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I'm really feeling down about my face and body... At least everything neck down is going towards right direction. But I feel so fat and ugly, not wanted, not loved, unattractive. I think I wont post much body or face pics for a while, maybe not until I get the body contouring done and recover from it. Before that the problem parts wont get much better anyway. I wanted to slim down and get a decent hourglass figure going. Its obvious that that's where my body wants to go, but this last summer totally messed up my weight cycle and I gained instead of losing any. Obviously not looking as nice now, but at least I got plenty of hips and boobs from it. 

I'm just really feeling off about myself, I don't want to see any mirrors or take any pictures. Other than boob pics as those show none of the stuff that is wrong. I wish I had something to boost my confidence, posting pics online feels so useless when too often I get called "average" or "nice" or faced with complete silence... Its not really helping. And in real life, all I have to help me with this is my girlfriend and very few others who actually like me, but their compliments and support is a bit different thing. Its not the same as casual friends or strangers who have no rose tinted glasses making them say and do things.

I feel ugly, less than a woman and not worhty. I'm totally put off by the idea of posting pictures. Its almost like last two autumns have been, I feel like I want to disappear and hibernate until world is nicer and my body closer to what I deserve to have. This time winter will bring in the most dramatic shift I've ever had so far. I'm hoping that where I have totally failed, some plastic surgery would fix things. I can't even make a good enough body proportions unlike others who are so much better off with everything... I need big money and drastic measures for it. At least I've gotten lucky to have help with this so I can maybe one day be happy somehow. Sad

(19-09-2023, 06:00 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Aww thank you Mashtenn, its always nice to see you hopping in posting stuff. Heart

p_r_1974, you might be right... A lady friend of mine said just a while back when we were discussing transition stuff, that I'm becoming so curvy and busty that I shake up cis women already. She said this when I mentioned how my cis fem friends have went quiet when ever I talk about looks, bras, boobs, transition progress. They just don't talk like they used to.

I guess it kinda comes with this, I mean having 38KK/P cup breasts at the age of thirty nine which are not less than half a cup size away from hitting criteria of gigantomastia, at Tanner 4, them being really round and perky and not sad floppy doggy ears isn't something that walks by every day. (My shape still irks me as they don't look that amazing without a bra, thanks to being wide.) What can I do, I'm sure I'm quite triggering to a lot of women. I would rather inspire and help as I know a thing or two on how to make them grow... They should ask for advice and come talk instead as I gladly share the knowledge.
You're welcome.  I recently posted on my thread.

So I got the prolactin herbs and started out. I've had some very stressful days and not surprisingly, I have gotten much drier than a while back. I hate this, I should be stress free, but I can't... I can't just relax and love the world when my mind and my life is a mess. I try... Anyway, third day doing the extended herbal stuff and its getting interesting, I'm drier but the milk quality has went up. No more haze, but thick white instead. Aches are coming in with vengeance, boobs feel heavy and my nipples are really becoming big. Most of the nipple development appears to be permanent, takes only a slight touch or a pumping session to fully show up. So all is well for now, I'm not sure about the dosages of the prolactin stuff, I hate to say it but the cost is prohibitive and I just can't stock up like crazy because my NBE is already costing me too much. Even with my gf helping me, its difficult to just buy half of a supplement store for this. I bet domperidone would be cheaper.

So here's what I'm on right now, the entire show:

3,2mg/0,08ml EV at 40mg/10ml biweekly.
50mcg EV patch biweekly between injections.
200mg Progesterone boofed before sleep
12,5mg cyproterone acetate daily.

L-tyrosine 2x500mg (soon switching to 750mg for ease as NOW foods makes those too.)
Multivitamin 1x
Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Biotin 12000iu
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Shatavari extract 250mg
Moringa 5000mg (50:1 extract.)
GABA 750mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Topically directly on boobs:
DHEA cream 30mg
Progesterone cream 40mg
estrogel 1mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Vitamin A 10000iu
VItamin D3 10000iu
GABA 1500mg
Panax Ginseng 2x500mg

5-6 hours pumping each day as 45minute sessions. Lots of massage. Lactation tea which has some kind of combination of herbs, mainly fenugreek. Oats morning and evening, occasional beer with high amount of hops, bitter IPA being my favourite.

So a lot going on to help lactation, I'm not sure about dosing of the new herbs because the cost is so high, I'm quite sure I'm simply not taking enough but this is experiement to see how it goes. I would absolutely love to add alfalfa and go on higher dose of Goat's rue but that stuff in particular costs a lot. The moringa I got had awesome reviews, but no one mentioned about the dosing. Pure stuff would likely be better than extract but this was affordable.

Here's recent pics I just took, I think the most notable difference is nipple growth, they're really becoming so big so quickly, its amazing. I guess I've found my magic bullet for big nipples. I might need to soon switch to bigger flanges, 19mm are the best right now but with the crazy swelling I get, 21mm might be needed soon.


From what I've read stress can diminish milk supply.  You seem to have a good regimen.  I can see the growth of your nipples.  They look awesome.

I'm on monotherapy right now (4 mg EEn/weekly) along with 400 mg rectal Progesterone before bedtime.

I've added GABA and Tongkat Ali to try and help with breast & nipple growth, and was thinking of adding Bovine Ovary, but does taking it and actual E injections cause any issues (was wondering if the weaker one (BO) would grab the E receptors instead of the stronger one (E) and actually reduce feminization?


This is the favourite possible issue being brought up, and it doesn't seem to be the case. It appears that what BO does, does not interfere with HRT. Or if it somehow does, its making body changes better rather than worse. I haven't noticed any change on my lab results on estradiol levels and no ill effects, but a massive aid on breast growth, lower body fat and over all weight gain. Latter can be obviously problematic, but with diet and exercise in check, it shouldn't go totally nuts either.

Based on my experience and how its been for Mel and so on, I would say you're safe to try it out and see if it works for you. Usual worst case is not much change and best case is decent breast development.

Thanks, DiDi!!

I've been busy rexaling with my girlfriend for the last few days, forgetting all the ills of the world and trying to destress. Its been really nice and peaceful, dark nights and cool days. I've been extremely busy with the pump, pulling off new daily records and I also switched to 21mm flanges as my nipples keep on growing and the change appears to be getting faster. Especially the non stimulated nipple size appears to increase by leaps lately.

Also I mentioned that I might be developing stretch marks on my boobs, now its confirmed, its happening and they're becoming both longer and wider and more visible. I can't tell how far will this go and I certainly don't mind it, I like stretch marks and getting them on boobs is extremely validating. To me they're almost like art. Gf confirmed also that my boobs are indeed growing quickly, I think there is a visible difference from a while back once again. My bra is starting to fit better each day, its such an amazing bra, I can't advocate for it enough, Elomi Molly bras are amazing, supportive, giving, pretty and flattering. Absolutely worth it for max support and comfort for daily wear, especially for heavy and sore milk filled boobs. Wink

I have been on the new prolactin herbs for the last several days and its kinda peculiar how its going. My milk supply has not increased, but quality has gone way up and my boobs are very very sore and sensitive. It seems that the supply might start to increase soon, all signgs point to that. This feels almost like a month ago when I started to work on pumping. I'm quite optimistic about this, likely I will need to tweak dosages further as I'm not sure its enough. I can tell they're working for sure, but just how well is yet a mystery to be figured out.

So here's another mundane mirror selfie making a point about how my boobs look clothed right now.

(23-09-2023, 05:57 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I've been busy rexaling with my girlfriend for the last few days, forgetting all the ills of the world and trying to destress. Its been really nice and peaceful, dark nights and cool days. I've been extremely busy with the pump, pulling off new daily records and I also switched to 21mm flanges as my nipples keep on growing and the change appears to be getting faster. Especially the non stimulated nipple size appears to increase by leaps lately.

Also I mentioned that I might be developing stretch marks on my boobs, now its confirmed, its happening and they're becoming both longer and wider and more visible. I can't tell how far will this go and I certainly don't mind it, I like stretch marks and getting them on boobs is extremely validating. To me they're almost like art. Gf confirmed also that my boobs are indeed growing quickly, I think there is a visible difference from a while back once again. My bra is starting to fit better each day, its such an amazing bra, I can't advocate for it enough, Elomi Molly bras are amazing, supportive, giving, pretty and flattering. Absolutely worth it for max support and comfort for daily wear, especially for heavy and sore milk filled boobs. Wink

I have been on the new prolactin herbs for the last several days and its kinda peculiar how its going. My milk supply has not increased, but quality has gone way up and my boobs are very very sore and sensitive. It seems that the supply might start to increase soon, all signgs point to that. This feels almost like a month ago when I started to work on pumping. I'm quite optimistic about this, likely I will need to tweak dosages further as I'm not sure its enough. I can tell they're working for sure, but just how well is yet a mystery to be figured out.

So here's another mundane mirror selfie making a point about how my boobs look clothed right now.

I look at your picture and most definitely you have had some impressive growth recently. I still don't see any thing about your face that would make you feel ugly god you are so far from being ugly girl.  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Glad you’re able to distress. I’m taking a few days off pumping. I’m taking a mini vacation.

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