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Thanks everybody. Hug Not surprised you all seem to make note of the nipple development, its amazing what lactation and pumping does. It seems that my nipples are the kind which show up the moment it gets a bit cold or there's any touch or stimulation happening. When dormant, they still go way smaller but it needs next to nothing for them to bounce right up. Big Grin Such a huge difference so quickly.

So right now I'm using 21mm flanges on the cups. Next step is to use none and go to 24mm which for now is the biggest I have. No rush as getting there will take some time and I'm trying to get my left nipple to fully catch up with right. As its going so well, I'm already thinking of getting the cups with 28mm flange at some point, I think that's the biggest this brand has on the market if I'm not mistaken. I think that'll be plenty as that's 1.1" wide, if my nipples grow that wide at some point, its just off the charts. For now the current 21mm/0.8" ones are spot on for the swelling and there's still room to grow. Interestingly when they start to be too small, the pumping intensity goes down and back up again once I've switched to bigger ones.

I certainly don't mind balancing big boobs with huge nipples either, I wish this just keeps on going, its lovely. ^_^ I have dreamed of this since the beginning so very much a welcome change. Also I think if they grow enough, that might make other methods more useful, the ones which previously haven't worked much. Anyway as its working out so well, developing big nipples is going quite high on my to do list. Wink

Not much to update about today, everything's as usual, I'm on rather good mood and NBE stuff is going well. Gf brought me lovely flowers on her previous visit, they're so pretty I had to snap a picture, caught them in the sunset which hits the top the fireplace for just maybe fifteen minutes this time of year. Btw, imgur is being weird, few pics I had up there had been removed for being (too?) NSFW I guess? I wonder what's up with them, they didn't use to care one bit how NSFW pics were uploaded just a while back... Mine weren't even really naughty, just showing skin. Weird.

Anyway, here's lovely flowers for the most lovely forum. Hug Heart
[Image: UakIfDk.jpg]

(08-10-2023, 03:33 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Not much to update about today, everything's as usual, I'm on rather good mood and NBE stuff is going well. Gf brought me lovely flowers on her previous visit, they're so pretty I had to snap a picture, caught them in the sunset which hits the top the fireplace for just maybe fifteen minutes this time of year. Btw, imgur is being weird, few pics I had up there had been removed for being (too?) NSFW I guess? I wonder what's up with them, they didn't use to care one bit how NSFW pics were uploaded just a while back... Mine weren't even really naughty, just showing skin. Weird.

Anyway, here's lovely flowers for the most lovely forum. Hug Heart
[Image: UakIfDk.jpg]
Glad you are feeling better ---pretty flowers for o pretty lady Heart

Heart Heart Heart

Omg!!! I never thought I would make an update like this today. No fancy pictures this time, you've all seen my pics from two days ago, but I guess its no wonder my bra is getting tight lately and everything feels bigger. Its because I measure at 38L cup now, yes UK sizes. As US sizing that would be 38Q I think? Some sizing skips Q cup, others don't.

Anyway, that's a whopping 4920cc of titty in total. No wonder they feel so heavy and I get back pain if I'm braless too much. Have a look at what ABTF had to say today... I choose AFAB setting btw, it corresponds better for some reason, probably because my chest isn't really that wide, if I lose some weight I can go down to 36s and 34s so its slightly above typical female average.

[Image: CO9qani.jpg]

I guess I'm at L cup then, I have to update my title. Wink

Very soon you will need custom bras Tongue Tongue

I have two waiting which will fit for quite a while, but after those I think Bravissimo is out of sizes for me. Then the next stop is some Polish shops who make custom stuff and have big sizes. Ewa Michalak is quite reputable one but there are others too. So after my current one + two goal bras, off to Poland it goes. Big Grin I have to consider pricing too because for a hundred euro I can get a custom one made in Finland. Afaik the Polish shops are typically quite affordable so I think I'll try out some of theirs first.

This might become a problem after the body contouring, part of the operation is fat graft breast augementation which I'm totally going for, mainly for shaping. I will ask them to make my breasts much fuller from middle and bottom parts and add more projection. If it works out, its absolutely great for shape. I want that massive cleavage and this will pretty much guarantee it. The point being that I'm growing very fast right now and its not showing any signs of slowing down, then the surgery if its a success, will give me about 1000ccs more so after that I will end up around 6260cc or so, that would be 38M or 36MM cup on UK sizing. Definitely not the stuff found on normal stores. It will be interesting as I'm not sure what happens with my band length, it might go down quite a bit.

Finding bras will become interesting to say at least, expensive and difficult but its part of the fun to hunt for the perfect bra. Hauling around breasts this heavy requires very sturdy support so its importnat. I'm quite sure my gf is willing to sponsor me a bit on this. Wink Hug

You will need bra with back support otherwise you will start having back issues

Usually wide enough band is enough, at least for now. My luck is that I have quite strong back, background with drumming, body building, working as a lumberjack and on construction and so on helps. Although I'm totally out of shape compared to before times. I have been thinking that I should dig up the irons and start doing deadlifts, upright rows and shrughs to help with my back. It would be generally really healthy practice and make sure I can carry the weight without issues. 

So far its ok, I do get back pains which have crept from shoulders down and now its mostly lower back that gets sore easiest. Heavy boobs do mess up with posture and stuff and there's not an easy way to deal with it, other than just keeping back as strong as possible and wearing high quality bras. I'm kinda lucky with my shape, as they're so wide and shallow, they're very self supporting, so not as much pain and hunched posture as it could be if my breat root was narrower. Or if I had a petite frame. Those poor ladies who have tiny frames and huge boobs have it much much worse.


I was about to update something today so here it goes. I have been tweaking the herb dosages and I'm now up to 4x goats rue per day, others three, blessed thistle and GABA as previously so not much of a change. But I have been very busy with the pump, pushing six to seven and half hours in a day totalling now over 130 hours since hitting twenty seven month mark. I'm aiming for two hundred to beat all previous records because the correlation with nipple development and milk volume is so obvious, more does more and I'm willing to push it. But I have a little problem, the prolactin herbs will soon run out, or at least shatavari and moringa do and I might be forced on a little break from them due to costs. I will keep everything else up and going as I can though so I wont completely dry out. 

Speaking of which, my milk supply is again steadily increasing. I've been much less stressed and more body with the pump so no wonder. My breasts feel really heavy and the aches during nighttime has been rather extreme, easily on par with budding pains or even worse. Poking them into things is nasty and its become more frequent again as they've grown more projected. My nipple development is just off the charts right now, left is finally catching up with right and I feel the 21mm flanges getting better as I'm growing much closer to their width.

I took some pictures and I think I could make a timeline just days back and see a difference. And yes I took this right after a pumping session. Blush
 [Image: 9rVk6IB.jpg]

Looking Good! Congrats on the low-stress success! Cortisol is an enemy of breast growth!

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