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Pueraria Mirifica 10:1 Extract effectiveness and timeline


So I've been doing my research on herbal supplements originally for the purpose of maintaining my new long hair (which I love), but now to potentially grow breasts. I'd love to see my body fat distribution change to be more feminine, especially in the face and hips, as well for my skin to be much softer.

I've ordered two Carlyle brand items off of Amazon: Pueraria Merifica 10:1 Extract , as well as their red reishi 5:1 extract (175mg polysaccharides). I did this before finding Lotus' Project X in the forum, so now I realize I should order a brand of PM like Barlowe's (powder capsules rather than extract).

What kind of effects and timeline can I expect from the PM extract (less effective) and red reishi versus the PM powder and red reishi? I will incorporate MSM and progesterone cream as well if I start seeing modest effects from the PM and red reishi.

(15-03-2024, 01:46 AM)joannmcfeely Wrote:  ....
I've ordered two Carlyle brand items off of Amazon: Pueraria Merifica 10:1 Extract , as well as their red reishi 5:1 extract (175mg polysaccharides). I did this before finding Lotus' Project X in the forum, so now I realize I should order a brand of PM like Barlowe's (powder capsules rather than extract).

What kind of effects and timeline can I expect from the PM extract (less effective) and red reishi versus the PM powder and red reishi? I will incorporate MSM and progesterone cream as well if I start seeing modest effects from the PM and red reishi.

I have earlier tried several extracts, and they didn't work. Many others have also similar experiences. I am speculating that the ineffectiveness is due to the extraction process, which leaves important estrogenic substances behind. For instance,one well known phytoestrogen, puerarin, is poorly soluble in many common solvents, including water. (ref. 

In my opinion therefore extracts, especially water-extracted ones, don't contain much of the the components we want, promoting breast development. I don't like to carry bad news, but the fact is: I would not hold my breath waiting and expecting any results Sad . Maybe you should order Ainterol or Barlowes or any other proven by other members to work?


[unnecessary quoting removed]

I've ordered Barlowe's and will start that once it arrives in a week or two. Tonight I'll be starting on red reishi and the PM extract I've already ordered,  just to see if I notice any effects in the intervening time. Thanks!

(15-03-2024, 01:46 AM)joannmcfeely Wrote:  Así que he estado investigando sobre suplementos a base de hierbas originalmente con el propósito de mantener mi nuevo cabello largo (que me encanta), pero ahora para potencialmente hacer crecer los senos. Me encantaría ver cómo mi distribución de grasa corporal cambia para ser más femenina, especialmente en la cara y las caderas, además de que mi piel esté mucho más suave.

Pedí dos artículos de la marca Carlyle en Amazon: Extracto de Pueraria Merifica 10:1, así como su extracto de reishi rojo 5:1 (175 mg de polisacáridos). Hice esto antes de encontrar el Proyecto X de Lotus en el foro, así que ahora me doy cuenta de que debería pedir una marca de PM como Barlowe's (cápsulas en polvo en lugar de extracto).

¿Qué tipo de efectos y cronograma puedo esperar del extracto PM (menos efectivo) y el reishi rojo versus el polvo PM y el reishi rojo? También incorporaré MSM y crema de progesterona si empiezo a ver efectos modestos del PM y el reishi rojo.
Hola. Pedí el mismo extracto de Carlyle en Amazon. y quería preguntarte cómo te va con ese producto...gracias por tu respuesta.

(15-03-2024, 01:46 AM)joannmcfeely Wrote:  So I've been doing my research on herbal supplements originally for the purpose of maintaining my new long hair (which I love), but now to potentially grow breasts. I'd love to see my body fat distribution change to be more feminine, especially in the face and hips, as well for my skin to be much softer.

I've ordered two Carlyle brand items off of Amazon: Pueraria Merifica 10:1 Extract , as well as their red reishi 5:1 extract (175mg polysaccharides). I did this before finding Lotus' Project X in the forum, so now I realize I should order a brand of PM like Barlowe's (powder capsules rather than extract).

What kind of effects and timeline can I expect from the PM extract (less effective) and red reishi versus the PM powder and red reishi? I will incorporate MSM and progesterone cream as well if I start seeing modest effects from the PM and red reishi.
hello.  I ordered the same extract from Carlyle on Amazon.  and I wanted to ask you how you are doing with that product...thanks for your response.

I had used the same pm 10:1 extract off Amazon . Used it for two weeks using one pill in the am and one In the pm. Untill my ainterol arrived. Did not notice anything what so ever. 

As soon as I started ainterol I did the same one am and one pm thinking it was less since it was only 500 per cap and not 1000 10:1 extract. I was wrong started feeling the pain in my testicles on day 3 of ainterol.

So long story short the the Amazon brand did nothing for two weeks and the ainterol did something In 2.5- 3 days

With having pain in your Testes, does that indicate your girls are on their way to become alive and growing?

Typically a slight pain or discomfort usually means that they are shutting down, or beginning to atrophy. Granted it takes a long time for them to completely shut down and shrink. Kind of like growing pains except in reverse so to speak

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