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So the tucking clips arrived... These things are very interesting to play with, they definitely have obvious learning curve on how to make them fit best. It took me a while to figure it out but I'm getting there. The large one feels better, but it needs to be placed carefully just right. Small one is almost too small. A size between these two might be perfect for me.

Clothed it looks like as if I have a prominent clit or projecting inner labia, which is fine I guess, I know cis women who have it like this so why would it be a problem. So far the clip stays nicely in place but soon it'll be put to a test as I'm going to carry firewood and there's a lot of it. If it holds even when I'm working like that, then its perfect. Big Grin

I'll drop a link to a picture gallery here as there's too many pics to spam into a one post and these are obviously very NSFW as I'm showing private bits, so open at your own discretion. I added also two clothed pics, one with panties and then with jeans on top. I need to figure out if I can wear it without having obvious bump down there... But then again, it looks like a big clitoris or prominent inner labia and that can be very visible in skinny fitting clothes. So far I'm happy with the purchase, these are Chinese knock offs from Amazon so cheap and they obviously work, now to find out how well. Its awesome, if I figure this out, I can wear what ever panties I want until I get GCS done. Its so amazingly nice to find out something like this.

Thanks a million Stevenator for the hint, this little thing can be a life saver. Hug Heart

NSFW pics, at your own discretion if you want to take a look.

You're welcome! The hidden testicle bulge reminds me on a pubis mons, so it's all good!

Its perfect. With some more practice I bet its so spot on... Seems like the smaller one sit much tighter, but bigger looks better and doesn't make as prominent bump with clothing. But I bet it also slips easier. I will surely get better at it with practice, these little things are awesome. I wish I could do a flatter look somehow. I might look into getting a third one, parhaps if I can find the original for sale that ships to Finland.

It feels really nice to wear btw, nothing is on the way no matter what I do, lovely. Blush

I love the look these give you (great pictures) and it really hides everything so nicely. You say you got them on Amazon what are they called would love to give them a try is there any discomfort in having it on.

Not really, I can't even feel it being there, only that there's nothing on the way and I can sit very comfortably with legs closed. ^_^ I wish I could fit it in a way that would give even more flat look but I think that's about practice... And I think my shape down there is just such that there will be a visible bump there. It really looks like projected labia that shows through clothes. I think this along with a panty liner would likely flatten everything out really well. I have to try that.

I got mine from German Amazon, just hit Fufu Clip to the search and you will find plethora of them. With that search you can also find the original on Etsy at least and likely somewhere else too. The knock offs aren't much different from what I read so both can work. I think the original had slightly different shape.

Good news and bad news... Good news is that I got referral to the hormone clinic, its ridiculous that my HRT is specialised to a special place and they gatekeep everything. The bad news is that it has a fucking SIX MONTHS WAITING LIST to even get a time there! This is bad, it means all my meds will run out unless I find alternative solutions, some are ok, my gf is helping me and I'm somewhat prepared, but this is unbearable!

This is what kind of value my health and well being has in the Finnish healthcare system! I will likely try to get time to our local gynecologist and try something, but its very likely that all doctors will raise their hands and say they can't help me. IF I was cisgender, I would likely get HRT prescribed very quickly, but as I'm not, I get no help until I wait for another six month prison sentence.

I can get all meds other ways if I have to, I don't like it and it costs more than I can afford, but I do it if I have no choice. If anyone knows a good source in EU to get progesterone, please let me know. I hate this shit because I believe that I have right to decent healthcare! I have right to medication which is detrimental for my physical and mental health! Yet the system thinks its totally fine to delete my prescriptions, raise hands and say they can't help and then force me to wait for at least six more months to get the crappiest shit HRT under the sun.

This is wrong, totally wrong. I'm being mistreated and discriminated against and my health is not valued one bit.

Your clips work great and gives you a great look.  Hopefully you'll get your medications situation worked out soon.  It sounds like a real bureaucratic mess.  You're looking great though.

Little update on some things, I'm out of almost all prolactin herbs, but a big stock up is on the way and I should get it all next week. I was counting how much of which one I will have to plan out dosing a bit. I'm going to add alfalfa to teh mix and that can be dosed quite high as its cheap. Others I will do pretty much the same as I did before at first. I will post more in detail about this soon.

I had to swap away from pump cup flanges to just the cups themselves, this makes the funnel size 24mm wide. I felt for a while that 21mm isn't quite up for the job and I need more space for nipples to swell. Swapping over to 24mm feels amazing, like I started all over again. Just as it did the previous times I had to go for bigger ones. I didn't think the moment would be now but what do you know, my nipples just want to grow. Each time it has taken longer to reach the next point so this will likely carry me for a good while.

The tucking clips are awesome, but I already see why the slight differences between the knock offs and originals matters. So I want to try to order the original and also modify the cheap ones if I can. There's a whole lot of talk about everything on this on Reddit, but I haven't had the energy to dive into it yet. Its very promising though, I think these little things will turn into something I end up wearing daily.

Need to upsize my bra isn't far off. Its showing all the usual signs of being soon too small to wear. Next one will be one of the Bravissimo bras I have waiting for it, I presume its one month tops that I need to upgrade. Material is giving but at one point it gets too annoying. Also I noticed a new thing, when I lift my arms, the underwire flies up completely, that never happened before with any bra at all so new experience. Big Grin

[Image: 20-10-23-emerging-hourglass.jpg]
Can see it through the top how the bra is pushing against my boobs. I'm feeling a bit sad, Elomi Molly bras took me so far and they were awesome all the way. High recommendation all the way, fantastic bras, I wish they made extra big sizes, this fun ends at KK.

Oh and note my green nail polish, camera doesn't want to see it, but it has amazing chameleon effect and rainbow coloured see through glitter on it. Wink

Love the nail polish and panties, sounds like your breast growth is going great, Looked on Amazon for those fufu clips there looks like plastic ones and metal clips which do you think are better and will let longer. Your skin looks so smooth Heart and just have to say awesome  Heart hope the Hot saga goes better for you sounds like the  finnish health care system sucks

I have no idea about the metallic clips, so far I've only tried the cheap plastic ones which are ok, but I can obviously tell why the originals are likely better "out of the box" and knock offs might require some tinkering to make them fit nicer. But metallic ones, no idea other than its of course more sturdy than plastic, I would never wear something metallic down there in Finnish winter, that would be guaranteed pussy freeze right there, no thanks...

Anyway, the cheap ones work ok but I want to know the difference. So my gf ended paying me a set of the originals. Bless her, I'm feeling guilty as she's absolutely spoiling me. No idea how long the delivery takes and I even messed up my email on the order, thankfully address and name were right, I'm trying to get my email corrected on my order so I can track it. At least the money for that goes right to the source and as Etsy does deliver to Finland, why the heck not.

So I'm gonna figure out the difference, have several of them and then get to tinker with the cheap ones to figure out how to make them a better fit. Wink

My skin has cleared a lot during HRT and lot of the NBE stuff is good for it too... Well for me its not a problem that I'm developing quite a lot of stretch marks, I like them so no problem, otherwise skin clearing is amazing! Its more sensitive but in much better condition.

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