure internet access reactivated. Then I go to the hospital and get my presciptions moved on my new "account" in the healthcare system... Then electricity company and ISP and what else. Its super annoying because I have to out myself to people who have no business in knowing anything about me, but this is the last time. After each step is done, I will stealth to all these people. Even to healthcare when its not something directly related to my transition. I absolutely love it and I love the fact that I perfectly stealth pass, people just have no idea any more.

This is one of the points where I'm reaching goals and living my dreams. I'm stealth passing to people all over, they have no clue about my background. What makes me proud about this is the fact that I'm only bit over twenty six months on HRT at age of thirty nine, I'm tall and big and definitely not the most femine or pretty woman around and yet I pass perfectly. Who says transition at my age cannot be graceful and pretty? Who says +30 is too old for something? Or some silly myths about transgender B cups or not being able to get nice curves, or that being tall and wide is a hindrance? I'm definitely not hitting every possible generic beauty standard about being short and petitite or super extra fem, I'm not like the model types who are more feminine than most cis women are, most of the time. There's no need to be unreal perfect doll or young or tiny pixie for this to work out... In a very short time too. So who ever believes the dumb fuck myths about there being some mythical age where it works and where it doesn't, or that certain size, height, weight, body types would not work or something, I say discard all that mumbo jumbo, its not that black and white.

Oh and gf bought be some new clothes. Lovely animal print dress, no way to hide any curve in this thing. And another pale green one which I don't know if its a dress or just super long top, its comfy and I love it so much. Bless her for treating me like a queen. Hug


Congratulations on your new affirmations taking place, and the new clothes, too!!

I remember telling you a couple of months ago to get a leopard print dress. It looks great!

Thanks. Heart 

I just adore this dress, gf found one which is so perfect. It has a black long top below it, the dress itself is quite see through actually. Would look kinda neat without the top I guess in right lighting. I have a thing for animal prints... I don't care if its cheesy, I think it looks great on me. Oh especially when ever I redo the hairdye. I'm so surprised how good the cheap non permanent red has been, totally worth the price.

Big Grin

I just love this pump... I have pushed in over fifty hours within last twelve days, now going 5-6 hours a day. After many sessions, its not just droplets but entire area being pulled in being soaked wet, so milk supply keeps on slowly rising. Its slow but noticable. But this swelling I'm getting on my nipples is mind blowing! I'm using 19mm shrinking flange on the pump funnel which is perfect, 17mm works nearly the same but this I think is the best for now.

I haven't noticed permanent growth yet, except when ever I touch my nipples, even tiniest touch makes them get absolutely erect and swell in size within seconds. I took a picture after two or three sessions yesterday and I've never had them this big before. I love it, I'm sure this will end up becoming permanent growth if I just keep pushing in the hours and I'm good at persisting now that I'm managing to build a routine with this. Much like with Noogle, but the lactation pump is way less hassle and I love how its active stimulation. Speaking of stimuli, my nipple sensitivity is going off the charts, slightest touch feels extremely pleasurable, anything rubbing on them harder is painful. I love this pump, its way stronger than I though. Hug


I'm very happy for you.  Smile Smile  I haven't seen you this excited in a while.  I glad that your lactation pump has made your nipples very sensitive and that you're supply seems to be increasing.  This picture really shows how your nipples have grown and I can see that your montgomery glands are developing.

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