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Respectfully disagree. It’s what you think and feel that matters.

I always thought Janice was very attractive, as do many people. Sorry if I insulated you, I will just keep my trap shut from now on.

Its ok Tomi, I'm just having a bad day... I had a bad dysphoria trigger last night and lost sleep over it. Sad 

Btw, almost all my problems I talk about are very typical womens issues, mine are just amplified by trauma and gender dysphoria. I've read countless posts about the very same things that I struggle with. None of it disappears by disagreeing, BDD and gender dysphoria are very real considitions. I feel stupid about posting anything on bad days, its never taken well and I know some people have been even upset by it. I just don't have many channels and friends to talk with, most trans friends I can't talk about this with as they will shut me up with "you're too pretty to feel that" or some variation of the same theme. Its mostly my girlfriend and very few others and then there's BN which I think is much better than Reddit.

I should just stop posting and post again when its a good day and something fun to share.

If you can't vent what's going on here then problems be more severe.  Though I may not totally understand everything that you're going through I'm always here to listen.  I can relate to some of your things growing up as a kid.  I was always picked on and others made fun of me.  I battled through it and became a better person.   I can see that you have become a stronger person from the short time that I've known you.  You are becoming the person you want to be and I admire you for it.

I think I need it, this is only online channel for talking about bad days too... Reddit is a mess, I don't want to post much there to avoid chasers and creeps. Facebook I can't use for it as I don't want to vent all my deepest feelings to the people close to me and I have only few close friends. So here's where BN has been invaluable, people here are close enough but distant enough at the same time and its not solely trans women either.

I do try my best. Transition is weird, its damage control to both my body and my mind too because this is the first time in my life I'm actively working on healing old wounds that I've been carrying for decades, there's a good reason why I'm in therapy, on HRT, arranging surgeries and talking about everything. I'm trying to learn self love, heal mental wounds caused to me by bad luck and bad circumstances and some bad people.

I had interesting talk with my brother a while back. I told him that I'm finally trying to heal myself, this has a lot t do with our mother and childhood and all that. He said "good that you're doing this now, when I did, I was closer to fifty". He also revealed something that was quite shocking, that he has self harm scars too! But not from youth, from his forties! (He's twenty years older than me btw.) He did three years of therapy, dealing with a lot of same issues I am. Excluding the gender issues. Interestingly, he was bullied too for being too girly when he was in school, very much like I was. Its so strange how our life experiences have been partially mirroring each other.

Anyway, its all good in the end, this is what the journey is. Its not painless or easy, but tears are worth it. I'm kinda glad no one told me how tough deal it is to transition. If I knew, I would have hesitated much longer. Blush

On those days you feel bad about yourself and the way you think you look may I suggest you pull out this picture you posted awhile ago.     You are beautiful sweetie  Heart Heart

Dang, Lara .... How much weight have you lost?!?

I have no idea as I don't have a scale at home... But I'm shrinking between boobs and waist really fast. That's where I gain last and lose first, its been like that every time, but this pace is unforseen. Day eleven right now so I'm barely getting started with this. All I'm doing is cut down portion sizes a bit, less carbs, 12-18h fast changing the duration each day and the amino acid combo. I know for a fact now that the latter two are like rocket fuel for weight loss.

Also a weird observation, I'm having much less growth pains in my boobs, but they seem to be growing at crazy pace right now, bra keeps getting harder to keep on as its so extremely uncomfortable so that's really something. I guess the GH + IGF-1 boost from the amino acid combo along fasting is no joke! This really works. I will have time to be on it for bit over a month before the body contouring so that's quite good time to assess the effectiveness of it. I will keep doing this after the suregery too as the GH boost will likely be so beneficial with recovery. Also I need to drop my BMI by 2-3 points for GCS anyway, lipo will make me get lighter by quite a lot but I'm not sure exactly how much.

I just got my DNA test results, I just had a quick look and its interesting, but not as surprising. I had a hunch that I must have something far east or south and I wasn't wrong, I'm 2,2% middle Asian. Big Grin I wonder if that's where my funny eyelids come from and skin which doesn't burn but gets a lovely tan in the sun. One of my cousins had a similar result but from todays Mongolia. No surprise as Mongols were so much all over the place here in old times, their empires border sat right where my families today are from. So I guess some middle Asian ancestors gave me this skin quality.

Then I found out I'm 7,4% Baltic, not so surprising but I have no idea where that is from as I have no information for Baltic relatives, even distant ones. And then of course, 90,4% Finn, I was bit surprised about that percentage being so big, a lot of Finns have more mixed backgrouns than below ten percent.

I also found out that I have DNA matches all over the world, over eight thousand in Sweden, several thousand in Norway and two and half thousand in USA! These were the top countries, also more than four hundred in UK and so on, hundred and thirty in Russia and then lesser in so many different countries. Even one in Antarctica, I would love to know who that is. xD lol.

Anyway, I kinda like the Asian percentage there, might really help explain my skin type. And Baltic roots too, that's lovely as Baltic women are often very pretty. The Finn stuff not surprisingly is piled on South and Southeast, like no shit as that's where my families have been living for quite a few generations now. Its so cool, I need to dig into this more with the other reserach tools, but that's for another day, got to go catch some sleep. Kiss

I just got my DNA results compared to bunch of databases and this is such a reveal! Not the most surprising one as I had a hunch about some things, its a relief and I'm so happy to start to understand where I come from and why I have some funny traits which aren't typically Finnish.

Firstly the most obvious stuff, I have plenty of relation to our relative peoples, Udmurt, Inkeri, Vepsä, Komi and on so. Also I have very strong relation to Baltic people, especially Lithuania jumps up and that's my favourite country in Baltics, also Estonia is strongly represented. Other not surprising stuff is strong ties to Eastern Europe and many areas which are now Russia. And did you guess it? I have plenty of Scnadinavian Viking blood in me, most DNA matches along Finland are from Sweden and Norway and plenty of DNA traces are from Iceland too. These are the normal stuff, of course fuckton of east and south Finn, and of course quite close relation to Saami people, our indigenous folk.

The thing I had a hunch about which is now confirmed is that I have a strong but distant relation to ancient Mongol, middle Asia, even tiny bit is Han Chinese. Also another quite strong tie to Eskimos and Samojeds, the indigenous people whos descendants live in Siberia and artic areas elsewhere. And I know now that I have Irish ancestor too with DNA hits in England, Ireland and even Scotland.

I understand it now, I have some red hairs and HRT has brought up frecles, thanks Irish/English/Scottish ancestor. And thanks for big titty genes too. Wink I should say that also to my Polish ancestor who's hiding way back somewhere. And my high cheeks, funny non Finnish looking eyes and heavy eyelids, I bet that's the Asian genetics showing up, I'm the one weirdo in my family who has that thing with eyes and high cheeks being strongest and I'm showing quite decent percetage in my DNA for that. Also my warm skin tone and the way I turn into bronze in sunlight, unlike most Finns, I do not burn and have always wondered where does this trait come from. I understand it all now so much better. Even my silly looking tiny eyes, I guess they're not ugly, they're just showing where my ancestry is from, long gone ones dripfeeding my genes with fun cute things like the smile wrinkles.

I was joking about music stuff, I guess I'm allowed to learn Karelian language and do throat singing, if someone complains, I'm just respecting my elders from thousands of years ago, now shut up and listen me sing. xD lol.

But the weird thing is how my hunch was so correct. I had thought for years that I must have blood ties somewhere far south or east and I was correct. One of my cousins found out about the same Asian DNA, but hers showed up at only 1%, for me it shows stronger for some reason and I really like it. ^_^ Oh and there was also quite a lot of Germans in the mix and even a tiny sign of someone from Africa! And tiniest sign of a native American too, these were tiny little marks from aeons ago, its so amazing to find out about all this. I know now where I come from and its one heck of a diverse family tree. Hug 

[Image: Laraheritage.png]
[Image: Laraheritage2.png]

So whoever thinks I do not fit some silly beauty standards because of tiny squinty eyes or face shape being so Scandinavian/Nordic, I will just say fuck off, I look exactly how I'm supposed to, I have vikings and mongol warriors in my family tree and it shows. And who's to blame for Irish, English, Polish bits? I guess my ancient mothers from ages ago gave me big titty genes. Big Grin lol

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