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(09-10-2023, 06:37 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Usually wide enough band is enough, at least for now. My luck is that I have quite strong back, background with drumming, body building, working as a lumberjack and on construction and so on helps. Although I'm totally out of shape compared to before times. I have been thinking that I should dig up the irons and start doing deadlifts, upright rows and shrughs to help with my back. It would be generally really healthy practice and make sure I can carry the weight without issues. 

So far its ok, I do get back pains which have crept from shoulders down and now its mostly lower back that gets sore easiest. Heavy boobs do mess up with posture and stuff and there's not an easy way to deal with it, other than just keeping back as strong as possible and wearing high quality bras. I'm kinda lucky with my shape, as they're so wide and shallow, they're very self supporting, so not as much pain and hunched posture as it could be if my breat root was narrower. Or if I had a petite frame. Those poor ladies who have tiny frames and huge boobs have it much much worse.


I was about to update something today so here it goes. I have been tweaking the herb dosages and I'm now up to 4x goats rue per day, others three, blessed thistle and GABA as previously so not much of a change. But I have been very busy with the pump, pushing six to seven and half hours in a day totalling now over 130 hours since hitting twenty seven month mark. I'm aiming for two hundred to beat all previous records because the correlation with nipple development and milk volume is so obvious, more does more and I'm willing to push it. But I have a little problem, the prolactin herbs will soon run out, or at least shatavari and moringa do and I might be forced on a little break from them due to costs. I will keep everything else up and going as I can though so I wont completely dry out. 

Speaking of which, my milk supply is again steadily increasing. I've been much less stressed and more body with the pump so no wonder. My breasts feel really heavy and the aches during nighttime has been rather extreme, easily on par with budding pains or even worse. Poking them into things is nasty and its become more frequent again as they've grown more projected. My nipple development is just off the charts right now, left is finally catching up with right and I feel the 21mm flanges getting better as I'm growing much closer to their width.

I took some pictures and I think I could make a timeline just days back and see a difference. And yes I took this right after a pumping session. Blush
 [Image: 9rVk6IB.jpg]

Stress can really affect you in so many negative ways, glad to hear you are doing so much better and your milk supply is increasing. The picture you posted one the right really shows how much your nipples have increased in size Wow!! Just love the shape of your boobs they project off your chest and drop just enough so   you have a  little crease under your boobs without sagging. You have set the bar so high-- looking great girl Heart Heart

Thank you. Hug It just keeps on getting better. ^_^ I really love the recent development, feels like I got a winning combination worked out and now its just about tweaking things and pushing forward. About setting the bar high, I have a clear goal now, to grow one more cup size before the body contouring. If I'm successful, these combined will put me very close to my dream goal of M cup or bigger...

So now its all about making dream boobs a reality and seeing how far can NBE along with conventional hormone treatment go. Figuring out all the best ways to it and sharing the journey. Cool Only sky is the limit. Or my back. Big Grin

Lovely pictures.  I happy that your are less stressed and you supply has increased.

Ok it appears that imgur is not good for hosting any even a bit NSFW pictures any more, they appear to be doing some kind of purge over there as they've taken down almost everything. My simple boob pics have been now censored twice, I think its time to look for some other way to host external pictures. Linking them directly to the post rather than having a thumbnail to an attachment is so much better. Anyone have an idea where to host NSWF pictures online which can be easily linked to forum posts? DM me or something if you know.

Just a little update, I measured my nipples this morning and they have indeed grown a whole lot. They're projecting so much its hard to tell where exactly areola ends and nipple begins. Except from the colour, for some reason they're really pale pink while my areolas have obviously darkened lately. Not surprisingly as local estrogen levels are now higher than before.

Before lactation and pumping, they measured 9mm wide and 5mm long, so smaller than average. Today they measured 15mm wide and 10mm in length, so they've grown a lot and this has happened in only fifty days. Obviously soon after pumping or with stimulation they easily swell much bigger but this is their currect non stimulated size, how permanent this is, I don't know yet as I'm going to keep at it. Very likely they will keep on growing just as nicely and I have to at some point switch the flange width to 24mm. Left is very obviously catching up now so soon they will be same size. Until then I'll keep the 21mm flanges in use and maybe longer I think? To the point where they will start to feel ineffective I guess like what happened with the smaller ones.

That's it, I'm off to bed, its been a long day. Heart

Omg !! Wow  !!
I don’t think anyone on forum here has to date
Matched your development . You sure are gifted
With right genes . I am sure many here turn
Green with envy  Blush

May your journey take you to destination soon Hug Hug

Thanks. Heart I am indeed blessed with good genetics or I wouldn't experience changes this fast. ^_^ But the methods will work to almost everyone to some extent, like my recent super fast nipple growth, the hours I'm putting into pumping are pushing all time records. During the first month I did 177 hours, during second month which is now twenty two days in, I've done 150 hours already and going to likely push past two hundred, that's quite a commitment and almost guaranteed to make results. 

Along with this elevated prolactin is of course doing its job and that's something I have luck in my favour as my prolactin levels elevate easily and I lactate easily. Its becoming apparent though, that getting to full lactation, full capacity is harder than I thought it would be. I'm still around the same with supply regardless of pushing herb doses and pumping religiously so obviously this isn't enough yet, but the doses I'm on have been I would say low to moderate. But it does work, the combination is a good one, I'm quite sure that higher doses on the herbs will likely do it, but exactly how much of which, that I don't know yet. Also I haven't yet tried adding alfalfa into the mix so this is like a test run.

I'm running out of shatavari and moringa in couple of days which is ok, I'm planning to stock up on some things soon and my girlfriend promised to help me stock up even more. My plan is to get enough to last for I think maybe 2-3 months or so. Prepare well so that I have wiggle room with dosages and redo this whole thing. I'm not sure when, either asap, or after the body contouring. Which btw is not harmful for lactation, that was said on the surgery clinic website so it should not harm things any way, other than recovery obviously will have some painful days at first.

Lets see how long this works to any extent because imgur is being a complete asshole.... I thought I would change my avatar into something new so here it goes. Big Grin
[Image: zmjSwGS.jpg]

Then there's something fun with my bra which is starting to get really full, but there's a side effect I didn't expect, now its my nipples making folds to the cups as they poke right through. Damned to fold no matter what huh? This is kind of problem I really love to have so go for it, poke through everything. Its not like I wouldn't flaunt it anyway.
[Image: jT3Gs0x.jpg]
There's alos a new bra issue I have never had before, when I lift my arms in a certain way, the wire floats right off my boob on the outer side, I've read about this happening to busty ladies wearing too small bra but this is the first time I ever experience wire floating from the side like that. Very cool. Especially with the hands down best bra I've ever had. I mean this one is amazing as long as its a good fit. I feel kinda sad having to retire my last Elomi Molly quite soon, its been a pure supportive and elastic love affair repeated five times over. Big Grin

(11-10-2023, 11:17 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Lets see how long this works to any extent because imgur is being a complete asshole.... I thought I would change my avatar into something new so here it goes. Big Grin
[Image: zmjSwGS.jpg]

Then there's something fun with my bra which is starting to get really full, but there's a side effect I didn't expect, now its my nipples making folds to the cups as they poke right through. Damned to fold no matter what huh? This is kind of problem I really love to have so go for it, poke through everything. Its not like I wouldn't flaunt it anyway.
[Image: jT3Gs0x.jpg]
There's alos a new bra issue I have never had before, when I lift my arms in a certain way, the wire floats right off my boob on the outer side, I've read about this happening to busty ladies wearing too small bra but this is the first time I ever experience wire floating from the side like that. Very cool. Especially with the hands down best bra I've ever had. I mean this one is amazing as long as its a good fit. I feel kinda sad having to retire my last Elomi Molly quite soon, its been a pure supportive and elastic love affair repeated five times over. Big Grin
Wow the black and white photo is amazing, there is something about black and white photos when done right look so much better than color sometimes and girl you just hit a home run with this one. Hope they don't take it down  Heart Heart Heart PS your picture is a work of art

Thank you Niaja. Hug It did turn out really nice, as did these. I'm hoping imgur wont censor these at least as I'm not showing any sensitive spots. Much. xD Also upped these to IG... We're having a rainy day and I thought I'm feeling a bit picturesque today.

Its so crazy what being spoiled and on higher dose of bovine ovary does. I have gained so much weight so easily, its never been like this before. Its all good and fits my plan really well because so much is going to boobs, hips and thighs. A while back I thought that what the heck, I'll let it go because my attempts slimming down have failed and I have body contouring coming up which will shape and lighten me also. Besides, more there is to work with, the better the result will be. I've seen some ladies who got it done who went in with a big big start and came out looking like absolute goddesses. So why not take the full benefit of plumping up female fat deposits while waiting? I'm going to have much to work on and likely this will help growing boobs a lot.

[Image: Qq6IUxN.jpg]
I'm truly becoming a BBW by this pace, I've never been this chubby before and I love it how its working out with my fat distribution. I some times like to take this kind of bit more artistic photos, I think I have mentioned that I do have formal training in photography from my art school days? Never did it as a job though, but for fun and band stuff. Oh and I'm not shy about being this big, I'm all for all kinds of body positivity anyway, not afraid to show "flaws" and what not despite my lack of confidence and body image issues.

You're looking great and can see what you are talking about concerning your bra.  Keep up the great work you are doing.

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