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Always shocking to see how much you are growing Lara, your nipples are so big it seems almost too much XD.

Best of luck with your surgery! Can't wait to see you after you do it!

I'm a little curious about your evening GH program. I don't fully understand your program with EGCG and CLA. I have some GTE w/ EGCG, but I can't remember the specific properties of its use.

Thanks everybody for replies. Hug Blush Things are really going my way lately. 2024 will be the year of huge changes for me, I feel like I'm halfway done and soon my transition will top over towards completion. Few big steps and then slow grind of HRT and NBE doing their magic still ahead. It doesn't really feel that slow either with the pace its going right now.

Stevenator, its about a combination of acetyl-L-carnitine at 500mg and L-ornithine at 25-50mg taken just before sleep after few hours of fasting. Difficult part is to dose L-ornithine correctly, too high dose will fuck it up. Together taken like that they should give a big surge of HGH and IGF-1 during sleep with very peculiar effect of helping weight loss, obviously breast growth and the text I picked this up from even mentions something about surgery recovery, see where I'm going with this? I'm supposed to slim down to help with the surgery results and before GCS I have to drop weight anyway, I want to make sure my recovery goes well and my boobs love elevated GH levels. Wink

If this works out, I can move GABA to morning or daytime as its most efficient just before or after exercise. I can also simplify by dropping L-tyrosine as I want to simplify my program and save money. Gf just found really cheap GABA, 600pcs 500mg capsules for just 44€! That's almost nine month supply on my current dose, so really cheap. EGCG is supposed to aid with weight loss and CLA might be helpful with that too, I'm thinking about trying these during daytime just before heading out for walk or lifting weights or what ever, even shoveling snow if I get them before winter is done. And time GABA at the same time, why not, metabolism and GH boost along with exercise sounds quite nice.

I don't know if this will work out, I'm somewhat optimistic.

Thanks for the reply.

I just found this link, so I'll have to look into it more. Thanks, again.

Hello, Hello. I saw you changed your avatar and you look really great. I cc hanged mine too. I like both of them.

Thanks Billie. Blush 

This might be last avatar change before my surgery... I dunno, if I get some really good one I might switch one for Christmas like I did last year. Big Grin

Merry Christmas lovely BN bunch! I'm off to my moms house, feeling almost pretty today... I got to try out some awesome new makeup I got and the new dress and all. Its amazing when wearing the shaper panties/shorts/what ever thingie below it, makes it sit right where it should, super nice, shaper clothes rock.

So here's some pics, hot or not? Good enough for heading out like this?

[Image: 24-12-23-1.jpg] [Image: 24-12-23-4.jpg] [Image: 24-12-23-5.jpg] [Image: 24-12-23-7.jpg]

Omg you look gorgeous  your face is so feminine  did you do your make up ? I know you have said in the past you didn't;t want to look like a painted lady but hon you makeup is perfect done just right. All I can say is Wow  Heart Heart Heart You are definitely hot the second picture with just a hint of a smile IMO is th best but they all look fantastic

Wolf - Whistle !!!

Great looking.  You're looking very appealing.  Have a great and Merry Christmas.

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