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Hi I'm kind of new to this forum and I'm looking into things so I'm industrialD1amond and I've been looking into ways of feminizing my body and whatnot. at 18 I tried to do this all on my own and made it 2 years i would have done it earlier if id have come across this forum when i was 15 which ironically i nearly did lol . I'm just looking for some way I can make changes that doesn't involve having to go our health services as its a mess right now and I have gripes with them plus they're near collapse. Also country is in deep recession and growing transphobia in my region of the country. Also does to all the stuff going on in the world, and my transphobic family and mt lifelong friends(i dont want to lose them) and bieng respected in my community after not having one for most of my life plus possible gf now. Ill be a male staying male. So I'm looking for some type of hormonal transition only. Anyway hope to hear more from you all sorry about the long post lol, nerves. I hope you can be of help to me, and I to you too.
. thankyou

.also I'm looking forward to hearing from others

Best of luck. What exactly are you looking to do?

(01-05-2024, 07:31 PM)IndustrialD1amond Wrote:  Also does to all the stuff going on in the world, and my transphobic family and mt lifelong friends(i dont want to lose them) and bieng respected in my community after not having one for most of my life plus possible gf now. 


After reading your post, there seems to be a lot going on in your life, as well as in your head.  Now is the time for some soul searching.  Now might be the right time to seek professional advice.  My wife and I believe HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.

When I told my wife about my gender identity problem, I was so brutally honest she has never asks are you sure this is what you want. Instead she said we are going to have a life style change and I 100% support you.

It sounds like you have youth on your side.  

Good luck on what ever path you choose!


(05-05-2024, 04:32 AM)Beth14 Wrote:  Best of luck. What exactly are you looking to do?

Trying to feminize my body as much as possible  whilst still staying socially male... im still mostly female gendered but still have connection to my maleness in some way athough on firsther introspection over the years I think that's more my masculinity than maleness, and I may never fully transition. And I'm OK with that. But if things were to change then I'd be fine with that too. I also never had any problems with clothes or my hair as a kid like other trans kids like me on TV and in testaments did,  but still identified as female and i also like masculine clothes, so i dunno....maybe I'm butch?... anyway im wanting to try herbal hrt and N.B.E suppliments first as a stepping stone and as it's not as potent as the other stuff. I'm OK with slow incremental changes as I live around a transphobic area and I will try to  post pics when I can. Thanks for the feedback

(05-05-2024, 01:20 PM)Pooky Wrote:  
(01-05-2024, 07:31 PM)IndustrialD1amond Wrote:  Also does to all the stuff going on in the world, and my transphobic family and mt lifelong friends(i dont want to lose them) and bieng respected in my community after not having one for most of my life plus possible gf now. 


After reading your post, there seems to be a lot going on in your life, as well as in your head.  Now is the time for some soul searching.  Now might be the right time to seek professional advice.  My wife and I believe HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.

When I told my wife about my gender identity problem, I was so brutally honest she has never asks are you sure this is what you want. Instead she said we are going to have a life style change and I 100% support you.

It sounds like you have youth on your side.  

Good luck on what ever path you choose!


Sorry this was a repost so I've edited it if you wanna know what I was about see below

(05-05-2024, 01:20 PM)Pooky Wrote:  
(01-05-2024, 07:31 PM)IndustrialD1amond Wrote:  Also does to all the stuff going on in the world, and my transphobic family and mt lifelong friends(i dont want to lose them) and bieng respected in my community after not having one for most of my life plus possible gf now. 


After reading your post, there seems to be a lot going on in your life, as well as in your head.  Now is the time for some soul searching.  Now might be the right time to seek professional advice.  My wife and I believe HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.

When I told my wife about my gender identity problem, I was so brutally honest she has never asks are you sure this is what you want. Instead she said we are going to have a life style change and I 100% support you.

It sounds like you have youth on your side.  

Good luck on what ever path you choose!

There is a lot going on un my region, we're one of the few places in this County that doesn't have an official pride parade.sad I know, right? Also for me, hormonally transitioning is more for my comfort and happiness first, than living as female, and I've accepted that I may never fully transition, and if I don't im 100% genuinely ok with living as a. Man. some of us  have it a lot harder than others depending on area and  whether our family and community accept us, no threat of homelessness ect ect. Also social transition is not for every one as it can be nightmarishly difficult and quite a few people detransition socially but not hormonally so to me its not a big deal if i dont fully transition. Also social transition is not entirely out of the question altogether either, As I said I tried to transition once before and it was nightmarishly hard in 2009-2010 its only gotten a lot harder now even though lgbt people are more in the open and it bieng in the media all the time and with the rising far right...also we have no informed consent clinics either. Which sucks,  and I wanna try a natural herbal based transiton and nbe first before trying anything stronger.  I do have low T if that helps and I want to take advantage of everything I can and maximise my chances and the wealth of info in this site that I can. Such as increasing my breast size via massage and pumps and increasing other methods my igf with antler velvet or msm , and skincare ect ect. But whatever happens, hormonal transition only, while living as a man and never socially transitioning, or going full female or whatever happens. I'm absolutely fine with either. Tbh I kinda like my masculinity a bit I feel connected to it in a way Blush . Though i do Feel dysphoria about my body though, but probably not extremely dysphoric, which is why I want to do something about it now not later when it becomes unbearable.

Also thankyou, yeah i am kinda young , im in my early 30s and thankyou for wishing me good luck... same to you too darlin  Hug  were all on a our own path and no matter what or how we do it we're all valid.

(01-05-2024, 07:31 PM)IndustrialD1amond Wrote:  Hi I'm kind of new to this forum and I'm looking into things so I'm industrialD1amond and I've been looking into ways of feminizing my body and whatnot. at 18 I tried to do this all on my own and made it 2 years i would have done it earlier if id have come across this forum when i was 15 which ironically i nearly did lol . I'm just looking for some way I can make changes that doesn't involve having to go our health services as its a mess right now and I have gripes with them plus they're near collapse. Also country is in deep recession and growing transphobia in my region of the country. Also does to all the stuff going on in the world, and my transphobic family and mt lifelong friends(i dont want to lose them) and bieng respected in my community after not having one for most of my life plus possible gf now. Ill be a male staying male. So I'm looking for some type of hormonal transition only. Anyway hope to hear more from you all sorry about the long post lol, nerves. I hope you can be of help to me, and I to you too.
                                  . thankyou
You have youth on your side . There is loads of information on this site .
take your time to read and recommendations. Remember everyone 
responds and develops differently. It’s slow long process but persistence 
is name of game. Wishing you best on your journey.

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