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Guess what lovelies... I'm having a wardrobe malfunction with my 38KK bra. This is what seventeen inch difference between band and bust stuffed to a bit small bra looks like.  Cool

Told about the wires and seams creaking when I straighten my back? Well take a look, this thing is starting to bind rather than flaunt. Yes the outer side of the cup folds as that's a feature on Elomi Molly bras. I love how giving the material is as I've grown past this size, gore floats, band rides up, everything is making noises when ever I straighten my posture. Lol.

This bra as I predicted had the longest mileage of the ones I've had for a long time. It took almost to the day four months to go from fitting to very ill fitting and its visible. See how the sides are squeezing my boobs in like there's a piece cut out over there... That's cups being way too small on the sides. The upper supportive part is really making itself visible as there's no space in that part of the cup either! That's the last to fill in with every bra I've had as my boobs aren't top full yet. Maybe that's finally starting to change. Wink

[Image: 5-12-23-bra1.jpg][Image: 5-12-23-bra2.jpg]
The way that the cups are giving is what is the saving grace for now, thank boob fairy for nursing bras being designed like this. I'm trying to soldier on with this one for now... Soon it'll become way too annoying to wear, but that's fine, I'm sure my girlfriend will treat me with some new amazing custom bra once the body contouring is done and I have recovered.

I would say that you have filled the cups up and I can see your nipples poking out.  I'm amazed at your growth and development.

(03-12-2023, 06:51 AM)Billie Wrote:  
(03-12-2023, 05:44 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 895, 29½ months.

So another half month update, I feel a bit better now that I restarted progesterone. I had a month off of it, except for the topical one. It was interesting experiement. Lowering prog helped to lactate a lot, but it wasn't a world of difference. It did however mess up my moods quite badly and this time of year I always get seasonal depression anyway so it just amplified everything... I'm obviously also having a sort of an age crisis, lot of often painful self reflection and looking back and to the future, wondering how will life keep throwing me around. Lot of crying and pain, letting go, self acceptance in some things, anxiety of what is coming as big life changing events are on the way.

Anyway, restarting prog along with some other little tweaks has drastically improved my mental state very quickly which is awesome. I kept quiet for a while for this reason, I didn't want to rant and cry and shout into the void too much as almost everyone gets tired with me when I do that. I've been leaning onto my girlfriend a lot with all these things and her patience is impeccable.

So, lactation stuff is going quite nicely, I'm learning a lot. The Elvie cups with 24mm funnel were simply just too shallow and too small. I now got the amazing mind blowingly awesome Spectra cups, 28mm funnel with some extra depth. I'm expecting to get the 24mm version too as I presume it to be more suitable for now. These cups are amazing! Less parts, no weak spots, zero air leaks out so lower power on the pump gives MORE pressure! These cups are THE thing to get what ever pump you got in use, they're simple, sturdy and there's zero weak parts on them, get them, they're amazing!
 [Image: 20231203-063029.jpg]

Then some fun stuff, I haven't measured for a while, but my 38KK bra is bursting at the seams. Its literally creaking when I straighten my back. I'm trying to handle it for now as after the body contouring etc., I will need new bras anyway. I went to see my mom the other day and had perfect excuse to wear this lovely dress, so here's some pics. Also check out my new piercings, I can now play with earrings a whole lot more. And the last pic, who needs lip fillers? xD HRT is so amazing, that's just lip gloss and silly kissy pose, I love it.

[Image: 1-12-23.jpg][Image: 1-12-23-4.jpg][Image: 1-12-23-2.jpg][Image: 1-12-23-5.jpg]

The changes I've made with my program are quite simple, I started trying Swansons multi glandular, it has BO and uterine tissue along with some others, I take two caps a day. Also I decided to use the pituitary caps I had lying about, its enough for two months so that too, just one per day. I'm out of shatavari and morigna but started Milk thistle on 2400mg/day dosage. Interestingly my milk supply is again rising and I'm taking a bit less of the prolactin herb stuff, appears that both combinations I've tried so far work quite well. For me what really does the magic is pumping! More I pump, more milky I get. Also milk supply follows my monthly cycle like clockwork, when period is close, titties go dry and then milky again. I've repeated this pattern now four times and it never seems to fail so I know to expect it.

I dropped GABA to 1500mg instead of 2250mg, higher dose seems to amplify anxiety symptoms while bit less is perfect. I'm taking bit over a recommended daily dose of omega 3's also, that has felt really nice, just over all feeling better. So Bovine Ovary at 1800mg, Uterine 300mg, Pituitary 80mg, GABA down to 1500mg and everything else as before.

I will update more about the pump and the amazing new cups once I get more hours done on it, so far its extremely promising, easily the best breast pump cups I've ever had.
Hi I looked at your Instagram and I apreciate pictures of your female dress. I think I could do that too.
I look forward to your reports about the MG usage. The latest pix are grand. Thanks for posting.

Day 903

Little update about glandular therapy, I'm now on day fifteen on Swanson Multi glandular and on Natural Sources Pituitary (which I'll swap to Swanson brand as soon as these run out.) and I can tell this is once again, working like a charm. I'm feeling much the same as before when doing this combination, balanced in a way. But this time of course, doses are different. I'm right at the top which I don't want to exceed on BO and others are moderate. I've had such immense growth pains, especially had for the first week, that its rivalling the very beginning when things got very painful. This is a good sign as achy boobs have always preceeded growth spurts.

Doses are now following, note that less BO would do the job and this is absolute maximum I'm willing to try.
BO: 1800mg, 2x250mg, three times a day +300mg from multiglandular
Uterine: 300mg, 2x150mg, morning and afternoon
Pituitary: 80mg, 1x80mg, afternoon.

I took photos today, despite my poor nipples being blistered again. Not as bad as they have been, but still, the 28mm funnel width is just at the sweet spot for this to happen. I'm getting Spectra cups with 24mm funnels soon, today or tomorrow, so I'll swap over as those will likely allow me to pump on full power without my nipples reaching the bottom of the funnel. They have grown so big, the swelling makes them too long even for Spectra cups which are quite deep, so I've had to keep the power down to right or nine instead of full ten. It seems that my nipple development is very much about swelling, they're now I think around 22mm wide or so, but pumping makes them absolutely huge.

Lactation stuff I'm doing as usual, I've been having a bit dry period lately and the reason is obviously not pumping as many hours. I've been moderating myself while waiting the narrower cups to arrive and also letting nipples heal. Keeping them clean and moisturised and just pumping more works wonders though, blisters take only few days to disappear and there has been zero infections after I started to pay extra attention on that.

I'm planning on a possible change with my HRT, I should be swapping over to EEn injection shortly, so that means one week cycle and no need to stabilise levels with a patch. Lets see how it goes. I might even try monotherapy on a higher dose so I could drop cypro off completely.

[Image: 11-12-23-1.jpg] [Image: 11-12-23-2.jpg] [Image: 11-12-23-3.jpg]
[Image: 11-12-23-4.jpg] [Image: 11-12-23-5.jpg] [Image: 11-12-23-6.jpg]

So here's some pictures, I think I've grown since previous pics I posted. At least they've been feeling really heavy and full lately. Blush

EDIT: I keep noticing that one mole on my right(left in pics) breast disappearing into the underboob fold which is frigging awesome! Its just a little while back when it was all the time in clear sight and now its just getting buried into the underboob. Big Grin I love it! They're obviously hanging much lower and I think I'm getting way more fullness going on. Still on Tanner 4, which is very obvious when its warm enough and I haven't pumped, but I think I'm close to late T4 as there's so much side branching showing up, way more fullness. The change from just last summer is quite crazy.

I keep thinking back... Remembering how I was so frustrated and some times even desperate about breast growth, its a learning experience, especially about how it takes time. Trust the process they said and they were right. Also about nipple development, never did I even dream that pushing prolactin high enough to lactate and pumping religiously would make them explode in size in just few short months! And it seems they just keep going as long as I'm busy with the pump. Its amazing, I'm definitely going to push it much further. I feel that big nipples are very nicely balancing things out as my breasts are extremely wide and they're finally getting the volume and projection to fill up my chest the way they should. Having such voluptous breasts topped with inch thick nipples is just so pretty. ^_^

And this combination lately has been nothing short of magical, topical program, lactation, pumping and glandulars all seem to work together so well. I'm hungry for more, but finally I'm starting to reach the point where I can start talking about satisfaction and happiness about this. Its my dream since I started out that I so much wish to have prefect breasts, as I'm otherwise so flawed and there's much that cannot be changed, but breasts, hell yes I can totally do that! And there's so much to come, three years of active development is nothing but a start, its not even halfway yet.

Some more observations lately. Firstly, if you look closely, the discolouration from Noogle cup edges are still faintly visible in certain lighting. I'm almost four and half months without noogle now. The point being to who does vacuum pumping, DO NOT, ever, exceed the optimal pressure when you're pushing long hours, just don't do it. Moderate pressure is your friend or you will end up with discolouration that takes ages to heal. Don't be as rigorous and crazy with it as how I was! That was too much and I learned my lesson the hard way. Thankfully our bodies are so amazing we can heal and change way more than might seem obvious.

The lactation pump thankfully only does faint red marks which take only a short while to go away, nipples getting blistered though is a real problem for anyone who has skin as delicate as mine. I kinda hate it, HRT has improved my skin quality so much, but it has made everything even more delicate and sensitive than before and that's something as my skin has never been like some goddamn mylar which can take hell of a beating. Dodgy 

I've found out that overlooking things about NBE and not trying stuff out is a big mistake. Going on this trial and error approach using my body as a test lab for stuff that people either overlook or think wont work has been fruitful. Especially about how to combine different things that work, only to find out they work together extremely well. I'm really thankful to the brainstorming I did with Melissa when she was actively online. We figured all the main things that make breasts grow and then started to tick the boxes on how to make it happen. Last two ticking of those boxes have been topicals and lactation. And I wonder why did I drop the amazing combination to have along with bovine ovary as I did that for about ten months very successfully. Doing it isn't even overly expensive as the side show is just moderate dosing and Swanson brand has all those ingredients out there on affordable prices.

I'm still to try out the night time HGH boost I talked about ages ago. I guess that's one thing for next year, along with trying monotherapy. But all these things are for later time, right now I'm waiting to get the consultation for the body contouring done. In a bit over a week, its so exciting. I wonder if I should update about it here or maybe make a new thread on the surgery subforum so I wont mess up the main topic here. Big Grin

By the way... Vacuum pumping works at any point of breast maturity. What ever tiny cell level damage might happen if its overdone, is not harmful for breast development when its allowed to heal and mdoeration used especially with pressure. I'm a living proof of that, so is my deal Mel87 (gosh I miss chatting with her so much.) and many others. Mashtenn also had bruising and seems to have healed nicely and grown more since. So who ever has the time and chance, do it. When done right, its only going to benefit no matter which stage you're in. Read my guide, there's plenty of good information there. Wink

100% agreed on being desperate in the past, trying every thing we could get our hands on to (hopefully) speed-up growth. It was such a hard notion to grasp, that changes take time.

I am curious about this new Multi-Glandular. What all is in it and what do you think it's doing for you?

Congrats on your continued changes. I wish that I had a more developed under-boob, but I guess we're all different when it comes to breast growth.

I think you have a good chance on developing more underboob area as more side branching and fullness shows up, the very same that you've had going on for a while now. Wink

Ugh yea, it takes time. And "trust the process" isn't a lie, its absolutely true. Its a good place to be, far enough to know how this works. I'm confident it'll keep on giving as its been a stable climb for about three years now and I have never even truly stalled. Its like a tidal wave which comes up higher each time.

Swanson multi glandular has 150mg of BO and uterine each, also heart, liver and kidney tissue, 50mg of each. I would rather have this as nothing but uterine, but they don't sell it on its own. What the rest of the things do, I'm really not sure, but I'm feeling over all much better while I'm on it, similar to how ti was on Raw Fem back when it was available.

As I don't know the exact effect, I can only talk about how its making me feel and what body changes I'm noticing. I think my butt, hips and thighs have gotten thicker lately and there's that distinctive lower back pain that happens when pelvic tilt changes. I've felt all that familiar stuff from before come back during last two weeks. Its still early to tell but if this is what I think it is, it'll show up in full body pictures sooner rather than later. And breast development is self explanatory when you look at the pics I posted today. I've been experiencing the most intense growth pains I've had, likely even more intense than when I first started and that's quite amazing.

My mood has been mostly quite stable and its easier to stay on positive state of mind and I feel more balanced. I had the same effect previously when I did ovary + uterine + pituitary as a combination so I guess it was to be expected. But now with dosages and combination of NBE being different, it seems that I might get much better breast development from this. So far its been a really positive experiment and only for fifteen days and there's already a visible difference in pictures and how my clothes fit. Everything else I've kept closely as its been for some months now so I blame the glandular therapy for the changes. Big Grin

Side branching is definitely happening with me, and I appreciate this correlation assessment. I'm crossing my fingers.

Super congratulations on the positive changes to your moods.


Oh, by the way . . . .

"Nice Dress!"

Big Grin

I just finished reading your updates and WOW.  I'm continually amazed at your development.  I would have to agree with you that experimenting isn't always the best course.  It seems that you have found a regimen that is working.  I'm so happy for your results and that you are working on a good regimen.  I've always been told that you can't grow overnight.  Patience is the key.  Wishing you continued success.

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