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A new start


Hi all! Just starting a new journal to keep track of things as I start taking BO. Smile

A bit of background first. I've identified as trans since my teens but kept it buried. I started taking PM a few years back but stopped after a few months and purged when my ex wife and I separated.

Now, I'm ready to slowly start becoming my own true self again. I have a few bottles of Swanson's on the way and I should be here by Monday. I intend to start with one every few days and slowly work my dosage up. Being chubby, I already have probably an A cup with kinda prominent nipples from having them pierced for about a year near the end of my relationship.

I can be lazy at times but will do my best to try to keep this updated every few days. Wish me luck, lovely people!


Hi JeanneH,
Feel free to ignore everything below as I am no doctor>....
You may already be doing so, but if not, exercise/eating healthier more has many health benefits and as BO tends to add weight and weight loss helps with the fat redistribution, is even more reason to keep fit and healthy.
Are you on Pititary Gland as this supposedly helps BO do its job.

However, what is true, remember take it slow, listen to your body and be patient.
Good luck with your new regime Smile

Good luck. I have also been thinking heavily about bo. I have tried pm. Had bad stomach issues not sure if it's form the pm, or all the extras to support it. Or if it just exacerbated an issue I already have with my digestive system. 

Anyways not sure if I will jump back on the pm wagon anytime soon. That being said. I've ordered 4 bottles off Amazon of Swansons bo, I have received them but not going to use them till after the summer. I need to let my body re adjust and get back to normal after years of using steroids for body building and body image issues.  

Anyways I feel bo is more realistic than trying to get HRT. and seems really simple to use and support vs PM.

So, I'm still waiting for my BO to arrive. It's supposed to be here today, but tracking shows it hasn't left the US yet. In the mean time, my estrogen cream containing wild yam and PM arrived so I applied some to the boys and the nips to see what happens. Smile


What are your plans for your routine? Dosage and h
Supporting nbe supplements?

(15-04-2024, 06:31 PM)CM213 Wrote:  What are your plans for your routine? Dosage and h
Supporting nbe supplements?

So far, my initial plan is to give just BO a try and see if I notice anything. A single capsule every few days, working up to one per day, then increasing to multiple capsules per day, observing any changes or feelings I might experience. If they ever get here.

Sounds like a good start for now. I hope it works well.

First 250 mg BO capsule taken!

Latest update. I changed the plan slightly and decided instead of starting off with one capsule every few days, I'd start off with one daily. So, day 2, capsule taken, no noticeable or physical changes yet.


That's prob a good change. I know for me and most of everyone we get impatient. But I also feel one pill every other day or every two days would be extremely slow. But it's good to use caution for sure. 

I know I would prob start off with at least one a day if not 2 day am and pm. And cruise on that dose for 2 weeks to a  month and then possibly increase dose by one pill over the course of 2 weeks to a month until I feel I can't tolerate it or I reach the 1000-1500 range dose which most people here suggest is optimal. 

So it would take about 3-6 month to get that high for what I'm thinking I may try in the future.

Good luck. And remember patience. Rome was not built in a day and odds are you won't see many effects the first week. Or even second week depending on your dosage and frequency of taking bo.

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