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I don't understand the pronoun thing either because it does not exist in my language. Just like we don't have a huge problem with stuff like bathrooms or sports. These problems are highly US centric. But the importance of language does exist because language carries attitudes and ideas and shapes cultures. Also the weird pronoun thing isn't a thing for me because I'm not non binary, its not my battle to fight...

My post was mainly about feeling alien in almost all trans scene and even those I might relate to are often very elitist and downright toxic people. I was just thinking out loud about my world view, not semantics. About being shoved into boxes and categories, I don't want that. That's why I want to shake off all traces of what ever trans identity politics that people subject me to, those who know my background that is. I want to exist as nothing but a woman. I don't think people like me have any decent media rerpresentation which sucks. Not even in Finland where media is far more sober with showing the realities of our lives much better, its not just glam IG models and trash trannies.

I would love to see right kind of visibility because MY rights are being trampled in Finland too. But that's not my battleground, at least at this point in life.

(22-05-2024, 03:28 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(22-05-2024, 02:56 PM)SweetO Wrote:  My girl!!!

Heart  It took me almost an hour to read the last pages on your thread (I had more than 10 pages!) but all I can say is: GOSH, you are thriving!!!  Celebrate  You look incredible!!!

A couple of questions:

Do you think you have stalled at this point? or you feel like some growth yet is plausible ?

Your makeup Blush awesome... may I ask which eye shadow palette were you using??

Also, which brand of volufiline are you using? It's kinda complex to find it in Europe Dodgy
Hi SweetO, where have you been? Hug

Its going so well, last few months since my surgery have been amazing. Well, maybe the only minus is weight gain due to stress and lack of exercise until lately, but at least my surgeon told me not to worry and that it'll only be an asset in September when its all finished. I'm so excited for the second fat transfter! I'll get upper and outer fullness + as much volume as there is space for it. I told him to just go big.

I'm still growing, but the pace is slowly going down. I'm making a excel spreadsheet and a photoshop version of it so its easy to read, I got my measurements down since I started out and the development is looking like a bell curve, exactly how breast development tends to work. I'm approximately at late Tanner stage four or just about to enter early Tanner stage five. I'm expecting more because I'm well within a typical timeline for developing maturity. Right now I'm about 25 months into T4 and average duration is 3-5 years. I'm expecting it to end within a year or so and then I'm likely fully in T5. But of course there's no telling how long in total will it take and how much more I will grow. So far its been amazing success with no signs of coming to an end. If I had to guesstimate, I likely have at least two or three more years of somewhat active growth coming up. Likely it'll keep slowing down until the change is subtle and takes time. But there's the fact that growth potential will stay for life so who knows, time will tell. Wink

Awww, thank you, the latest makeup experiment went so nicely. The pallette I used is Viva la diva brand, just ordinary set of metallic colours. Its amazing really, super easy to apply and looks so nice. I topped it off with a metallic chameleon colour which changes depending on what's below it.

[Image: 20240402-174648.jpg]
The Volufiline oil I have is from Amazon at the moment, its the typical 100% version. Here's the link. This big bottle can last for ages, with my use, its about three months supply. I've also ordered this from France couple of times, price per ml is about the same, brand is different, contents are same generic 100% oil. I have two of these on the way right now which I ordered on a whim as it was on nice discount a while back.

YesStyle is a bit random on stocking it, I had to wait for quite some time to get the latest ones. Before that it was in stock without a pause for quite some time. The Amazon one appears to be on stock all the time, but it shops from US so it takes a while to arrive here. Well worth it as the price isn't any worse.

You will handle the weight gain sooner or later, do not worry about it for now! you look great!!!

TY for the palette Hug The pink one? OMG. 

DAMN, Sederma! Big pharma there. Serious people. Yes you are getting the best of the best, their patented formula. I think I should give it a try, I am desperate in looking for something that could work for my sunken eyes. Fillers are a no-no, so maybe this could help a bit. And plumping effect on my chest too Rolleyes 

PS: last year I found out Zhi mu, the main ingredient in volufiline is mildy estrogenic. Or at least it works like that.  We should ask Lotus!

This pallette is just awesome, I love everything about it. Few colours have had less use and I haven't dug into the blue ones yet, but its awesome. Gf gifted me few others which are kinda like highlights and special effect kind of things, but this one is for anything from daily to festive and the subtle colours are amazing! I love the metallic effect too as it makes everything light up. ^_^

I'm absolutely fine with my weight at the moment. Especially because for some weird reason, I'm easily fit enough for long walks without getting exhausted. Being able to maintain active lifestyle and staying healthy are the number one thing for me, having lovely curves comes next and screw BMI and all that bs, its not going to stop me anyway. Big Grin

The Volufiline I've had is amazing, both brands, they're identical and work amazingly. I've done it to my lips, cheeks and under my eyes too. Its awesome, like someone online said its a filler without injection. It literally works like that. I've noted a big positive effect since I started adding a bit of DMSO cream (20%) and Olive oil with it, it seems that some sort of absorbing agent really makes it do its magic. I don't think my doses are huge, two drops for lips, any extra on cheeks and under eyes, five drops per breast along with other topicals. Volufiline being estrogenic wouldn't surprise me one bit and that's definitely what we want along with PPAR-y activation. It can't hurt if it helps to maintain local hormone balance.

What I think is the most magical combo is Volu + absorbing stuff and Pioglitazone. I knew that Pio would work, but my results since doing both are quite amazing so far. Very promising. Only downside seems to be a possible slight weight gain.

Hi Lara,
Hope you are recuperating now after the big move.
Looking lovely as always to Smile
Think later on in the year (nee to save some money up) I'll be trying the Volufiline but with DHEA cream, for my target areas under eyes, butt, hips and thighs.
Definitely worth a try, thanks.
Good luck and keep looking after yourself.

Unwinding stress today with a walk, first time going on trails around our new place, ones which I've never walked before and its absolutely lovely. Everything north from here is countryside and forest mostly and trails are amazing. Today I did 5,95km, 766kcal and 7600steps. I'm not exhausted, its crazy how walking can feel this light at my highest weight I've ever been. I'm convinced that cleaning up my lifestyle, quitting smokes and decent supplements are definitely playing a role. This should be a decent HGH boost too. Big Grin

Try it, the problem of Volufiline is bad absorbtion on its own, but there are ways to enhance it. DMSO is perhaps questionable, but there is oleic acid, orange acid, propylene glycol to mention some possible ones. Volu does work on its own but the effect might be limited or slow, I know it did work on my face really well on its own, but with something to help it absorb seems to be a thing to do. And DHEA cream is awesome already on its own.


First I’m not criticizing anyone who uses any type tobacco or smokes in anyway, that’s a personal thing.


Congratulations!!  on quitting smoking that’s a very hard thing to do. Again congratulations.


Thank you. Hug Celebrate 

I'm really happy how it turned out. I smoked almost without breaks for twenty four years, I only had two breaks, nine months and eleven months, until I finally quit it completely. I cut the numbers for about three months first and then stop cold turkey in the end. It was harder to go from twenty a day to less than five than it was to quit completely. About a week of pain and then it got so much easier and I haven't looked back since.

Soon I'm two years clean. Big Grin Along with transitioning its the best thing I've ever changed in my life. Actually transition was the motivation, I want to love my body and live healthy and not poison myself if I can avoid it. I don't want to slowly suffocate to death or be killed by cancer, at least not one which I would have caused myself. I pray my lucky stars I wont ever get sick with cancer as some of my relatives have, mostly thankfully only in old age.

Transition is just the perfect excuse for cleaner lifestyle. I have plenty to improve, but quitting smokes and not drinking much are a definite jump into a better life.


As I worked in the healthcare field I seen the effects smoking has on some people.  So my hats off to people who have the will power and fortitude to stop.  You mentioned walking, I wish I could get more motivation and start again.  Wife pushes me and when I do I feel better.

I wish I had started my transition years ago, as my wife and I are happier than we have been in 30 years.  I’m only about 10 months in and everything is so new to me, if people are patient with me I will learn.  Hormones are playing with my emotions, but I will adjust.  As I refuse to go back to the old male life.

Good luck, be safe!


Another quite exhausting walk. Today I had tons more elevations to go up and down, ended up walking 7,1km and burning 969 calories.. My legs and butt are on fire. Big Grin Its interesting, can a slow controlled weight loss be possible while on Pio and bunch of glandulars? Pio kinda tends to stabilise weight and BO etc., makes gaining super easy, but then again I'm doing my daily fast and this kinda walks push calories on big minus for a part of the day.

It still surprises me how in hell I can pull this off without being totally exhausted or hurting too much? If I were totally out of shape, this wouldn't work out. No way. I feel like if I keep at it for another week or two, I can easily surpass +10km and +1500kcal per walk. That would be amazing as its several years since I could do such walks without much hassle. Most of it is on trails, terrain here is quite hilly and varied so its tougher than sidewalks, also slower but I bet I'm burning off more energy in the forest.

I'm going out to see my mom, she has bunch of forget me nots which I'll move here to our new place. And then we go out for ice cream. Weather is amazing, perfect day to wear the new dress I got. I have to show it some time, its cute. Cool

Try it, the problem of Volufiline is bad absorbtion on its own, but there are ways to enhance it. DMSO is perhaps questionable, but there is oleic acid, orange acid, propylene glycol to mention some possible ones. Volu does work on its own but the effect might be limited or slow, I know it did work on my face really well on its own, but with something to help it absorb seems to be a thing to do. And DHEA cream is awesome already on its own.

Thanks Lara, might skip volu as I have just seen Lotus's post on DHEA, and definitely will be trying that once I have some spare cash in the bank.

You'll find that your new found healthy lifestyle is making you fitter than you ever been, well done and keep up the good work. 

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