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DiDi your breasts look great! I especially like the photo on the right, they are perky and have that natural look. I hope to see a photo of a glass of milk soon Wink

Awww, thanks.  Hug Yes they're still perky considering the weight, I think this is one of the perks, excuse the pun, of wide root. Wide & shallow boobs have tendency to be very self supporting and I guess I'm now reaping the benefits of it. The downside is that they tend to look smaller than they are due to having so much stuff especially on the sides. My bras tend to get stuffed from the sides first every time, kinda annoying when the middle of the cup might still have space left. 

About a glass of milk, its not very far. Today I've done seven sessions so far and each time right side cup has had the bottom submerged. Its not much yet but the quantity keeps on building up. Today for some reason, left breast has been much drier than yesterday. I guess taking a little breather to catch up with her sister. Blush The pump keeps on being amazing, its so crazy what its doing. I wasn't even planning to lactate yet, just testing out how it works on my nipples but its just building up so why not just grab the opportunity. I'm taking a break before last session, just had sauna, so soft skin right now, that requires a bit of a break first. Crazy how the ache goes totally nuts after maybe half an hour after each session, especially towards the evening.

(02-09-2023, 06:49 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  One day shy to 26½ months and the situation looks like this. This is what my nipples are like now at all times pretty much, I did take a break after pumping before snapping these photos. I should update the fifteen day timeline tomorrow, lets see if I'm on the mood and get a decently comparable picture taken.
I really like the way they're starting to sag, its just spot on living my dreams.  Hug
I bet they look and feel more fuller before pumping milk out !!
hope you are not wasting that milk either  Blush Blush
that milk can make nice cup of coffee or chocolate drink Big Grin Big Grin

Day 805, 26½ months today.

I'm busy pumping, today I had to empty both cups after pumping, third session in progress right now and I wonder how will it go for the rest of the day. I switched to 17mm flanges which seems to work the same on right but its better on left breast as that one has slightly smaller nipple. Speaking of nipples, they're growing so much. I never thought it would just take a hospital grade decent pump to get it started, both lactation and nipple growth.

Here's a picture from a while back this morning, they're like this very easily, even after a while off just a bit of stimulation makes them get so big and pointy. Advice about blisters seems to be correct, for second day I had a lot of dead skin peal off of my right nipple after first pumping session, uncovering brand new pink skin which appears to withstand the pumping. Its really not a pretty sight, but its healing very quickly. Moisturiser appears to be really the key, never letting them go dry and just keeping at. I got a new lovely sports bra for keeping the cups in place. Its really comfy for the job.

Supply keeps climbing, I bet soon I'm emptying the cups all the time. Oh and to answer Myboobs' question, I'm not wasting it. Wink Yesterday gf asked if she can have some in her coffee. I gladly provided some. Its still kinda hazy btw, I'm not at the highest supply I've been, at which point it changed from hazy to creamy white. I'm expecting that to happen as I keep on going. I really wonder about the hormonal effect this has, I'm sure its way more than just prolactin going higher as I've had much such strong mood swings etc.

[unnecessary quoting removed]

You can leave pump on and walk around in that !!
question came to mind . Lactating women face this .
how will you empty engorged breasts when you are
out and about ? Carry pump with you ?

Yep, the pump actually has a kind of hook thing with it so I can easily have it on belt, edge of pocket, jeans/leggins/skirt waist etc. as its quite light. I've been thinking how to deal with that, most likely just take a bathroom break and milk them by hand. Its so far quite quick way to empty them as my supply isn't crazy high yet. But getting more each day. I just a while ago while taking a break massaged and milked to see how its going, left side is becoming more active, not just hazy but milky white, right side ahces more and gives more droplets but that's still kinda hazy see through. I could just keep on going and droplets wont run out but that helps quickly when they ache.

So far its easy, but knowing my possible genetics on this, once it gets going, I may produce a LOT so it might become a bit troublesome. Imagining band rehearsal, having to take breaks to go empty my girls in the middle of it... Well, its a chore I have to deal with.

It seems that your supply is increasing every day.  You also seem to be happier as your supply increase.  I'm very happy for you.

(03-09-2023, 11:50 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Yep, the pump actually has a kind of hook thing with it so I can easily have it on belt, edge of pocket, jeans/leggins/skirt waist etc. as its quite light. I've been thinking how to deal with that, most likely just take a bathroom break and milk them by hand. Its so far quite quick way to empty them as my supply isn't crazy high yet. But getting more each day. I just a while ago while taking a break massaged and milked to see how its going, left side is becoming more active, not just hazy but milky white, right side ahces more and gives more droplets but that's still kinda hazy see through. I could just keep on going and droplets wont run out but that helps quickly when they ache.

So far its easy, but knowing my possible genetics on this, once it gets going, I may produce a LOT so it might become a bit troublesome. Imagining band rehearsal, having to take breaks to go empty my girls in the middle of it... Well, its a chore I have to deal with.
I am sure I have seen a pump that you can have inside your bra .
worth checking out . Just turn pump on when you want.
the hazy bit is due to your milk glands not fully switched on .
but they have become active so not long before you get proper milk .

Those pumps tend to cost a LOT and I just got one which also cost a lot... It was a gift from my girlfriend and I can't afford these things. I rather not go beg her for another one. But knowing what a lovable care taker type she is, she would likely sell her house to just get something for me. I don't want to abuse her kindness. She's already way overdoing it all, I'm not used to having someone buy me stuff, do things for me, wake up just to make me breakfast and stuff like that. She's a gem. Blush 

As its 26½ month mark, I thought I would drop a selfie and a boob pic, something telling and deep contrast and side-front view tells it all. I'm surprised on the change on width, as if my boobs want to get even wider?! The lower end of breast root below armpit feels like it has grown downwards somehow, filled in? Is this side branching or just more fat cells grabbing on breast tissue? I have had a lot of side boob before, but I seem to be getting more as time goes on. Like come on girls, you're already super wide, how much wider can you get?  Big Grin

Am I dreaming or is my face changing a lot since beginning of the year? I know its the certain angle from a mirror on which I tend to look not-so-hideous to my own eyes, but I think my face is changing a whole lot... I have done some skin care stuff lately, but nothing major.


(03-09-2023, 08:04 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Those pumps tend to cost a LOT and I just got one which also cost a lot... It was a gift from my girlfriend and I can't afford these things. I rather not go beg her for another one. But knowing what a lovable care taker type she is, she would likely sell her house to just get something for me. I don't want to abuse her kindness. She's already way overdoing it all, I'm not used to having someone buy me stuff, do things for me, wake up just to make me breakfast and stuff like that. She's a gem. Blush 

As its 26½ month mark, I thought I would drop a selfie and a boob pic, something telling and deep contrast and side-front view tells it all. I'm surprised on the change on width, as if my boobs want to get even wider?! The lower end of breast root below armpit feels like it has grown downwards Hug somehow, filled in? Is this side branching or just more fat cells grabbing on breast tissue? I have had a lot of side boob before, but I seem to be getting more as time goes on. Like come on girls, you're already super wide, how much wider can you get?  Big Grin

Am I dreaming or is my face changing a lot since beginning of the year? I know its the certain angle from a mirror on which I tend to look not-so-hideous to my own eyes, but I think my face is changing a whole lot... I have done some skin care stuff lately, but nothing major.
Becoming a proper female with female skin and features not forgetting the figure

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