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It's been about 2.5 years since I cut my hair and I'm starting to get happy with its length. I love that it's the level of my scapulas. I can't wait until it gets about 4-6 inches longer, though. One thing that I'm really excited about is repeated uses of my IPL on my face is starting to show positive results.

It's often said that IPL doesn't have an effect on male beard growth, due to the thickness of the facial hair & the overall weakness of the IPL unit. It is however so-called approved for female facial use. I'm can't help but wonder if the addition of a strong anti-androgen weakens the male beard. I do think it has an effect. Also I am unsure of how years of phyto/estrogens use affects male facial hair.

It is said, I think, that NBE/HRT will thicken head hair but it can also have the opposite effect on body hair. I've always had thick head hair, but when I started HRT, my leg hair practically disappeared and my chest, underarm & forearm hair completely disappeared. I've shaved my legs for twenty plus years and even on PM for 4.5 years, I had to shave my legs every other day. With HRT, I might have to shave them once a month.

About 1.5 years ago, we were out at a local bar to see a favorite band and later in the night a friend took a photo of me with their camera phone. I was shocked at the result. HRT is known to thin the skin and I am no exception. My facial skin looked incredibly translucent and almost gray in the camera phone photo result due to the flash. This was the only time I've ever seen such a photo result, and I've had my photo taken many times ever since but the overall effect that I noticed beside the aforementioned, was how my beard looked like it was glowing through my translucent skin. Obviously the camera quality was lacking. It's odd how iPhones can take jaw dropping photos at times, but in certain lighting conditions they suck.

Anyway, I don't really have the thousands of dollars laser takes to clear my facial hair, and as I'm approaching 62 y/o, I do have a lot of gray hair in my beard. What I knew from that photo is I wanted the dark hairs gone. Since I have an IPL, I decided to start using it more often on my face.

Years ago on NBE I tried the IPL on my face and even on power level number two it felt like I was being struck by lightning. I couldn't handle the pain. As time went on when I started HRT, I noticed that I could handle the pain and the increased power level, but the results were disappointing. It's kind of weird actually, a day after IPL on my face, my skin would be super smooth. The next day or two there'd be little regrowth. By day 3 & 4, it felt like the regrowing hair were made of jagged barbed razor wire. I absolutely hated this effect because it hurts like hell.

The natural growth cycle of hair is kind of odd and weird to explain, but I think with IPL & Laser it's recommended to wait 3-4 weeks between sessions to make sure you're targeting the specific growth cycle of the affected hairs. I'm sure this is pretty well understood & documented with others who have used facial laser. This is just my rambling experience with it.

Anyway, I did read on a subreddit about a IPL/TRIA user that said she got good results using their device weekly because of repeated targeting & weakening of the affected hairs instead of waiting three weeks in between sessions, and that's what I started doing a couple of months ago. Because I hate my mustache most of all, I started only focused on repeated weekly passes on the mustache and I've started to notice a few things.

One is the hair regrowth on my mustache vs the rest of my face is dramatically different. Three days between shavings I can definitely tell that my face needs to be shaved, but on my mustache the stubble is barely noticeable. Honestly after about 30 zaps on power level five and I'm getting tired of absorbing electricity, so I'll do one quick pass over my face and just have to quit. I do plan to start doing more passes on my face, soon.

But also one positive thing to notice is the lack of pain means it's having an effect I can still definitely feel the zap along my jawline, but I don't even flinch anymore on my mustache. One surprising and positive thing I've noticed is I do believe that it's also slowly working on my gray hairs, too. I seriously can only barely feel any mustache stubble anymore.

We'll see how this all turns out. I'd rather have gray stubble than black, especially with translucent skin. One cool thing about this is the skin texture of my upper lip has changed in the absence of thick hair roots filling the pores of my skin. It's a really cool transformation to observe.

Couple of things.  One you looked great in your new bra and secondly love how your hair is grown.  It looks great on you.  Overall you should be proud of yourself.

Thanks, Mash. I love all the physical changes except the loss of strength. It's been a very busy month full of physical tasks and they all just wipe me out. I'm super stoked about the changes with my beard and my thighs seem to be getting fatter, so that's always a plus.

Thanks again.

I caught my reflection in the mirror this morning and I was kind of shocked at how big my ass is getting. I've always had a big ass, even in my manly man days. My pelvic tilt happened 18 months into PM/NBE 6.5 years ago, but my butt has steadily continued to get bigger.

I can honestly say that I absolutely adore these accelerated changes I've been experiencing the last several months.

I easily bounce in & out of gender roles in my mind. This past month I've had to spend more time than I'd like on the male side with things like chopping & stacking firewood, etc. But here lately sliding back into my feminine side has become so much more increasingly easy & comfortable.

It's hard to describe, but where before the mental transition was methodical in action, now is a breeze. Almost as easy as breathing or blinking your eyes and its dove. Like sliding into fresh clean washed sheets after a shower & full body shave. It's a warm & enveloping Ahhhhhhh ....

You look fantastic. Good for you

Thanks, Beth. I really do like the way my butt looks now. If only I could grow some wider hips though I'd LOVE to have saddle bags lol.

But tonight I'm did a major pass around my face with the IPL. I did about 106 zaps I think on everywhere but below the jaw. Absorbing that much electricity gets a little much after a while and every area on my face above my jawline got at least two zaps. My whole mustache area got at least five passes.

Before I got in the shower to shave, I checked my beard in the mirror. I specifically hadn't shaved since Sunday. Knowing Wednesday & Sunday are my Facial IPL Treatment Days, I wanted a smooth surface to work with.

So when giving a close look in the mirror before shower & shave, I didn't notice any dark hairs on my mustache at all and very few on my face when last week's inspection showed many! Based on feel alone, I could tell the remaining hairs on my mustache were few in number, so that really encouraged me. Stepping back from the mirror I was doubly happy that the few gray whiskers looked invisible and to a quick glance, it already looks hair free!

So even on the five passes on my mustache on level five, I couldn't feel anything. That was super encouraging. I swapped out the small flash head for the larger one to do my face, and even the. I was amazed that I didn't feel anything on 90% of my face. Along the jawline I did flinch a little though.

As I previously said in an above post, several years ago when I got the unit while on PM/NBE, just on level two the IPL made me jump out of my skin when I zapped my face.

They say that IPL & Laser doesn't work on gray hairs, but I'm going to keep blasting them twice a week until the unit fails. I've read before that multiple treatments outside of the so called "three week window" has had a positive effect on both dark & gray facial hairs with the IPL, so that is my hope.

I'm kind of hoping that E2/17b has weakened my facial hairs, but I do know published research has shown that Bicalutamide will retard facial hair growth. So whether or not it works or not, it's my gamble and hope that this effect from Bicalutamide + IPL will have a positive effect on permanent facial hair removal.

I do know that it seems like all IPL instructions say it's use is approved for female faces but not males, and I believe the general thinking is the thickness of the hair/roots of the male beard. So far my gamble seems like it's working. We'll see.

Anyway, here's a bra photo lol.

Looking good.  The bra looks comfortable.

I don’t think I can handle an epilator. Gonna stick to waxing and Shaving.

I couldn't handle an Epilator.
I have an IPL.

I will say that I got it in 2018, (I started HRT in 2020), and it had a permanent effect on my chest, underarms and Happy Trail. It removed all but the toughest hair around my knee & shin on my legs. It duu it didn't have much of any effect on my pubic region, even though I made repeated blasting as there. So far this new method on my face seems to be promising.

This weather is so crazy here lately, but this week it's been nice to be back in my standard sleeveless t-shirt & skirt. It's been 70° the last few days when it was 0° last week. It's nuts, but I'll take it.

I'm traveling out of town next week to see my parents. They're in their mid-80's, and I haven't seen them in several years. That's an annoying issue unto itself, but it is what it is and what it is, is out of my control, and I've just had to deal with it.

One thing that is for certain sure is that I'll be in a compression r-shirt for four days in a row, and I am not looking forward to that part of the trip. I'm also a little wary at how much my slowly increasing facial changes will have an effect of those who hadn't seen me in many years. I think it's said that they notice it more than the people that you see every day. We'll see.

One thing that won't go over well is my long hair. So, it's going to be interesting to say the least for certain sure.

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