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Will this develop buds, and other questions


I'm currently taking:
1 mg Finisteride, 3x a week (MWF) to minimize side effects while still being nearly as effective as taking it daily, 0 side effects for the past 5 years

2 tablets of Bust Bunny a day, 1 AM, 1 PM. Each pill contains 600 mg Fenugreek, in addition to multiple other estrogenic herbs.

Today is day 6, and increased nipple sensitivity have come and gone, even after the first dose of Bust Bunny. Today the area under my nipples feels a bit swollen on both sides with sensitivity, tenderness (slight burning?). Thankfully for me, I actually like the smell coming from my pores...not maple syrupy like Natureday the couple days I tried that before I had to toss it. It's more...floral. Go figure Smile

I'm trying to avoid using PM because each of the 4 times I tried it, I kept getting bad side effects. Nausea, headaches, terrible insomia, foot spasms, leg pain (I think), and joint pain. I got those symptoms within just a few days of taking 500-1000 mg a day. Bust Bunny isn't giving me ANY of those negative issues.

Here's my questions:

1. I've read throughout the forum things that indicate that Fenugreek by itself (To include products like Natureday, Bust Bunny, etc.) pretty much just causes fat to move to the breast area, but doesn't actually cause breasts to bud. Because I'm also taking Finisteride, which decreases the conversion of T to DHT, can I expect actual breasts to form? Or does actual breast formation only happen with BO, PM, and full HRT?

2. What can be done to encourage breasts to grow forward, and not outwards?
      On this note, I've read some of Lotus's comments on using progesterone cream where I want it to grow, but as I understand it it's also recommended not to start progesterone UNTIL buds have actually formed

3. Could I expect this combination (Finisteride + Fenugreek) to increase/feminize areolas and nipples? Or is that only the big 3 that do that (PM, BO, pharma-HRT)?

And forget I said anything. Day 6, and now I'm having some minor swelling in my right leg. Nothing to indicate I have DVT, really unlikely for me to get it after only 6 days. When I measure each leg, they're both the same circumference. No discoloring either. I'm wondering if it's nerve related, in which case some people have commented on magnesium I believe? The pain is going down to my foot.

Either way, I guess I'm stopping again for the 5th time in 9 years now according to my post history. I guess my body is just overly sensitive to something. I'm sure if I stuck with it, I'd get great results, but I'm not sure I'd still be alive, and am not sure I want to test that theory. I anticipate this being my last post, so best of luck to everyone else here. I'm not a risk taker, at least not once certain signs start showing. Plus HRT is probably not for hypochondriacs like myself either, that hyperfocuses on every little thing that's 'different'. It could be that my leg is just a little achy from sitting for so long, or something and has absolutely nothing to do with hormones. But this is an ongoing pattern nearly everytime I get started. 5 times I've done this, and at least 3 times I stopped due to DVT fears originating from leg pain/swelling, all around a similar time mark of 4-6 days. I'm documenting this here in case I consider trying again. It's just going to happen again, the leg swelling/pain will come back again, and next time it might be the actual thing and you'll die. But I'm susceptible, and at risk based on the fact that it's happened not once, not twice, but at LEAST three times, and has happened now not just on PM, but also Fenugreek. So this is the end of my journey...what started anyways.

I had similar feelings in arms after 4 months on PM, RR, GT.  Was having good results with total feminization. That’s why I quit the herbal routine and switched to HRT prescribed by the DR.  It seems to be working better for me.

I'm happy for you and finding a way forward. The problem for me is that I'm getting these feelings before I even hit the 7 day mark...meaning it's before anything becomes permanent. It really sucks, but everyone's body is different, and mine just happens to be particularly sensitive to estrogen...and to the risk factors associated with it.

Now, I'm sure i don't have a blood clot least i don't think I do, but I've scheduled an appointment with an Urgent Care today anyways just to get a pair of eyes on it asap just as a precaution since I'm not a doctor and can't diagnose anything.

If you’re sincere in your journey you might try seeing a gender affirming DOCTOR.

That’s why I did so I would have someone in the medical field looking after me.

Good luck, be safe!

Thank you. Frankly, I don't think I'm sincere in my journey, looking at it with a clear mind. It's always "purchase on impulse", "bottoms up" based on fantasies of mine. But my reality is that I'm not willing to give up my marriage or make my relationship with friends, family, or coworkers awkward. I don't want to have to hide or cover up, or explain. I'm doing this for the wrong reasons, which means I shouldn't be doing it. Frankly, the problem is I have too damn high of a sex drive, and I found out only 8 years into my marriage that my wife is asexual, which has only led me to experiment on my own and develop various interests since on that aspect of my life, I'm pretty much alone. She's great overall, but she just can't fulfill that part of my life, which led me to wander down various holes. That, and I've always been jealous of women since I think they look great and honestly wish I was one. Thankfully, I suppose, I 'mostly' believe in reincarnation, so perhaps next time around the wheel, so to speak, I'll get my wish...then have other problems I didn't have to deal with in this lifetime. I just need to be patient, and live out the best life I can.

As I am no mental health expert, but I can say with some amount of certainty, after reading your last post you may not be ready for this kind of rabbit hole.  Some people on this forum will tell you that some aspect will revert back.  So the physical parts might, but all of the mental damage is for a life time.

In my opinion this kind of journey is laced with fire and someone will get burned.  Best to decide now than later, as I can attest to this.

As for me and my wife this journey has been a gift from above.


I'm aware of that. Some people would say "you'll be back", and so on. But I know myself, and you having read what I wrote understand as well that I'm not ready for something like this. And the health risks go up the older I get. I'm in my late 30's now. Back when I first started dabbling, I was 30...earlier still if you count binaural beats. Binaural beats actually gave me tinnitus over time and now I'm stuck with it. Went to an audiologist and my hearing is pretty much perfect, and they said that sometimes things like that happen and there can be triggers that cause it even without hearing damage. So go figure. But I'm very confident at this point that even if I like the fantasy of having breasts, I'm not in the same plane of existence of being ready for having to deal with the reality of dealing with...all of it. The explaining, the stigma, the stares, or the targeting. How things might change with family and friends, and my marriage. It would upend too many things, and that's excluding the health risks.

So I really do thank you for being supportive of my decision, whatever it is. Also, I saw the doctor today, I'm perfectly healthy, no DVT. That changes nothing, I'm not going to go into the garbage can to get the bottles back.

Anyways, I'm going to work on myself, do more reading, and reach out to friends more often, something I've been neglecting. That, and improve my physical health, to say nothing of my mental health. I need to accept myself as I am, and be ok with things not turning out the way I'd like or wish, but that I'll still be ok as I am.

There is a big beautiful world out there without talking this road, go explore and enjoy life.  Be safe! Smile

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