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FAQ-Frequently used supplements (genetic males)



Thank you so much for the info! Standing with arms straight up reaching for the sky I still have breast, small but definitely there. I can a round maybe slightly oval bud behind and slightly below the nipple. While I do have some body fat there is a definite difference in the feel of the area around my nipples. 

I started with 500mg of BO with 250mg twice daily. I plan on upping that to 1000mg with 500mg twice daily. Along with the BO is 80mg of Pituitary Glandular twice daily and 500mg of Red Reishi twice daily. 

I have ordered Fenugreek and Kelp along with the SM Nutrition Estrolife and Progestolife creams. I will add vitamin D and C as you have recommended. 

Any recommendations you have I am all ears and very appreciative.



Something to take note of, boobs flattening out when raising arms, straightening back, pulling arms back etc., is also a characteristic of wide and or tall breast roots due to larger connecting surface area and lesser projection. But that doesn't make the breast "disappear", only to flatten out.

This is typical for anyone with wider chest or just genetics for a wide and tall breast root. I had a big struggle with this until I learned about how breast shapes work and what I have going on. And later told by my surgeon that this is a typical eastern Finnic genetic trait, very common around where I come from. 

Here's a some useful graphics to illustrate the most typical breast shapes. Cool


(31-05-2024, 06:29 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(26-05-2024, 04:48 AM)Brianna Wrote:  First off thank you Lotus for all you have done here for so many. I can't even imagine the hours you have dedicated to helping others here. I have spent days reading your posts. 

I think we need to give you an honorary NBE PHD and affectionately refer to you as Professor Lotus.

Anyways onto my question. I just started my journey. Currently taking 250mg BO, 80mg RR, and 500mg of RR twice daily. Working up to 1000mg of BO and potentially 1500mg. I do have gynecomastia and can feel small breast buds beneath each nipple already. Would I benefit from adding anything? I was thinking Fenugreek. Am I at a good point to already start PC? 

Thank you,


Hi Brie, thank you for your kind words.  Heart

I see that you're taking 80mg of RR and 500mg of RR twice daily, I'm confused on the 80mg of RR. Smile If you've not started the 1,000 mg of BO as of yet… I'd say it's time to start. If it were me, I'd take two capsules of BO at bedtime and two BO capsules around noon. 

Here's something you can check on yourself in front of a mirror (privately of course Smile ). Stand in front of a mirror with your arms up (fully extended upward), if you see your breasts disappear then you have all fat, as in gyno breasts. If you see small breasts that tells me you have breast buds… then adding PC makes sense. If breast buds aren't formed yet stay on the current course you're on. If that 80mg is RC (red clover) I'd say stay on that because it stimulates ER-a (estrogen receptor alpha) which will help build breast tissue (and breast buds). 

I would also add vitamin D3 (400iu or more per day), which helps breast growth by providing IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1). Then for stimulating collagen add MSM at 3grams per day, protein (as in a no carb protein powder), and Vitamin C (at recommended dosage by the manufacturer instructions). BO helps both these essential growth properties (of MSM, protein powder and vitamin C).  

Ideally, you'll have some fat during your daily diet, which breasts need built upon. For example: I'll get fat from either Bacon, Eggs, cottage cheese and /or heavy whipping cream in my coffee. Drop your carbs to around 20mg per day, BO performs better when you incorporate intermittent fasting to reach autophagy:
though not completely necessary as BO provides “sirtuins”... as explained in previous posts. Or you can add green tea because GTE stimulates the SIRT1/AMPK pathway:
SIRT1 promotes lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in adipocytes and coordinates adipogenesis by targeting key enzymatic pathways

Well, I hope this helps and isn't informational overload.  Hug
Lotus when I look for Vit D3 I only see pills for 4,000 IU not 400, was yours a typo or is there a massive difference between US Amazon & UK for potency?

(01-06-2024, 07:34 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Something to take note of, boobs flattening out when raising arms, straightening back, pulling arms back etc., is also a characteristic of wide and or tall breast roots due to larger connecting surface area and lesser projection. But that doesn't make the breast "disappear", only to flatten out.

This is typical for anyone with wider chest or just genetics for a wide and tall breast root. I had a big struggle with this until I learned about how breast shapes work and what I have going on. And later told by my surgeon that this is a typical eastern Finnic genetic trait, very common around where I come from. 

Here's a some useful graphics to illustrate the most typical breast shapes. Cool
Very interesting graphics, thanks

(31-05-2024, 07:17 AM)Brianna Wrote:  Lotus,

Thank you so much for the info! Standing with arms straight up reaching for the sky I still have breast, small but definitely there. I can a round maybe slightly oval bud behind and slightly below the nipple. While I do have some body fat there is a definite difference in the feel of the area around my nipples. 

I started with 500mg of BO with 250mg twice daily. I plan on upping that to 1000mg with 500mg twice daily. Along with the BO is 80mg of Pituitary Glandular twice daily and 500mg of Red Reishi twice daily. 

I have ordered Fenugreek and Kelp along with the SM Nutrition Estrolife and Progestolife creams. I will add vitamin D and C as you have recommended. 

Any recommendations you have I am all ears and very appreciative.



Hi Brie, I don't think you'll need fenugreek, let's see how you do with what's in your current program, kelp or selenium are good additions. Having fenugreek may interfere with BO.  Hug

(01-06-2024, 08:52 AM)LisaM Wrote:  Lotus when I look for Vit D3 I only see pills for 4,000 IU not 400, was yours a typo or is there a massive difference between US Amazon & UK for potency?

No typo, lol. I did find a "NOW Brand" 400iu on Amazon. The reason for the change is different countries have different RDA's (recommend daily allowance) of V-D3. I'd check to see what your country or region says.  Hug

Still really keen to hear what Lotus recommendations for BO are alongside HRT. I have a reasonably large supply here that I've not used since I switched over as not sure if it would compete with E or even still work or be otherwise harmful. Your thoughts please  Lotus

(03-06-2024, 11:12 PM)LisaM Wrote:  Still really keen to hear what Lotus recommendations for BO are alongside HRT. I have a reasonably large supply here that I've not used since I switched over as not sure if it would compete with E or even still work or be otherwise harmful. Your thoughts please  Lotus

Hi Lisa, if you're new to BO I'd start one capsule before bedtime and one more around noon. See how handle it, if no issues with that dosages move to two at bedtime and two (or one if you prefer) in the next stage of using BO... give yourself 7-10 day gap before proceeding forward.  Hug

(04-06-2024, 02:32 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(03-06-2024, 11:12 PM)LisaM Wrote:  Still really keen to hear what Lotus recommendations for BO are alongside HRT. I have a reasonably large supply here that I've not used since I switched over as not sure if it would compete with E or even still work or be otherwise harmful. Your thoughts please  Lotus

Hi Lisa, if you're new to BO I'd start one capsule before bedtime and one more around noon. See how handle it, if no issues with that dosages move to two at bedtime and two (or one if you prefer) in the next stage of using BO... give yourself 7-10 day gap before proceeding forward.  Hug

Lotus I was using BO before switching to HRT, earlier you said you had some exciting new news on running BO alongside HRT, this is what I was waiting for. You don't mention AM, is 3x day too much or is it just better to do it midday and then bedtime only.

My BO regime which I've added to my HRT regime is BO 1500mg(6caps/day) and PG 240mg(3caps/day) split morning noon and night. Anything less doesn't feel like it's doing much.
These are Swanson Ovarian Glandular and their Pituitary Glandular.

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