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Hi Graceful. Hug 

Its really been amazing change and against all odds considering my age and so on. There's quite a bit of luck in this, one piece is genetic, another is finding the right combination of hormone magic to make the difference...

Well it feels lovely, jiggly and some times annoying. Big Grin I love the way its easing my dysphoria, but big curves come with downsides. Summertime is horrendous, my thigs get super nasty chub rub going on very easily and that is actually painful. So thunderously thick thighs and sweating in summer heat don't mix together. It takes care with clothing and keeping things clean to avoid broken skin and infections. And bigger is worse so its becoming more annoying as time goes on. And then there's the absolute demon, boob sweat!!! It gets so bad that even when its quite cool, I might be soaked below my boobs and dripping sweat. This of course makes bras go dirty quickly and needing wash quite often. And its another spot where rash and infections can happen unless taken care of, again cleanliness is key.

Third downside is finding fitting clothes and outgrowing old ones. I'm always having the struggle to find fitting clothes, typically Finnish sizing XL and XXL work well enough, for jeggins etc. 48s are fine, but things get random the moment I'm ordering something from abroad. And some clothes use crazy stupid vanity sizing and Chinese sizing in particular is absolutely ridiculous. World is made for tiny pocket sized women, not for 5'11" 280 lbs Nordic amazon. Aaaand not forgetting what pain it is to find fitting bras, I'm still waiting for my first ever Ewa Michalak brafrom Poland but as they are a custom shop, they have to make it first so its taking time and I'm a bit scared if it fits or not as they have their own ideas with sizes and shapes. Hoping for the best as its so expensive bra I have to wear it no matter what. I can't afford to randomly try bras which cost over hundred euro a piece.

That's for the downsides, otherwise its just lovely. Dysphporia being alleviated is the best part, not that I was much a male to begin with, but this is some times almost euphoric. At very least its peace of mind because my body has never felt this much like my own. I've had quite strong disassociation and self hatred against it in past, now I want to love my body with healthy lifestyle, good food and exercise. Its night and day difference. The softness and jiggly everything is kinda funny and a bit annoying. I poke my butt into things, my boobs are on the way and all this girly stuff makes simple things some times harder, but its so much worth it and I'm feeling ambitious! I'm not ready yet, there's so much to come. Cool

I haven't posted a picture update about boobs for a bit so here it goes. ^_^ I don't think I'm imagining the change with projection, its funny how it goes in phases, seems like fullness and projection keep alternating. While back I felt like I've been slowing down, but right now there might be another quicker spurt going on.

And I badly need a new bra soon. I hope they get it delivered soon, still work in progress. Big Grin

[Image: 20240605-094638.jpg][Image: 20240605-095122.jpg]

Spectacular areola and nipples --your boobs do look bigger with such great size do you have any back issues. Even without a bra they stand out so well with little sagging  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Hi Ninja. Hug 

I do have some back issues, interestingly these days most in lower back. Along with it, my shoulders and neck get easily tense and I'm always up for a massage and have to stretch quite a lot. I'm going to start weight lifting soon again, endurance and health oriented rather than muscle size. Less upper body training in favour of core and lower body. Back exercises I will definitely start doing, mainly dead lift, bent over row and good morning, latter is especially good for lower back and doesn't need huge weights to be effective.(Weights on bar behind neck, back straight bending over to 90 degrees and back up.) I'm waiting for my first ever custom bra which I really hope to fit well, I need something to help with the weight as they are very heavy. I did some running on a walk the other day and that was quite an experience. Crazy bounce which almost hurts even with a bra on.

They're still quite perky, this is one of the advantages of wide and tall breast root as there's a large surface area connecting breast tissue to torso, so they're easily self supporting. My surgeon told me that I seem to have quite dense breasts and my skin is young and elastic.

This is why supplementation for growth hormone + growth factors and connective tissues is important. Wink

I'm heading out of town for the weekend. To a cottage middle of nowhere, I'm going to meet my fiance's sister for the first time so perfect excuse for makeup practice. My Ewa bra was delivered today and I will likely get it next week, fingers crossed for it to fit. Its too expensive to not fit.

[Image: 7-6-24-1.jpg][Image: 7-6-24-3.jpg]

Enjoy your weekend.

Have fun

I use to do a lot of weight training when younger and was also on our High School Swim team. The secret to a strong back is a strong stomach. Don't neglect the sit-ups.
You are looking good.

I rather deadlift than do sit ups. For some reason that's the go to core exercise for me, sit ups often tend to make my backpain worse and I have a lot of that these days. I've used deadlift in past as its so useful for almost everything. I have a love affair for big compound exercises. Big Grin

I guess it wasn't wasted as carrying big boobs around and strength loss from HRT hasn't been too harsh to deal with. ^_^ I definitely need strength training too along with walks.

HRT has not been kind for my strength and endurance. That's a really nice sundress. Have a great weekend!

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