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(07-11-2023, 08:31 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Such pretty pictures. ^_^ You caught a lovely blue sky too.

I was out today, blood check and hangout with a girlfriend of mine, a cis woman mind you... Its so rare as I have nearly no cis fem friends what so ever. We had fun. After labs, thrift store (found nothing there), shopping mall, smoothies and burgers and I found two lovely new nail polishes. Red chameleon with metallic blue tint which is really amazing and pink glitter stuff. Big Grin Oh and some really hot black guy randomly said hi and just kept smiling and checking me out at the lab... It was so cute, he just couldn't take his eyes off me, I guess I ticked his pretty lady radar quite well. I don't mind, he was handsome.

Felt so good to go out and have some real life for once. I almost never have chance for this kind of thing unless my girlfriend counts of course. But this is different when its not with a partner but a friend. Hug

keep shining that every loving light and going out into the world. I tend to stay in a lot too. going out really helps to clear the cobwebs. much love xo

Character to me is a portrait of a person's face. Yes you can see the miles you ran, but in your eyes and your smile I feel comfortable and curious about hearing your story. You have a story to tell. BTW my personal opinion of women is to not offer my judgement about their looks until see them naked. I always believed this.

Usually those who somehow comment my age are much younger and in their eyes I'm ptrobably ancient... I really should have been in this situation at twentysomething rather than closing forty. I'm used to being said to look younger than my years but I guess its starting to catch up and I'll just look uglier by the day.

Why can't I just have huge pile of money to rearrange this cursed stupid face. I think I should really do everything I can to make my boobs massive so no one needs to ever look at my face at all. Its better there's something else to pull the attention away.

I got the original Fufu Clips today. These are fantastic! Likely little sanding on the edges make them better. Normal size fits me the best if I want to have the slick neat tuck which doesn't poke out too much. With the large one I can make a very visible tuck which looks like very prominent labia. The small one is just too small and I have no use for it. These things are really super nice right from the box. Definitely worth it.

I wont add NSFW warning this time, people should know that I post revealing pictures, I know there are many people here who will find this interesting and useful information. So to any trans woman who wants to combat bottom dysphoria, these little devices are so fantastic, I feel great wearing this and as you can see, it hides quite neatly under panties really easily, when I stand up with good posture, its almost like its not there at all. And I guess this is something some guys here would like too for exploring their feminine side or just dressing up... So much for bulge with little practice. Its amazing.

No bra btw. Wink

[Image: 9-11-23-clip1.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip2.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip3.jpg]

[Image: 9-11-23-clip4.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip5.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip6.jpg]

Couple of things.  One happy that your lactation is progressing nicely but that your pump wore out is a bummer.  You look good in your fufu clips. I can tell it makes a difference.  Have a great day.

I'm glad they arrived. I'm glad they fit.
I hope they help you. Congratulations.

The clips are really awesome, but they need to be sanded a bit. Getting all the rough away helps a lot. I love these things, I'm gonna spend rest of the evening sanding the others. Oh and I'm getting a new Elvie pump today. Lets see how many hours that will last. Previous one gave up at abour 510 in total.... Poor thing, I put it in such a stress. And made a record pumping too, five hundred hours in less than three months is a lot, its approx six hours per day, every day without breaks.

I got a fufu clip maybe a year ago after seeing one on Reddit. It's neat, but my penis/scrotum are too small for me to get it to hold correctly. You're right that it feels sandy, I guess because they just 3D print it. I thought about getting the smaller one, but I figured I was fine just using a chastity device instead. But then I took PM/RR and my scrotum got even too tight for the chastity device, so now I'm just hanging loose. I'm not very interested in vaginoplasty, but an orchiectomy does sound appealing. Maybe in a couple of years.


Yea, that's very obviously a problem if there's just not enough stuff down there to play with it.... My problem is the opposite, I'm almost too big for the normal size, but large makes a very specific look so a one just in between these two would be the perfect fit. But then again as the pictures show, normal size makes a really easy hidden tuck that doesn't show much at all so I guess I'm fine with it. Big Grin Smoothing the surfaces even more helps, I just did it and I might want to grind it down even more, just so that all the rough/shiny surfaces disappear.

I can't wait to get my genitals rearranged, full depth PI for me please. Until then, tucking it is. These clips will be such a relief on bottom dysphoria, now I just need to learn to use them well.

I'm testing the clips, it seems that the large size is better fit for me, its bit harder to place in the most invisible way but I can manage that. Normal size is fine but it starts to feel a bit unconfortable after a while. Sanding down all surfaces helps a ton as these are rough from the box. Grinding all edges down helps so much, its pretty much a must to make them comfy, but once its done its fantastic. I have found at least three ways to fit it now, there's the as flat as it gets, then through the inner loop only which makes a prominent labia look and finally having it sit high which makes it look like I have a huge clit which kinda pokes through panties. Big Grin Its really awesome how versatile they are.

Next test is going for walks/doing stuff and seeing how it stays in place.

Wow i've just started looking and there is a few on Amazon. How do i know what size to buy. Also can't find a video on how to fit the clip. Does anyone have a link to a clip showning fitting one. Then i may be able to work out what size i would need.

Also i had an orchidectomy to one testicle years ago and still have one left would this still work for me.

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