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Starting out


Hello,  fairly recent lurker here.  I've been educating via the wealth of knowledge available here (impressive stuff,  congratulations and thank you to Lotus and company). 

I'm in my late 20s and am seeking... well you can probably piece together why any of us are here,  context clues and that.  Though breasts are the goal,  I am comfortable in my day to day social life being masculine. 

I have thrown together some products to begin with,  but I've learned in my short time that wisdom from those more experienced can be an invaluable resource. I'd like to post a rough outline of my planned regimen and gather any feedback you folks would like to offer.

My supplies are as follows - 
Barlowes pueraria mirifica capsules 550mg
Red reishi extract capsules 1000mg
White Peony capsules 515mg
Green Tea Extract capsules 1000mg
MSM capsules 1000mg
Progesterone Cream (bioidentical) 2000mg
Vitamin D3 and Calcium supplements
(It all sounds a little overkill listed all out now   Blush )

I plan on starting with smaller (half?) doses to taper on to the PM,  RR,  and WP.  My presumption is the MSM,  D3,  and Calcium are all fine to start at normal dosages. PC for after budding starts (sounded like that was the appropriate time to incorporate based on most of my research here.)

Any advice is appreciated,   thanks all.


Welcome to the club!

It sure is nice to see someone do their research before jumping in and asking, "Okay, I am here, how do I make my boobs grow".

You obviously have done your research and you have done it well. It's a good plan. It's as good as an initial plan can be.

Just to be clear on one point regarding PC... you wrote 2000mg. I'm pretty sure that is the total PC in the dispenser.
A daily dose would be one pump (or 1/4 tsp) which equates to 20mg.

I used Finasteride as my AA, so I cannot speak to using a combination of RR and WP... whether one would be enough or not, and the proper dosages.

How long do you plan to take 550mg PM before bumping up to 1100mg?


Sounds like a very solid starting point. Everything will be trial and error, seeing how your body reacts to different thing things.

(14-05-2024, 07:16 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  Kirop,

Welcome to the club!

It sure is nice to see someone do their research before jumping in and asking, "Okay, I am here, how do I make my boobs grow".

You obviously have done your research and you have done it well. It's a good plan. It's as good as an initial plan can be.

Just to be clear on one point regarding PC... you wrote 2000mg. I'm pretty sure that is the total PC in the dispenser.
A daily dose would be one pump (or 1/4 tsp) which equates to 20mg.

I used Finasteride as my AA, so I cannot speak to using a combination of RR and WP... whether one would be enough or not, and the proper dosages.

How long do you plan to take 550mg PM before bumping up to 1100mg?


Hello Karen,  thanks for the kudos. I figure if I'm going to commit to something like changing my internal chemistry I had better learn from those who came before.

You are correct concerning the PC,  each pump/dose should be equal to 21mg. 

The RR and WP overlap did come to my mind as well,  it seemed like they overlapped some in how they influence the body but could be complimentary. That's one of the points I was unsure of in my setup.

The PM I intend to take 550mg daily for 3 weeks then one week off (cycling seems to be a potentially important component? Not entirely sure from what I've read). After the week off starting back up with 1100mg per day,  if my body is overall agreeable to the change.

[b]Lady Charlotte[/b] 
Senior Member

08-04-2024, 04:47 AM

Hi Lotus

so basically, once you have started, DO NOT CYCLE?

ie stay on the regime youre on with no breaks? 

I assume this applies to PM and HRT, be it  PM, estrogen and or progesterone, and the same for any AA's such as RR?

Do i assume correctly?

[Image: avatar_17246.jpg?dateline=1715064677]

08-04-2024, 09:14 PM

(08-04-2024, 04:47 AM)Lady Charlotte Wrote: Wrote:Hi Lotus, so basically, once you have started, DO NOT CYCLE?

ie stay on the regime youre on with no breaks? I assume this applies to PM and HRT, be it  PM, estrogen and or progesterone, and the same for any AA's such as RR?

Do i assume correctly?

IMHO Yes, that's correct. I used to advocate for cycling nbe/hrt until I realized it made no difference to my program. I would suggest doing a detox if you believe your estrogen dominant by using milk thistle or dandelion root, which helps deal with detoxing the liver and to correct the E2 dominance.

Apologies to prostatenipple and Karen Hart (and others) for not making my newer position more clear.  [Image: smile.gif] [Image: hug.png]

♦NBE Formula→Free Testosterone→5 alpha inhibitors→Aromatase→E1/E2....DNA→RNA→Protein ♦
♦Regulation of Estrogen & Progesterone-Hypothalamus→GnRH→Pituitary→FSH→Follicle→Estrogens ♦
♦ego cogito, ergo sum TG.

[Image: avatar_31018.jpg?dateline=1587895873]
[b]Lady Charlotte[/b] 
Senior Member

09-04-2024, 12:14 AM

(08-04-2024, 09:14 PM)Lotus Wrote: Wrote:
(08-04-2024, 04:47 AM)Lady Charlotte Wrote: Wrote:Hi Lotus, so basically, once you have started, DO NOT CYCLE?

ie stay on the regime youre on with no breaks? I assume this applies to PM and HRT, be it  PM, estrogen and or progesterone, and the same for any AA's such as RR?

Do i assume correctly?

IMHO Yes, that's correct. I used to advocate for cycling nbe/hrt until I realized it made no difference to my program. I would suggest doing a detox if you believe your estrogen dominant by using milk thistle or dandelion root, which helps deal with detoxing the liver and to correct the E2 dominance.

Apologies to prostatenipple and Karen Hart (and others) for not making my newer position more clear.  [Image: smile.gif] [Image: hug.png]
thankyou so much x
ok, one last daft long to detox for and take no hrt during that period?

thanks again, you're a star lotus!
Charlotte x

[Image: default_avatar.png]
Junior Member

09-04-2024, 12:22 PM

I wonder if no cycling has been the *key* for the cis women in Breastnexus that were using birth control! As far as I remember 90% of the cis girls that were using bc had a massive success. 

Well, and also there's Rocketmelon's unique story [Image: biggrin.gif] the girl took 188766 herbs and grew A LOT hahaha.

Maybe try reading a page or two before and after. 

There seems to be no real evidence one way or the other that cycling is beneficial or not. 

Either way you will have to slowly work your dosage up either way. I would think especially starting out cycling would only slow down building up the p.m. in your system enough to where you start seeing growth. And like I said you're going to be increasing your dose anyways over the course of each month till you reach your peak dosage maybe once you reached your peak dosage it might be beneficial to do a detox but until you've reached your peak dosage and have been at that dosage for a while I think cycling would just slow your progress down

Fantastic,  thanks CM213.  I appreciate the digging for reference there! Just stay consistent daily beyond the initial ramp up it sounds like,  that's even easier.

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