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From what I've have read when women are breast feeding their breast become wider and heavier as their milk supply develops.  You are on the road to full lactation especially since you mentioned that you are beginning to get streams from your breasts.  Very happy for you.

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Fenugreek Saponins doesn't have a smell or aftertaste to me, only the cheap stuff does.

Lets see about FG, it is likely I wont need it right now, but it could be awesome piece in the prolactin promoting mix of herbs. Big Grin

I'm still waiting for the iHerb order to arrive, but I'm doing great already, I'm sure those herbs will only push me right into full lactation during the first few weeks because this morning, I milked streams from both breasts. Very easily too and after a while it turned into seemingly endless droplets. Haziness is gone, its fully white thick milk now. My supply has been rapidly increasing and today was easily the best, hitting very near my previous records. I'm hading into uncharted territory right now, but the trend is so clear I can already guess how it will go.

Now the key is to keep busy with pump, massage and keep on milking when ever needed, eat and sleep well and not forget drinking enough water. It feels like I need a bit of extra energy already and I sleep a bit longer than usual. I can't praise this little awesome pump enough, its so powerful its crazy. The 17mm flanges feel to the best, I did use the 19mm ones for a day but that resulted into right nipple getting some blisters again so I think those were too big for now. My left nipple is still a bit behind and I decided to keep the 17mm ones in use until left has caught up. Both are obviously growing and its permanent, there's a visible difference without pumping. I didn't think my nipples would behave like this, now they grow relaly big and pointy with such tiny touch and pumping makes them huge.

Your results continue to increase.  You're on the right track for successful full lactation.

(04-09-2023, 07:49 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  The quote deletion thing ruins everything, I don't even know which picture you're referring to? I think this quote deleting bot (?) is kinda dumb because it leaves tons of empty space instead and some times no idea of what is being quoted... I don't think this "feature" is good at all.

Nipples, you said nipples? Big Grin Check out how they've changed in twelve days, both pictures taken after a pumping session so this is really fresh. And pics are scaled as usual.

I measured just for the heck of it because I know there's a difference since two weeks ago. All bust measurements have grown for approximately 0,7" placing my ABTF calculation to 38KK/L cup. This puts me to around 4600ccs by volume. This kind of change is amazing, feels like the change the topicals and BO kicked in has not slowed down at all and I bet lactation is helping too as its all playing so well together. I'll attach my two latest ABTF calculations here. Note that I pick AFAB setting because my chest really isn't male at all, knowing that when I'm really slim, my band measurement can go down to 33", I feel that AFAB setting suits me better as the results have began reflecting my bra size perfectly.

Change from August 19th to today.

Ok, left breast went from droplets to squirts right now. Right side drips almost endlessly when I milk it. I mentioned to my fiance that my bust has grown half a cup size in fifteen days, she wondered if that's swelling from lactation and asked how's my supply, I showed her, expecting droplets, no way, squirts and I made a mess. Came out of the blue, I didn't expect it yet. Here we go, this is it, I'm close to the best I've ever had with this and I'm absolutely going to get better, I know. This pump is amazing! Elvie Stride, high recommendation to anyone willing to try this out, its awesomely powerful.

You look fantastic. I'm so envious.

(05-09-2023, 06:25 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  The quote deletion thing ruins everything, I don't even know which picture you're referring to? I think this quote deleting bot (?) is kinda dumb because it leaves tons of empty space instead and some times no idea of what is being quoted... I don't think this "feature" is good at all.

Nipples, you said nipples? Big Grin Check out how they've changed in twelve days, both pictures taken after a pumping session so this is really fresh. And pics are scaled as usual.

I measured just for the heck of it because I know there's a difference since two weeks ago. All bust measurements have grown for approximately 0,7" placing my ABTF calculation to 38KK/L cup. This puts me to around 4600ccs by volume. This kind of change is amazing, feels like the change the topicals and BO kicked in has not slowed down at all and I bet lactation is helping too as its all playing so well together. I'll attach my two latest ABTF calculations here. Note that I pick AFAB setting because my chest really isn't male at all, knowing that when I'm really slim, my band measurement can go down to 33", I feel that AFAB setting suits me better as the results have began reflecting my bra size perfectly.

Change from August 19th to today.

Ok, left breast went from droplets to squirts right now. Right side drips almost endlessly when I milk it. I mentioned to my fiance that my bust has grown half a cup size in fifteen days, she wondered if that's swelling from lactation and asked how's my supply, I showed her, expecting droplets, no way, squirts and I made a mess. Came out of the blue, I didn't expect it yet. Here we go, this is it, I'm close to the best I've ever had with this and I'm absolutely going to get better, I know. This pump is amazing! Elvie Stride, high recommendation to anyone willing to try this out, its awesomely powerful.

I wish other parts of my transition went as smoothly as body changes. Social life and dealing with bureaucracy are the top issues, along with healing myself. I lack confidence and my body image is messed up. I don't like it, but I truly need input from others because on my own, I can't understand how I really look like.

A little early morning update about lactation and nipple development. My supply is climbing very obviously. This morning I noticed the weight of my breasts on my chest while lying on my back, usually I feel nothing at all as they're so wide but now its becoming noticeable. Brand new development. Also they project more, I poke into things and its PAINFUL! My nipples are extremely sensitive from all the pumping and right side, unfortunately did take some actual damage.

There were two spots with broken skin and I had to clean up a whole lot of dead skin and knowing myself, I must get all that out, then clean everything and keep adding lotion and likely medicine cream to keep any bacteria in check because any time I have wounds, they are very prone on gathering pus and that's not fun at all. I'm not sure why I have this trait, wounds heal extremely fast and extremely well, but they also get infected and start to make pus easy, so the way I deal with it is to keep them clean, this means getting dead skin off so it can't keep ton of bacteria below to wreak havoc on me. I wish I had some really good goctor to explain why and how I, at the same time be fast and efficient on healing, but get infected super easy too? I know I have at least one of the bacteria that we all have living on our skin which is very active and aggressive on me, easily attacks tiny wounds and causes trouble, but then my immune system attacks it so quickly, it can't really make much of a problem. I kinda feel there's something similar going on about wounds healing super fast but infecting easily.

So, nasty job, peeling dead skin off, disinfecting, then medicine cream and then first pumping session. I did it on less power than usual as I'm really super sensitive today. I had to empty both cups, left side is becoming more active, still tailing my right. And obviously nipples got soft and then I had to peel even more dead skin off of the right, once again clean it up and add some cream on it. The one I have is actually meant for this so its really awesome, kind of multipurpose stuff, also for intimate areas and label mentions nipple injuries too. Good thing about this is that the advice was sound, there's no new blisters forming, only pink brand new skin which is sensitive but almost magically able to withstand the pump, so I will keep on going. I can already see its getting better so this is very likely a case of just building a tolerance like it was said.

Now taking a break, charging pump and then into second session once I'm done with breakfast. Big Grin

It will be certainly interesting to see what the prolactin boosting herbal program will do. I typically react quite quickly and can tell that both GABA and milk thistle as well as blessed thistle have sort of a build up period. The other stuff likely works in a similar fashion.

Little update about boobs, lot of dead skin peeled off my right nipple today after first session, revealing brand new and highly sensitive skin which as if by magic, is capable of withstanding pumping without problems. Its healing very quickly, less than a week since the blisters appeared and the advice on moisturiser and just pushing through is working well. I wish I knew this earlier, I might have avoided a whole lot of broken skin and dry nipples had I known better. Then again, supple nips etc. are way more rough than a decent pump.

Milk supply keeps building up, left breast has taken a huge jump, pump doesn't extract much yet, but milking it results into squirts and then lot of droplets. Also sensitivity is building up, its very intense now and keeps getting better. The sensation is weird as its intense and some times a bit hard to withstand but its also pleasurable at the same time and very relaxing. I'm eager to get started with the additional herbs to help it out, I'm sure my supply will go through the roof with some help. The build up is really awesome already without, but I'm convinced I can make a difference very easily. Blush

I just did first pumping session. My right nipple has almost completely healed, last dead old skin came off revealing pink new healthy skin below. Which is easily capable withstanding the pump. So this is the way to go, don't allow them to dry, add ton of lotion suitable for nipple injuries and keep at it no matter what. I guess I'm having it easy as I tend to always heal very fast, this is so quick, I bet few more days and it'll look as if nothing ever happened. Big Grin

And then the most positive news, both cups have to be emptied, While taking the left side off I made a mess and had a milk soaked breast and cup. Right now I'm starting to milk squirts from both breasts after pumping. I just had to try, also they're aching a lot so needs massage and pumping anyway. My milk is getting less hazy and way more white than before so there's more good stuff in it. Supply keeps going up and it seems its picking up the pace right now. This is very positive development....

Soon I don't need to imagine how it will be once I add the almost full herbal prolactin boosting program to the mix. I predict that my supply will go way up very quickly once I get it started. The pump is amazing on stimulation, I think if I was busy enough, this alone could likely make my supply go full after long enough time. Giving it a boost with herbs and food is the way to go as I obviously can't be pumping around the clock all the time. But it seems this 5-6 hour per day thing truly works. I'm hoping to go slightly lower frequency once I get milk flowing really well. It would be nice to be able to do sort of maintenance along with milking by hand.

I have to take pictures some time soon I think, they're getting extremely sore and heavy. Woke up early this morning with deepest dull ache I've ever had. It's amazing, I'm so happy, I could feed a child. Just a bit more to go. Hug Heart Hug

I don't want to touch fenugreek, the smell is just too much. Then again if its cooked somehow, I'm not sure about it. About milk supply, it keeps going up. I've had to empty the cups and wash everything several times today, I switched to 19mm flanges now as my nipples swell so big it feels that 17mm wasn't enough. Its so strange how they're much smaller in normal state but swell absolutely huge when suckled.

I mentioned my breasts growing even wider than before, take a look at this. My bra has awesome side support, brings out hidden projection really well and its very supportive. See how wide I'm getting. The cups have plenty of space left as the materials are so giving and there's already a diffirence showing up. The width is kinda neat but I would rather take more projection instead, looks like I'm getting both but they're getting much wider.

The pace of change is really crazy.... Like the twelve day difference I showed in the timeline picture I made some days back. I'm not even at full lactation yet and it feels like my breasts are becoming really heavy. It's interesting to see how this plays along with bovine ovary and the topical program. I have a hunch that there will be massive change coming in with all these things going on at once. Did I mention I hit three months on optimal dose BO and two months on topicals, one on elevated doses and estrogel on the side all in last few days? Last two months have made crazy difference, last three have given me two cup sizes new growth.

Lets see about FG, it is likely I wont need it right now, but it could be awesome piece in the prolactin promoting mix of herbs. Big Grin

I'm still waiting for the iHerb order to arrive, but I'm doing great already, I'm sure those herbs will only push me right into full lactation during the first few weeks because this morning, I milked streams from both breasts. Very easily too and after a while it turned into seemingly endless droplets. Haziness is gone, its fully white thick milk now. My supply has been rapidly increasing and today was easily the best, hitting very near my previous records. I'm hading into uncharted territory right now, but the trend is so clear I can already guess how it will go.

Now the key is to keep busy with pump, massage and keep on milking when ever needed, eat and sleep well and not forget drinking enough water. It feels like I need a bit of extra energy already and I sleep a bit longer than usual. I can't praise this little awesome pump enough, its so powerful its crazy. The 17mm flanges feel to the best, I did use the 19mm ones for a day but that resulted into right nipple getting some blisters again so I think those were too big for now. My left nipple is still a bit behind and I decided to keep the 17mm ones in use until left has caught up. Both are obviously growing and its permanent, there's a visible difference without pumping. I didn't think my nipples would behave like this, now they grow relaly big and pointy with such tiny touch and pumping makes them huge.


Thanks BillyB. Hug 

So today has been interesting, easily highest milk supply so far and really extreme ache. We went to see my mother earlier for BBQ etc., so several hours without pumping and I had to ask to leave so I can go pump and empty my boobs due to the ache. And I'm just getting there. The iHerb stuff should be here in a week or so, I'm excited to get to test that magic out.

I took some random pics today, time for autumn clothing as its getting colder. Looking so nice wearing this top. I think I've showed it before maybe last year or early this year? Its been a while and I think it looks so lovely. I'm getting so much fullness going on, both projection and width at the same time which is awesome.


Looking back, its amazing difference. After two months on topicals, three on optimal BO dose, I've grown two sizes. This combo is so amazing and I have a feeling that adding lactation to the mix might just make it even better. I feel like I keep repeating myself, but what else there is to say when the development keeps on going on like this.

Your figure is incredible, and it looks like your lips are filling out, too. Congratulations on your continued changes.

You look awesome in the top.  Cooler weather is around the corner for me.

You have a lovely figure indeed!

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