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I'm excited, three weeks is gone in a puff and then its game on. Big Grin I feel so blessed to have a chance at this, never thought I would be getting any "cosmetic" procedures at all, let alone something as cool as this. I really have to keep everybody updated as this is a new thing on BN, how NBE and weight loss and HRT goes along with lipo + sculpting and fat grafts...

Speaking about weight loss, I'm very obviously slimming down. I can see there's a difference especially above waist but my tummy is starting to hang, I think I will likely have a bit of loose skin for a while. I've had this happen before and it has so far always fully recovered given the time and it likely will happen again as I haven't been that much overweight my skin would have lost elasticity. Also I remember what my surgeon said that my skin is very young and healthy so likely I will avoid any need for a tummy tuck which would be really expensive to do.

I just added EGCG to the program, two capsules, taken about half an hour before breakfast and dinner. And dinner is the last thing for the day as we usually have it late enough. Its been between five - seven in the evening and after that I eat nothing, just water and maybe a cup of coffee and that's it. Then evening meds along with amino acid combo around nine thirty or so. Last night once again I got over fifteen hour fast done and its showing! Here's the situation today. Blush BTw, I should get my new bra in a day or two, finally.

[Image: 17-1-24-1.jpg]

Dang girl you keep this up and you won't need body sculpting --lookin mighty fine  Heart Heart Heart

You're looking good.  Can see that you are losing weight.  Before you know it you'll be having your surgery.  Happy for you and your accomplishments this year.

Your changes have always come so quickly & dramatically, too. You look great! Congratulations.

Oh gosh Niaja don't tell me I don't need it. Big Grin Its only going to make a dramatic difference in a way that hormones and weight loss alone wont do on their own.

Its crazy how fast the chance is happening right now, I'm a bit scared if I'm losing too quick and end up losing curves too. So far so good though, I try to keep it under control, its just that the combination of things I'm doing are working so crazy well! I guess my typically quick reaction to stuff is helping out... Fast metabolism? It used to be like that, I'm just very surprised how can I start slimming down so easily as its been difficult since starting HRT. Then again, fasting + the amino acids and now also EGCG are a thing I haven't tried before.

Three weeks to go before surgery, plenty of time to show how this works out. Cool

This is unfortunate, it seems that EEn doesn't work for me well at all. I've been on it for a month, only days from when its supposed to be completely stable and yet my moods are horribly unstable and I have had to compensate all this time... Yesterday and today I had really bad dysphoric meltdown out of nowhere which turned into a panic attack.

So I had to take a sedative, calm down a bit and I tested it again, I put on a patch and took 1mg of estrogel and not surprisingly, within two hours my mood is now completely stable and normal.

Astrovials EEn has been lab tested more than once, its legit, people have had zero bad experience with their injectables so its not the medicine itself, this problem is my body. Either I don't metabolise enanthate well at all, or its way too fast, or its somehow not giving me the levels I need. I see no other option than switching back to my usual EV injection + patch to stabilise the levels as that is known to work well. I talked with my girlfriend that she will try the EEn for few weeks and see if it works for her. She's been on EV for over a month now and doing great. I really hope it wokrs for her so our purchase isn't wasted.

I guess we have to stock up on EV again, I'm going to email Lena about this and ask if she's in business as usual. I'm really saddened by this as I thought EEn would make my HRT easier. It was worth a try I guess, but like with all HRT methods, its not one size fits all and it has to be personalised to work the best.

Hang in there and I hope you get this worked out soon.

Its ok, I just need to revert back to my previous program. I'm just really disappointed, feels lately that every attempt to make my life better somehow backfires. I've been suffering so badly for the last month, more bad days than good ones. For the first two or three weeks I thought its just normal time it takes to adapt but now at full month still being a huge mess until the moment I compensate with the methods I know to work well. I'm just really disappointed. Of course I'm blaming myself and feeling guilt and shame for this as my girlfriend paid for the EEn vials. If it doesn't work for her either, then it was all a wasted effort and that's my fault.

Also my new bra is awesome, I tested shorterning the band from the sides, but it was too much, its really difficult to shorten in just enough and going down by two inches is way too much. Fine with band extender but the straps and the outer edge of the cups sits too far, so that too was wasted effort. Its good enough as it is, worn on the tightest setting which is close to 38 band on the loosest, so not perfect but close enough.

I seem to only know failure lately... Or so it feels like. It shouldn't, there's no way to know better than to experiment and see what sticks. EEn did not obviously. It saddens me, I would so much want something with longer cycle than injecting EV all the time. Sad

I'm feeling so much better now, my levels are getting closer to where it should be.... I'll be back on my previous routine on monday. And btw, I just got the greatest birthday present ever as my body contouring is paid for, now its only about showing up and taking the beating and the legal high from painkillers and sedatives. Big Grin

And here's a quick snap wearing my new bra, its so lovely when my boobs aren't escaping the cups to some direction all the time. I'll try to take some better pictures some day soon, when I get a chance with better lighting. 
[Image: 20-1-24-2.jpg]

I'm glad that things are looking up.


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