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This Bali Comfort Revolution (pictured above) is a nice bra. I really should wear it more often.

Feeling a little amazed at the magic of HRT.

Nice view.

Happiness is waking up with boobies.

I totally agree with you.

I wonder how much longer I have until it's obvious. Do you think anyone will notice?

Notice --how could anyone not notice, your boobs have become a t-shirt expander Ha ha.  It' gonna be hard to hide but you grew them why hide Smile

If they don't notice that you have great looking breasts they need to have their eyes checked.  Myself, I'm very comfortable going out wearing a bra and no jacket.  Mine are hard to hide and so far I've had any issues.  May have had a few stares.

I agree, anyone that doesn't notice needs glasses! Your curves may be able to be disguised with some clothing options a little bit, but only slightly.

Thank you, all.

I was out running errands yesterday while wearing this shirt, and I was surprised that no one noticed. After giving it some thought, I think one guy at the bank looked a little surprised, but still no one else batted an eye.

I should say that I have two frames of mind when it comes to being out in public. 90% of the time around here I dress conservatively, because I don't ever know who I might bump into. Yesterday I had to drive into the big city, so I wasn't too concerned about the possibility of seeing any close friends.

I'm just wondering if I've passed the point of no return, etc. When I'm around friends or in social situations, I normally try to wear baggy clothes. I do have two compression shirts that I'll wear at times, but those things suck.

I live in a very conservative area, so I'm always on edge. With all the divisions being pushed with Bud Light, Target, etc., there seems to be a heightened sense of hostility against people being perceived as transgender. Being "outted" here is not a situation that I want to find myself in.

While I do not consider myself as transgender, I'm still always on edge when it comes to my circle of friends & family. I guess society feels like we all must check certain boxes to where people want to place and categorize us, but to me I'm just me.

I certainly do support anyone who is LGBT+ etc, as evidence with my current promotion of Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Long before I took this plunge into NBE/HRT, I had three very close friends who were Trans. I always admired the courage they showed and felt compassion when they shared their vulnerabilities and the human side of transitioning.

I used to work closely with performing artists in a national touring group, and just about all of us were either gay, bi or trans. I even know two trans-women who transitioned in the early 1960s. I'm talking real pioneers here! To say that Christine Jorgensen is a bit of a hero of mine, is certainly an understatement.

For many years I was very proud of my bisexuality and I've been a staunch advocate for LGBT+ for several decades.

It's just that my current circle of friends and acquaintances are more in the category of blue collar rednecks, bikers & veterans. So, you can understand my concerns ....


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