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Day one post op.

I woke up early, in a lot of pain. I forced myself to get up and go to bathroom. I did it, but it hurt enough to draw some tears to my eyes. Ache and a burning sensation which feels much like bad burn which goes deeper than skin. I took the painkiller combo they gave which makes the pain go from brain splitting to manageable. I have ton of swelling, but some from breasts is gone. I'm hurting just sitting here, boob ache a lot, they don't feel as still as yesterday, but there's obvious BIG difference in volume despite some swelling already disappearing.

This stuff isn't for the faint of heart or anyone who's overly sensitive to pain. It will hurt! I'm predicting next few days being much like this. So far I'm managing without taking codeine, but I might if it goes any worse.

I'm going to follow the aftercare plan to every detail. Which is well written, there's the generic one and my surgeon wrote some extra details on his statement. What to do with the compression cloth is written down on hour accuracy which is awesome. Breasts are completely hands off for now, no bra, no pressure, no massage. The lipo area however needs to be massaged starting on day 3-4 post op. Mild exercise as soon as pain allows, but heavy exercise out of question for two months.

Post checks will be one month, three months and six months when the second phase will be done.

I'll try to take some pics today when I'm taking first break with the compression cloth and replacing the bandages. Outside damage is minimal, eight 2mm holes with one stich on each, stitches are the dissolving type so they will melt away just given time. I'm going to look quite beaten, lot of bruising and swelling. The final shape is already visible, but swelling makes it kinda messed up. I could already see the difference on my flanks, tummy and back already yesterday and my boobs are huge, they got so much bigger, but the shape looks less mature for now as the new tissue needs time to settle.

Boob pics post op day 1.

[Image: 7-2-24-1.jpg] [Image: 7-2-24-2.jpg] [Image: 7-2-24-3.jpg]
[Image: 20240207-075740.jpg] [Image: 20240207-075914.jpg]

Ton of swelling on boobs and all over my body, but much less bruising than I expected. I took the big bandages off, cleaned the areas around wounds, the brown tapes aren't supposed to be removed yet. This is my first short break from the compression cloth. I'll wear a loose top below it from now on, putting it back in about forty five minutes.

Immediate volume increase in total is about 650ccs so bit over three hundred per breast. My wide and shallow shape allowed a bit more than usual, but tissue density is high so that limits it a bit. This is about maximum that my surgeon accepts to do at once as its a guarantee for most of it settling well. The asymmetry is mostly about my breast shape and swelling and they will be evened out with healing and any big asymmetry or volume difference fixed in the second phase.

My surgeon noted how my chest isn't totally centered, my entire torso has a slight rotation on chest so I'm not symmetric at all, he said no human is and he will make sure to respect my anatomy and work accordingly to make me pretty. This is one of the "how to know a good surgeon 101" things. Wink

Little bit about my plan for the next six months. I haven't spoken much about this in detail so here it goes. Big Grin 

Post op checks will be one month, three months and at six, we do second phase. For the time being, I will concentrate on healing first. I will stay on a break from topicals for at least week and half, maybe longer, but I'm planning to restart it for a while once I'm healed enough. On NBE I stopped black cohosh for a week to let my liver have a little less stress while I'm on painkillers and antibiotic for the coming week.

After most swelling is gone, I will restart taking omega 3's and then stop it latest two weeks before next surgery. I'm thinking about another attempt at lactation, this time with more simple program, just GABA, milk thistle and ginseng from supplements, lot of oatmeal for food, pumping and domperidone on low to moderate dose. That incase I can actually source it. For now I'm busy stocking up on injectables and few of the most important supplements. I'm not in a rush but if I can, I might take 2-3 month period for another lactation attempt.

But if not, then I'll keep on going as usual. I will likely expand the amino acid combo + fasting to last for the entire time between the surgeries as it has proven to work and being very effective on what it does. I'm hoping this plus other growth hormone boosting stuffs will aid surgery recovery. I'm already familiar with other effects, weight loss, shorter need for sleep, better sleep quality, higher energy levels, breast growth.

The glandular therapy is working amazingly, I haven't measured, but its definitely helping with hips and butt thighs so I'll keep on going without canges.

I have a dream of growing three cup sizes from my previous measurement. I already got one just yesterday. Wink Another I will get from second fat graft and the third I'm trying to grow naturally. I'll try to help recovery and make good use of naturally sky HGH, IGF-1 and HGF, these are all present as I have massive tissue damage healing right now. I'm speculating that with good nutrition, sleep and NBE supplements, my natural growth might replace swelling and I wont lose much breast volume in coming weeks. How much fat cells stuck up is anybody's best guess right now, but since my genetics favour carrying weigfht on my breasts, I'm somewhat optimistic about it.

The reason why I want to go so big, from 38 L to 38 MM cups is my body proportions. They're starting to look absolutely amazing, but I wish to look even more busty to downplay shoulder width and my height. On my frame, big breasts will absolutely help to do it, make me look more like a "normal" woman by proportions and also make me very curvy. Right now the shape looks so amazing, second fat graft will allow even more detailed shaping along with additional volume. I have an open mind for possible third or fourth rounds too if needed. Its all about how well it sticks up and how I'll be developing. I know I have plenty of growth potential left as I'm still firmly in Tanner four.

Another little side note, I have started to slim down quite nicely. So much so that my surgeon pointed it out right away. I will very likely end up going down on band size as that's the first spot I lose weight from. Also lipo sculpting on my back will make my band length go shorter as the fat rolls on the sides will be completely gone. Its all good as that will mean a "free" cup size by prortions. Obviously I haven't tried my bra on as I'm not allowed to wear a bra for quite some time and I'm way too sore to try. I think I will do a test and take pictures once I'm at least two weeks post op.

From your pictures I would say that it was very successful.  Your body looks great.  I realize that post surgery pain is normal and should clear up in another day or two.  Great job.  Smile Smile Smile

My feeling is you are more brave than me. With multiple procedures at once and in the future with the recovery and pain you have succeeded. Personally when I was to have Cancer surgery it looked like prostate and colon cancer. I had the desire for orchiectomy due to the lesser need for chemo and movement toward the feminine. As luck would have it my multiple tests were negative for Cancer from two rectal exams a blood panel a sonogram and four biopsies.Again if I ever am moody or even bitchy just chalk it up to my hormones moderating.

(08-02-2024, 01:03 AM)Billie Wrote:  My feeling is you are more brave than me. With multiple procedures at once and in the future with the recovery and pain you have succeeded. Personally when I was to have Cancer surgery it looked like prostate and colon cancer. I had the desire for orchiectomy due to the lesser need for chemo and movement toward the feminine. As luck would have it my multiple tests were negative for Cancer from two rectal exams a blood panel a sonogram and four biopsies.Again if I ever am moody or even bitchy just chalk it up to my hormones moderating.

Maybe, because I'm stubborn, have weird resistance to pain with a meaning and I'm definitely not scared to do big life decisions which have risks involved. Maybe its foolishness, but I believe that life is short and its better to do than regret things I never tried. Blush I was pleasantly surprised that the pain of the surgery itself and recovery aren't worse than what it is. Its hard, but bearable, but definitely not for faint of heart or anyone with low pain threshold.

That's a lucky call with the cancer scare. Cancers are like fucking demons! I've seen enough friends fight that and my cousin who was my bestie at that time, died to brain cancer at age eight. Thankfully screening and treatments today are so much better and going forward all the time. (Quietly wishing luck for Lotus fighting the darn leukemia.)

And then little update, post op day two, the pains are here and being just as adorable friend as yesterday, but already getting slightly easier to withstand. Last night I woke up to massive burning aches and decided to take a codeine pill as it lasts for nice long time and works quickly. And it did, I'm feeling ok now. The pressure cloth was super tight all night and it felt like it caused me more trouble than the pain itself. First day of having 2-3 hour break now and second one in evening. I also did mild exercise, some stretches, walking around a bit, getting my back on the move. Today is when I can slowly start gently massaging the lipo areas. They're very numb, some parts of my back have no sensation on skin yet. This might take more than a month to recover. I presume there's a load of nerves that have to regrow now that the tissues have been dramatically changed.

My waist and hips are starting to show up like crazy, it looks amazing! It seems as if my hips got wider, but that's the effect of changing proportions. Also my waist keeps reducing as the swelling is starting to go away. Boobs have lost some swelling too and their shape looks more natural. Its amazingly good for just two days post op, there's load of swelling hiding the results and I'm already loving everything. And keeping in mind this is just the first phase, second major one will come along with fixing every tiny detail of what was worked on now. It'll be so mind blowing what this does, I'm sure of it. And now time for breakfast and coffee, I was adviced to eat calorie rich food so slimming down will be on back burner for now, I'll still keep the aminos and fasting going on as usual, just make sure I eat a lot of good stuff in between. Tongue

Taking pictures felt like sport. Its tough to move around with this pain. Bearable but takes some effort. No problem though as its all according to aftercare plan. I'm adviced to move and do light exercise the moment pain allows me to so this is all good. I'll put the pressure cloth back in few minutes. So much for the first break from it.

I love this so much, how my hips curve now, it looks even better on naked eye when I'm on the move. And this is with ton of swelling. Then what once that swelling goes down?

I think what I'm feeling is the closest thing to what is gender euphoria, my dysphoria has just taken a big hit, its so much easier to feel happy now. So simple, right? Just change some proportions and feel instantly better. Gosh, I'm just about to get started. So much more is coming and even this first step is amazing. Zero regrets, rather the opposite. Who's gonna tell me now "you don't need it?" Who's gonna tell "don't try, it'll fail" or tell that I can't become beautiful? I'm just getting started with this, welcome in amazing hourglass body and nearly zero dysphoria.

Yes, I definitely need this and I'm loving every painful moment of it. The price we pay.... Hug 

[Image: 8-2-24-1.jpg] [Image: 8-2-24-2.jpg]

Just for fun, see what a fashion statement I have to wear eighteen hours a day for the next month and half. Also bras are a no-go for even longer. Approx two months, no pressure on breasts allowed. Zero massage and they have to be kept warm. Anyway, this thing is quite annoying. I'm not wearing it very tight right now so that sitting is a bit easier.

[Image: 8-2-24-3.jpg]

Take note how much my breasts are projecting. They are super perky right now, the new tissue hasn't settled and the skin has to stretch to accommodate the new volume. This part is very much like with implants, it will take few months to settle completely.

You're recovery seems to be going well.  Yes, your breasts are projecting more.  Wishing you the best.

You look great now and I hope that you're dealing well with physical & mental trauma from surgery. I just got back today from NC visiting my Dad in his end of life journey and my mind is fucked. Plus the eight+ hour hell drive sucked, too. I'm sorry if I'm late to your post-op report, but you've been on my mind this week. I'm hoping that you're surrounded by love.

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