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So with the latest neat information on DHEA in mind, I decided to tweak my program a bit... Lotus said orally taken DHEA can promote aromatase and we already know it can give IGF-1 a kick too. So why not, because I've been sitting on 300pcs of 50mg DHEA capsules for ages and wondering how to use them?

I tried it last night, took it with evening meds and interestingly woke up feeling really well rested. Previously I got androgen symptoms and irritability from this, but I did it at daytime and its possible that my T wasn't blocked well enough back then. Taking it wlong with evening meds after few hour fast might actually be a way to make it work. At least right now I'm feeling great. More on this later. Big Grin

This fits in perfectly with my evening routine as I do 3-4 hour fast before meds and sleep anyway. Its a nice little change of pace as I've run out of some items, placed an order for more glandulars, L-tyrosine and Omega3. I might get back on what I'm missing next month.

DHEA definitely is looking interesting  Smile 
I wonder what works best cream or oral?


You’re not going to guess what I’m doing.  Going out the door for a good walk with my wife.

Thanks for the motivation.


Wee2er, the thing with DHEA adminstration method is that it appear to behave differently depending on the path its taken. This is the neat wild card about it as its a precursor to a lot of stuff. When taken orally, I'm not sure about how it behaves with breast development, other than aromatase and elevated IGF-1 which are obviously what we want. Topically it does the crazy list of things Lotus just posted about.

Anyway it seems DHEA is one of those super cool things we want to look further into. I'm already cooking up some ideas on what to do with it... For now topically on boobs + hips + butt and orally before sleep. So awesome if there's a good use for them, I've had two bottles lying around untouched for two years. Wont be wasted I guess. The wound healing property was interesting, can it be used to make surgery healing easier? I know growth hormone + growth factors absolutely can, but DHEA?

Pooky, you welcome. I'm just back home, shorter walk today, 4,6km and 661kcal burned. I couldn't have taken another step. I really need a day off completely. Its tough for now as I'm lacking routine. Usually takes about two to three weeks more active exercise so it gets easier. Cool


Like you said real hilly here where we live too.  Thanks again for the motivation.  You keep walking and I will keep walking, we never know it might make us geniuses. LOL


Its a bit colder day, no walk this time as I need some rest, but perfect excuse to play with makeup. I'm learning eyeliner today. And contoured lips. I'm getting so much better at this, foundation too, the two shade trick along with bronzer/highlighter is magic.

[Image: 26-5-24-2.jpg][Image: 26-5-24-3.jpg]
And what's with my haircolour? If its not sun making it lighter and the silver shampoo which I've been using for quite a while. I absolutely love it how its clearing out blondes. These pics obviously have been colour corrected with photoshop to make it prettier. I changed the lighting to warmer shade as its quite cold light inside the house.


Very pretty.
                Beautiful job.
                                   Beautiful lady.

This is what we strive for! Hug


(26-05-2024, 09:59 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Its a bit colder day, no walk this time as I need some rest, but perfect excuse to play with makeup. I'm learning eyeliner today. And contoured lips. I'm getting so much better at this, foundation too, the two shade trick along with bronzer/highlighter is magic.

[Image: 26-5-24-2.jpg][Image: 26-5-24-3.jpg]
And what's with my haircolour? If its not sun making it lighter and the silver shampoo which I've been using for quite a while. I absolutely love it how its clearing out blondes. These pics obviously have been colour corrected with photoshop to make it prettier. I changed the lighting to warmer shade as its quite cold light inside the house.

I think you have  mastered the make up --you look are beautiful with each posted picture, facial changes have been amazing oh so feminine  Heart Heart Heart

Hi Lara,
Ta for the reply, DHEA is definitely interesting, great for NBE and potentially for lots of other reasons Smile 

After a bit more digging, I think oral is the way to go for the all-round benefits, but I don't think it'll help so much with feminisation/breast growth.

So, I'm very much liking your recipe - combined oral & topical on ass, butt and hips which then leave the PC for the boobs and face only.
Only possible issue is overdosing on DHEA, so need to look into that first!

Your make-up skills are simply stunning and really complimenting your beauty, well done. Ok, you've tweaked it on PS, but hell why not LOL

Actually you can make money retouching images on PS, a nice little side earner?

Thanks Ninja. Hug You're flattering me, I'm just starting to learn stuff with makeup, I've been trying to get it down one thing at a time and I've improved quickly. Its not so much different from painting or drawing anything else, except for going "backwards" and only seeing mirror image when doing it on a three dimensional surface. Otherwise its typical rules of art and figuring out individual stuff. Which I think I'm getting down quite well, especially about my eye shape. I love this hobby, its so much fun and uplifting when it goes right.

I agree about facial changes. I know my skincare routine is working really well, but it seems like I'm at the point where face changes get more rapid. I so much hope it keeps on going, next few years might become amazing.

Wee2er, I think so too, orally taken its general effect on everything and likely behaves somewhat differently than topical. I'm on day two and feeling fine, as if DHEA is doing some sort of balancing act? It might be the aromatase boost that does that feeling as BO does this same to me. My topical program has just extended to hips + butt AND face, that's what I do with the extra from my boobs after massaging it all in for a while. Then add to it a drop of DMSO cream and two drops Volufiline on my lips and finish it off with the night lotion. (run off the mill Nivea Q10 night cream, its amazing!)

Thank you so much.  Heart Blush What I've done in PS is quite simple, colour correction, some tweaks with lighting and then saturation and sharpness and that's about it. Old school photo editing to make them look nice without massive alteration. I don't do crazy filters or warps and massive amounts of cloning... It would make me feel absolutely fake and shitty about myself if I did. Rather just keep it simple and real. I'm rebelling against the almost AI pics people are posting these days. I know so many women irl who look nothing like their social media stuff.

[Image: 26-5-24-1.jpg][Image: 26-5-24-4.jpg]
Ok, two more pictures. I don't usually smile much in these. Tongue

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